Back in the office, Tang Wanrou suddenly remembered that the Secretary said that the media had reported this incident, and felt that it was really strange.

"According to media reports, which media actually reported this matter? We have done a good job in keeping secrets. How could we spread the rumors about this matter? What's the problem?"

Tang Wanrou looks puzzled. He doesn't know how the media got to know this matter. After all, they have done a good job of keeping secret about this matter. Basically, no one else knows about it. However, he didn't expect that some media reported this incident, and it made people all know that people were flustered. He really did not know which media made such a thing.

Now he wants to find out what kind of media reported the incident and how the media knew about it. And he is also very clear about the means of those media, after all, he has been in contact with them for a long time.

"Zhang Lingyu, come in for a moment. I have something to ask you."

Tang Rong thought about it or didn't understand. She decided to ask the Secretary what the matter was. He didn't know about it. After working in the company for such a long time, he found that the employees in the company had some abnormal atmosphere, which was also strange. However, it was unexpected that the media reported this incident.

"Sister Tang, are you looking for me? What can I do for you? "

Zhang Lingyu was also a member of the gossip group just now, so he was afraid that Tang Wanrou had already known about their gossip.

"Zhang Lingyu, you just said that this matter was reported by the media. What was the media reporting? Can you make it clear to me? "

Tang now looks at the little girl in front of him very seriously, hoping that she can tell her homework. He has not touched some media gossip for a long time, so he does not know about these things.

Now he wants someone to come forward and explain to him what's going on. He was also drunk with these unscrupulous media. He did not know how they got to know the information. He actually sold the information at such a fast speed, which made them a little unprepared.

"It has been reported by the media for a long time. It has been spread on the Internet. I have already suppressed part of the company's affairs, but I didn't expect that everyone has already known about it. After all, the speed of network transmission is very fast."

After listening to his words, Zhang Lingyu's face was still a little embarrassed. He didn't expect to wear so fast. You have tried your best to suppress this matter, but you didn't expect that the people in the company still knew about it, and they talked about it in succession, which made the army unstable and the company was in a mess.

Although he also wanted to know what happened to their boss? But he still didn't have the courage to guess. Just now he was just gossiping. He didn't speculate too much about this issue.

"Do you mean the gossip has spread to the company? I don't know what you think? I'm not supposed to work hard in the company. Why do I have to gossip? It's so boring to gossip all day. Did they gossip again when I left

After listening to the Secretary's words, Tang Wanrou rubbed her hair painfully. She felt that it was really bad for her colleagues to gossip like this. After all, they came to the company to work, not to gossip, but they didn't expect that some gossip would make them lose their morale and keep talking.

"Sister Tang, in fact, it's no wonder they're responsible for this. After all, the boss hasn't come to work for a long time, so we're worried about what the boss will really have."

After listening to Tang Wanrou's words, Zhang Lingyu rubbed her nose awkwardly. After all, she was a member of gossip, so she also did other people and pioneers. After all, everyone knew and talked about the boss's accident, so he felt that it was nothing to do with his colleagues.

On the contrary, he felt that he should tell everyone the truth of the matter, so as not to speculate.

"Have I not explained it to you? The boss is really OK. Why don't you believe it? How many times do I have to explain before you can believe me? I really convinced you. What kind of explanation do you want? I don't know the extent to which the unscrupulous media demonized this incident. It's really disgusting. It's really my fault to make such an appearance. "

Tang Wanrou is very upset now. He didn't expect that the matter would develop to such a degree. He always thought that he had suppressed this matter and that the confidentiality work was also very good. He was more confident about this matter, but he did not expect that the media would report the matter in the end, and it was still in his ignorance, So he felt that he had a certain responsibility for this matter.

He is very angry now, and he doesn't know which media reported it, and how they got such information. It is clear that they have done a very good job in the confidentiality of this matter, but they did not expect that they still obtained their intelligence."Sister Tang, please calm down. I'll get you a cup of tea first. The media has already reported this matter, so it's useless for you to worry. It's been spread crazy on the Internet. Everyone said that the boss had a car accident, so we are really worried

Seeing Tang Wanrou's appearance, Zhang Lingyu thought that she had annoyed Tang Wanrou, so she was very worried that he would lose his temper, so she wanted to get him a cup of tea first and let him calm down first.

But he could not help but want to gossip. He wanted to know what was going on. After all, there is a very gossipy villain in every woman's heart. Even if she knows this thing, she can't talk much, but she still wants to know what's going on.

He looked carefully at Tang Wanrou in front of him, hoping that she could tell him the truth. Of course, he also knew that to a large extent, he could not tell himself the truth of this matter.

After all, this matter is really big. If it is not handled properly, it may damage the whole company. They are also members of the company, so they are afraid to involve themselves.

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