When ye Wuque arrived, he saw two cars parked downstairs, and the man rushed to the room.

However, when ye Wuque went upstairs, he suddenly heard the footsteps coming from upstairs in a hurry. Ye Wuque frowned and didn't know who was the footstep.

Originally, she wanted to hide, but all of a sudden, she saw Wu Fangfang running from the upstairs in a hurry. Ye Wuxiang felt relieved. Fortunately, Wu Fangfang was safe now, so she called out to Wu Fangfang.

Wu Fangfang was flustered and didn't know what to do. I don't know where to go. Now I heard a familiar voice, and then I turned my head in surprise and saw Ye Wuwei.

Wu Fangfang's face suddenly appeared a smile, nodded at Ye Wuwei, then ran to ye Wumian and said:

"I've got the evidence. Hurry up. As long as we get the evidence, Zhang Wenqi must have no way to escape, and he has sent someone down to chase me now."

After hearing what Wu Fangfang said, ye Wuqi looked at the back with some worries. He just saw that four bodyguards in black were chasing Wu Fangfang.

Seeing this, ye Wuque Fei immediately pulled Wu Fangfang behind him. The four bodyguards frowned when they saw Ye Wuxiang coming. They thought that they could solve the problem with a Wu Fangfang, but they didn't expect Ye Wuxiang to come, so he felt a little flustered again.

because of these people Two of them have dealt with Ye Wuqian. They also know that ye Wuqian's strength is not ordinary. If you let the four of them deal with Ye Wuqian, I'm afraid it will be difficult, so I'm a little nervous at the moment.

However, when one of the bodyguards saw that ye Wuxiang was just a person, he gave a cold drink and said to several other people:

"it's just one person. Are you afraid of this? Can't the four of us beat him alone? You forget what the boss told you today. You must bring that evidence back in any case. Otherwise, we will have a lot to eat today. "

Although the few people were still afraid of Ye Wuwei, they were silent for a while after hearing this man say so, and then nodded at last.

Because they know that they must take this evidence out in any case this time. Otherwise, Zhang Wenqi will be angry and will definitely attack them at that time.

After saying that, he also nodded, and rushed toward ye Wuque in a hurry. Seeing this, ye Wuque immediately protected Wu Fangfang behind him, and then hit the four men.

Wu Fangfang is also very nervous now, because now holding a piece of evidence in her hand, she doesn't know what to do.

Although there is still some anger in Ye Wuqian's heart for the things she did last night, she also knows that this time is not the time to gamble with Ye Wuqian.

But now the top priority is to avoid these people sent by Zhang Wenqi. As for other things, I have to go back and talk with Ye Wuxiang slowly. It's no big deal.

After thinking of this, Wu Fangfang immediately found a safe position and stood down, waiting for ye Wuqian to fight with those people.

Those people thought that there were still some chances for four people to deal with one person, but they didn't expect Ye Wuqi's strength to be so powerful that the four of them could not even beat one leaf.

When the four men came over, they didn't even take a weapon with them because they didn't guard against anything. Therefore, they were beaten to the ground by Ye Wumian three times and two times.

They felt a little flustered when they saw that ye Wuque was so fierce. They knew that if they didn't take the evidence to Zhang Wenqi this time, they would wait for the result, so they must seize the evidence in any case this time.

Seeing ye Wuqian here, those people knew that they might not be able to succeed, so they could only place their hope on Wu Fangfang, because Wu Fangfang is a woman in the end, so it is easier to deal with it.

What's more, when the evidence is in Wu Fangfang's hands, if they can grab the evidence from Wu Fangfang, ye Wuqian has nothing to do with him.

So after a wink at several bodyguards behind him, several people exchanged their eyes, and those people immediately knew what to do next.

Ye Wuqi had just breathed a sigh of relief after he knocked them down on the ground, but he saw a man and rushed to him. The man knew that he could not beat ye Wumian, but now all he had to do was to hold on Ye Wuxiang.

Ye Wuqi saw that man was fighting towards himself. He was also a little flustered in his heart, and he hastened to stop him.

But what he didn't see was that another man, seeing that he was dragged, jumped over from the ground and then rushed towards Wu Fangfang.After seeing the man who rushed to Wu Fangfang, ye Wuqi quickly frowned and knew that he was in their plot.

So I immediately got rid of the man who was fighting against him. After that, he ran to Wu Fangfang in a hurry.

Wu Fangfang was relieved when she saw these lands. However, she didn't expect that the man attacked her again. Wu could not help frowning.

Seeing her to her side, Wu Fangfang quickly hid in a corner of the side. At this time, ye Wuxiang also rushed to come. Seeing that Wu Fangfang was safe, she immediately caught the man who was rushing towards Wu Fangfang and threw him heavily on the ground.

After the failure of the plot, the man could only look at Ye Wuwei with hatred.

After ye Wuqian solved the four of them, he gave a cold hum and said to the four people:

"go back and tell Zhang Wenqi that we will never let him go this time. Now the evidence is in my hand. If we call the police, Zhang Wenqi will be finished. Let him stop some."

After that, he glared at the four of them and then ignored them. Instead, he picked up Wu Fangfang, who had just fallen to the ground nervously from the ground, and then walked outside.

Wu Fangfang was shocked by what she had just done. She saw Ye Wuqian coming towards her. After patting her chest, she stood up with ye Wuque.

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