When he was about to pick up Wu Fangfang, an experienced policeman next to him was startled when he saw Ye Wuhuang's appearance. He quickly arrived at ye Wuque, patted Ye Wuqian's arm and let out a roar:

"what are you doing? Now that she has been hit by a car, you should not be moving now, which may cause her to lose too much blood, so you should call 120 as soon as possible, and prepare after the ambulance comes

Ye Wuqian then reacted. After hearing this, he was also ye Wuqian. Of course, he knew that people had better not move easily after being seriously injured. So he just forgot because he was too afraid.

After hearing the police say that, they quickly call 120, but they don't have to call 120 by themselves. Some of the people I saw earlier already called 120 in advance, so the car of 120 could catch up without a moment's effort.

Ye Wuqian saw that the doctors pulled Wu Fangfang to the ambulance, and then they cleaned up quickly and followed the car Because he was worried about Wu Fangfang, he always stayed by Wu Fangfang's side.

When ye Wuxiang saw Wu Fangfang's pale face and fainted, he was very flustered. He didn't expect to encounter these things. If he had known, he would not let Wu Fangfang take risks.

Now ye Wumian is blaming himself. If he hadn't seen Wu Fangfang just now, how could Wu Fangfang be hit by a car.

After thinking of this, ye Wuqian blamed himself. After seeing ye Wuqian's face of blame, the doctor on one side also sighed, and then opened his mouth to Ye Wuxiang and said:

"don't worry, the patient may have nothing wrong. Fortunately, you pulled him when he was just hit by a car. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable And after pulling it, I was not hit by the car, so basically there was no serious injury, so there was no need to worry too much

After hearing what the doctor said, ye felt relieved and relieved. After sighing, he opened his mouth to the doctors nearby:

"the doctor has confirmed that she has nothing to do now, but I saw that she was hit by a car and fainted. Now I am still unconscious. I have a lot of energy now There are some worries. "

Seeing ye Wuqian's anxious appearance, the doctor also sighed and opened his mouth to Zheng: "I can't confirm the specific situation now. All the things still need to wait for the hospital to have a good examination before we can confirm. However, according to my experience, she should not be seriously injured. If it is a good rescue, she should have a good rescue If there is no big deal, you don't have to worry. By the way, are you a family member of the patient? "

After hearing what he said, Ye was stunned for a moment, thinking that he was not Wu Fangfang's family member at all, so he shook his head and said to the doctor, "I am not his family member, I am..."

No, by the time ye Wuqian finished, the doctor already knew what ye Wuqian said and said to him:

"don't say it. I know you must be her boyfriend, and you are too. Why don't you watch him let his girlfriend walk on the road alone? Forget it. When you get to the hospital, you should go and handle the formalities One second. "

After that, he arrived at the hospital within a short time. The doctors were also anxious to send Wu Fangfang to the rescue room.

After seeing Wu Fangfang entering the rescue room, she could not do anything at all. She could only stand at the door of the rescue room in a hurry and was at a loss.

Just at this time, the doctor asked him to deal with Wu Fangfang's procedures, so ye Wuqian ran to all parts of the hospital and went through the procedures that needed to be dealt with. Then he returned to the door where he thought he was waiting.

After waiting for a long time, the operating room lamp still did not light up, a person anxiously left and went, do not know what to do, just at this time, ye Wuque heard his phone ring, this is to quickly pick up the phone.

I didn't expect that Tang Wanrou called. Ye Wuqian is upset now. After hearing Tang Wanrou's phone call, he had no intention to answer it. However, he also knew that Tang Wanrou might be worried after hearing the news.

So I got through the phone. Sure enough, as soon as the phone was connected, the voice of discussion came out. Tang Wanrou also heard that there was an accident on the road when he was watching the news today. After going to see the news, he found Ye Wuqian's face worried.

Thinking that Wu Fangfang was following Zhang Fei after they went out today, Tang Wanrou thought that ye Wuqian would not have an accident in her heart, so she made a few phone calls to ye Wuque in a hurry.

However, several phone calls were not answered. Now it is not easy to wait until ye Wuque answers. Tang Wanrou says anxiously:

"did ye Wuqian and Wu Fangfang go to the police station? I saw you on the news today. It seems that there was an accident on the road you went to, and I saw you in the news. How are you now? Where is it? "Ye Wuxiang is more flustered when he hears Tang Wanrou's appearance, so he gives Tang Wanrou a brief introduction of this situation. Tang Wanrou's face suddenly becomes a little ugly after hearing Ye Wuqian's speech.

Tang Wanfang is still in the emergency room after hearing Wu Wanfang.

She and Wu Fangfang have been good since childhood, so after hearing about Wu Fangfang's accident, Tang Wanrou is naturally worried.

So he quickly put down his work and said to ye Wumian:

"I'll come right now, and you can send me the address of the hospital."

Ye Wuqian nodded and hung up the phone and sent the address of the hospital.

Tang Wanrou should be a little worried now, so he handed over the matter to the assistant and rushed to the hospital.

Now ye Wuqian has said that Wu Fangfang has entered the emergency room. There should be no big deal. Tang Wanrou prayed in her heart that Wu Fangfang would not have any problems.

However, when she got to the hospital, she saw ye Wuwu, who was anxiously turning around at the door of the emergency room. Tang Wanrou began to feel worried and flustered, so she ran to Tang Wanrou.

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