After hearing the assistant's words, Zhang Wenqi's face was much better, because at the time when he thought they had given the evidence to the police station, the whole person was in a state of rage.

Now that all their evidence has not been handed over to the police station, Zhang Wenqi snorted coldly after hearing that the evidence was still in the hands of Wu Fangfang and ye Wumian.

Now that they haven't handed in the evidence, they still have a chance to guarantee that they will come back the strongest. As long as they snatch the evidence back before they give it to the police station, Zhang wenqilong snorted and said to his assistant in a gloomy face:

"are you sure they didn't give the evidence Did you give it to the police? If something goes wrong this time, it will be in trouble. "

After hearing Zhang Wenqi's suspicious words, the assistant quickly nodded and said to Zhang Wenqi:

"go back to the boss, I can confirm the evidence now. They didn't give it to the police station because it was too late to go back yesterday. I've sent someone to investigate and there won't be any mistakes. Please let me go, boss Just the heart. "

The assistant also knows that he has some participation in this matter, so if the investigation is really carried out, he will also be implicated, so this is how he is concerned about this matter.

The assistant himself knew it, so he nodded after being silent for a while.

Now that he has a chance, he must take some measures, so Zhang Wenqi is silent.

Zhang Wenqi must not let Wu Fangfang and ye Wuqian succeed in any case. After seeing that Zhang Wenqi and Wu Fangfang did not speak, the assistant was also worried, and did not know how Zhang Wenqi would solve it later.

But after seeing that Zhang Wenqi didn't speak, he naturally did not dare to interrupt, so he had been waiting for Zhang Wenqi to speak.

After waiting for a long time, Zhang Wenqi stood up and looked at the assistant:

"although they have obtained the evidence now, they still have to have a chance to take it to the police station."

After saying that, he gave a cold drink, then waved to the assistant and let the assistant come to his side.

After seeing Zhang Wenqi's appearance, the assistant naturally knew that Zhang Wenqi was going to give her orders. So she quickly put her ear to the past. After Zhang Wenqi finished, she gave a sneer and said to the assistant:

"let's do this as I said. If it's done, it won't be found by anyone."

After hearing Zhang Wenqi finished, the assistant obviously looked a little ugly. Some worried and said to Zhang Wenqi:

"boss, is there something bad about our doing this? If we fail, the consequences will be unimaginable. We should not do such risky things. After all, although the evidence has been found, if we are in the police If they do something over there, they still can't do with us. If this thing is revealed, we can't do anything about it. "

The assistant thought that Zhang Wenqi wanted to find someone to take back the evidence, because as long as the evidence was snatched into his own hands, they would be much safer.

However, assistant Wan Wan did not expect Zhang Wenqi to find someone to solve Wu Fangfang and ye Wuqian.

Although Zhang Wenqi has some strength behind him, he also knows that Wu Fangfang's strength behind him can't be underestimated. So after thinking about this, Zhang Wenqi also has some worries, so he doesn't know what to do for a moment.

After seeing the assistant's melancholy look, they gave a cold drink, and some unhappy voices said:

"what are you still hesitating about? If these things are really exposed, don't say that my age will also be involved, so this matter will be in accordance with what you said. I believe that as long as Wu Fangfang and ye Wuxiang are absent, even if they are fierce, they will not be able to do what we are like. Moreover, if this matter is done neatly, how can anyone suspect us To find what I said and do it quickly. There will be no mistake. "

Although the assistant still has some worries, she can't help it after hearing Zhang Wenqi's order. She just sighs, nods and says to Zhang Wenqi:

"OK, boss, I'll do what you tell me, but are you sure you want to do it?"

The assistant still had some suspicions in his mind, thinking that Zhang Wenqi was just a temporary impulse, so he made this decision, so there were still some doubts and said to Zhang Wenqi.

When Zhang Wenqi saw the assistant's hesitation, she felt a little angry because there was not much time. If she was delayed again, Wu Fangfang and ye Wuqian would take the evidence to the police station and they would have no way.

After thinking of this, he gave the assistant a cold look, and then said to the assistant:

"of course, it's true. How about it? Do you think I can't even make such a decision? "When the assistant saw Zhang Wenqi angry, she quickly shook her head, then said to Zhang Wenqi:

"it's not, but now if the boss is really sure, I'll arrange someone to do it now."

After that, she nodded and went out. Seeing that the assistant went out, Zhang Wenqi was still worried. So she told the assistant to do it with her hands and feet. Don't leave any evidence. In this way, even if someone found something, no one would be involved in us.

The assistant didn't need Zhang Wenqi to say that he knew that he would do it more conveniently. After all, he did it by himself, so he nodded and retired.

Zhang Wenqi sneered when she saw the assistant go out. If it wasn't for Wu Fangfang, she couldn't have been played so miserably again and again. No woman had ever dared to play such a trick on herself, so she certainly would not let Wu Fangfang go. Wu Fangfang treats herself and she must pay her due price.

So this time, Wu Fangfang deserved it. After thinking about it, Zhang Wenqi snorted coldly and left.

Because now Zhang Wenqi is ready to burn the boat. If the problem is solved this time, Wu Fangfang's company will no longer have the strength to compete with her own company.

So it's a once and for all thing. How can you be reluctant? What's more, Wu Fangfang has repeatedly provoked herself, and he must pay the price this time.

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