Wu Fangfang and ye Wuxiang are different. Before Wu Fangfang came out, she was very happy. Now, so many things have been solved. After all, the company has already passed a hard time, so now it is really in a good mood for Wu Fangfang.

So this is a special opportunity to bring ye Wuqian out. I want to have a good meal with Ye Wuqian. By the way, I would like to thank Zhang Fei for his help during this period of time.

However, she didn't expect such an important date. Ye Wuqi actually took that elder sister Zhou with her. For Tang Wanrou's words, Wu Fangfang certainly regarded Tang Wanrou as her best friend.

Moreover, Tang Wanrou will never disturb her and ye Wuqian when she knows her relationship with Ye Wuqian. If it comes to an important time, Tang Wanrou will definitely leave by herself.

But that sister Zhou was different. When she went in, Wu Fangfang thought that she was not a good person, and just after seeing herself, she would look like a provocative to herself.

Although ye Wumian can't see it, Wu Fangfang, as a woman, can't see sister Hua's mind. After thinking about it, she is obviously angry. But who knows that ye Wumian doesn't see anything at all, and she is so familiar with sister Zhou.

After thinking about this place, Wu Fangfang was angry. She and ye Wuqi had known each other for such a long time, but they didn't expect to treat sister Zhou like this. After thinking about this, Wu Fangfang was really angry.

Just at the dinner table, she almost couldn't help running out, but because the woman was there, she couldn't show that she didn't have the quality. So she managed to finish the meal and then she left in a huff.

Wu Fangfang thought that ye Wuqian could come out when he was angry, and should be able to chase him out at that time, but he didn't expect Ye Wuqian to see his angry appearance as if he didn't find out. He didn't even make a move.

after thinking about this, Wu Fangfang was even more angry. He didn't know how ye Wuque could do this However, when she was angry, she was indifferent.

when Tang Wanrou saw Wu Fangfang running out, she knew what she was angry about, so she sighed and ran after Wu Fangfang together.

sure enough, after running out, she saw Wu Fangfang standing on the Street and saw Tang Wanrou coming After that, Wu Fangfang patted her chest and pressed down her anger in her heart. Then she said to Tang Wanrou: "forget it, I don't want anything else. Let's go back together."

After seeing Wu Fangfang in a bad mood, Tang Wanrou also had some worries. After patting Wu Fangfang on the shoulder, he said to Wu Fangfang:

"don't worry too much. You don't know ye Wumian. He is warm to people. He should have a good time with acquaintances and strangers, We are all familiar with him, so you should know what kind of person he is, so don't worry about it today. What's more, that woman just has a cooperative relationship with Zhang Fei, and you just heard Ye Wuqian say that he just takes that woman as a friend, so don't be angry, OK? "

Wu Fangfang was really angry about this, but after hearing what Tang Wanrou said, Wu's face turned red.

How to listen to Tang Wanrou's words was like being jealous, so Wu Fangfang shook her head and said to Tang Wanrou:

"OK, Tang Wanrou, what are you talking about? I just came out because I was full. How could I be angry because ye Wuqian was with that woman? Don't talk nonsense, and he thinks that Who is he? Why should I be angry with him

After that, Wu Fangfang snorted coldly. Later, she held the arm and stopped talking.

When Tang Wanrou saw Wu Fangfang like this, he couldn't help laughing. He thought Wu Fangfang was a mature person now, but he didn't expect that she still had such a childish side, just like children.

Wu Fangfang likes Ye Wuqian very much, but she doesn't say it. Now it's clearly because ye Wuqian is so close to the flower girl that she gets angry, but she doesn't admit it after being exposed.

After seeing Wu Fangfang like this, Tang Wanrou couldn't help laughing, and then said to Wu Fangfang:

"OK, don't you say we are the best girlfriends? I have known for a long time that you and Zhang Fei like each other, but I don't know why you can't say it. If you say it, you can really be together, and you won't be as angry as you are when others are with people you like, but I don't know how to say it. "

Wu Fangfang was not willing to let anyone know about herself and ye Wuwu, but Tang Wanrou was different.

Tang Wanrou is a good friend of her childhood, so she will tell Tang Wanrou at the first time every time she encounters something. Although she is very unhappy about this matter, she is very happy.However, Wu Fangfang has already planned to keep this matter in her heart and not tell anyone about it. However, after hearing Tang Wanrou's remarks, Wu Fangfang can't help nodding, and some helplessly said to Tang Wanrou:

"I didn't expect you to see it, but who knows ye Wumian really didn't see it. I think I've shown it It's obvious, but she's still a slouch. I don't know what to do. I can't take the initiative to tell him to be with him. "

After seeing that Wu Fangfang finally admitted that he liked ye Wumian, Tang Wanrou was relieved, and then said to Wu Fangfang:

"you finally admit that you like ye Wumian. I have seen it clearly, but you two don't admit it. I thought you were not together. Forget it, but you two I'm very happy to be together, but you also know that ye Wuqian is good at dealing with interpersonal relationship, so there are many people who like him. You should pay close attention to it, but you can't let others take her away. "

Tang Wanrou was very happy when she heard that Wu Fangfang admitted that she liked ye Wuwu, but she still had some worries after thinking about today's sister Zhou.

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