Ye Wuqi looked at Wu Fangfang and finally felt relieved. After patting her chest, he said to Wu Fangfang:

"OK, don't be angry about this matter again. And I said your idea before. I swear that this kind of thing will not happen again, OK

Wu Fangfang nodded after hearing what ye Wuqi said, and then said with a smile:

"well, since you have apologized now, I'll give you a high hand to forgive you. Next time, I can't do this again. I'll be really angry."

After saying that, he gave a cold stare at Ye Wuqian. Ye Wuqian saw that Wu Fangfang was staring at himself. Later, he knew that he was not angry again. So he said with a smile: "of course I know it."

Wu Fangfang was just about to go to bed with ye Wuque, but Wu Fangfang was not angry with ye wukai.

Wu Fangfang turned her head when she heard ye Wuque calling herself a little confused. However, she saw ye Wuque staring at herself. After seeing ye Wuqian's perfunctory looking at herself, she had some doubts in her heart. She said to ye Wuque:

"do you want to say something to me? If you have something to say, why do you look stupid?

After hearing Wu Fangfang say this, ye Wuxiang also couldn't help laughing. He remembered what sister Zhou said yesterday. He also knew that Wu Fangfang was excellent and there were many people pursuing force.

Just because Wu Fangfang was busy with her work, she refused them, so she still had a sense of crisis in her heart.

Ye Wumian knew that if he didn't hold on to Wu Fangfang, he would be robbed by others. After thinking about this, ye Wuqian was still a little reluctant, so he wanted to show his mind to Wu Fangfang, and now the time is right, so he stopped Wu Fangfang and prepared to tell Wu Fangfang what he thought in his heart.

When Wu Fangfang turns around and looks at Ye Wuqian with a smile, ye Wuqian suddenly doesn't know what to say.

Looking at Ye Wuqian today, Wu Fangfang seems to think that the government is a little strange, because his eyes are evasive looking at himself, as if there are some dodging.

Wu Fangfang just relieved herself and thought that ye Wuqian would never be hiding anything from her. But now that she saw the twinkle in her eyes, she also had some worries. She thought that she would not have done something sorry for herself.

Otherwise, why didn't she dare to look at herself? Wu Fangfang frowned when she thought of this place. Then she went to Ye Wuqian's face, put her hands on her hips, and looked at Ye Wuqian's mouth and said:

"what's the matter? Did you do something sorry for me? Otherwise, how could you look guilty and guilty? "

After hearing what Wu Fangfang said, ye Wuxiang couldn't help laughing. Originally, he thought of confessing with Wu Fangfang and felt nervous. But after hearing Wu Fangfang said this, he couldn't help but smile and shake his head:

"where do you think of? What do you think of as a thief? You just said that you will trust me in the future Why don't you believe me now? "

Ye Wuxiang thinks that Wu Fangfang will believe himself as much as possible after he has just said it, and then he can't help but open his mouth to Wu Fangfang. But now that Wu Fangfang hears that ye Wuqian actually takes what he has just said to hate himself, his face is a little unhappy on the spot.

Then, after he stares at him, he can open his mouth to ye wumi and say:

"you dare to refute me now. It is obvious that you stopped me, but when I asked you what to do, it was a kind of evasive appearance and refused to say anything. It must be something in your heart that you would not tell me."

After that, he put his hands on his hips and looked at Ye Wuqian angrily. For a moment, some of Ye didn't know why he thought of telling Wu Fangfang about this matter at this time.

now if he doesn't say anything, Wu Fangfang must feel that he has something to hide from her.

Therefore, ye Wuqian was silent for a moment, thinking about how to deal with Wu Fangfang. Wu Fangfang thought that ye Wuqian was a little strange today, so he had some doubts about ye Wuqian.

now that ye Wuqian doesn't say a word, he suddenly determines that there is something he doesn't let himself know.

Anyway, I must know that it's not a good thing after looking at ye Wuwu's appearance, so I'm worried all of a sudden.

The sleepiness that Wu Fangfang had just brewed out of her own was also gone. So she walked up to Ye Wuqian and said, "no, you must be hiding something from you. As far as I know, this is not a trivial matter. You must tell me now, otherwise neither of us will go to sleep. ”

after that, he sat on the sofa and did not move. After seeing Wu Fangfang like this, he shook his head helplessly. As expected, he was really looking for his own punishment.It's not time to tell Wu Fangfang that he likes her, so I shouldn't be surprised to stop Wu Fangfang. Now that she sees Wu Fangfang looking like she's going to be traced to the end, ye Wuqian also has a headache. I don't know if I should say anything to Wu Fangfang.

So after thinking about it for a long time, ye Wuhei still decided that he should not tell Wu Fangfang now.

After thinking of this, she sighed and then said to Wu Fangfang helplessly:

"you really believe me, I really have nothing to hide from you. I just called you, just want to say good night to you. Now, after I finish, you can go back to sleep."

After ye Wuqian finished speaking, he made an innocent look towards Wu Fangfang.

If Wu Fangfang believed ye Wumian's words, there would be a ghost. So of course she didn't believe it. So she suddenly stood up and went to ye Wumian's face and looked at Ye Wuqian's eyes.

Ye Wumian had a habit, that is, he did not dare to look at others with his eyes as long as he spoke. Now that he saw Wu Fangfang like this, he thought of his own mind and suddenly felt that there were some subtleties.

So her eyes began to dodge. After seeing ye Wuxiang's appearance, Wu Fangfang snorted coldly and said to him:

"sure enough, you must be lying to me. Your eyes have just told me! Come on, if there's something to hide from me, be lenient. "

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