After listening to Ye Wuqian's words, Tang Wanrou was relieved a lot. After all, he always knew that she was a capable person and had a lot of methods. So after listening to him, he was more at ease.

"Well, what do you want to do with him?"

He said that he was curious about the methods they wanted to use and wanted to know what kind of methods they wanted to use to deal with Zhang Wenqi and his people. These people's behavior this time is really too much, if you don't give them a lesson to see, they really think they are Hello Kitty.

"Keep it a secret. I'll tell you later."

Ye Wuqi doesn't want to tell him about their plan now, because the plan has not been implemented. I want to tell him later. After all, their plan is not mature now. They are in the brewing period, and the plan is not very mature.

"I really want to know how you are going to deal with those people. This time they have gone too far. If you don't give them a lesson, they really think we are sick cats. We can't let them go this time. They really think we are soft persimmons and bully us like this every day. We can't bypass them this time. "

Tang Wanrou thought of that thing and hated itching teeth. He wanted to peel off the skin of people like Zhang Wenqi. He was really very angry. He did not know why those people would use such means to deal with them.

That group of people is really too much, in order to achieve the goal by any means, any kind of thing can be done, it is simply not the thing that people can do.

"This time, I am determined not to let them go. I will certainly let them pay the price for their actions. You can rest assured that you will never let them go. "

After hearing Tang Wanrou's words, ye Wuqian also affirmed his statement. Therefore, Zhang Wenqi and Zhang Wenqi will not be let go. He will take this opportunity to kill them all.

Before, they had been tolerating, so they could take advantage of it. This time, they couldn't bear it any longer. They couldn't bully them to the end. What they did these days was too much. They just bullied people and bullied grandma's house. They couldn't bypass them any more. If they tried to bypass them, they would come up with more solutions So they have to come up with some way to deal with them.

Even if Tang Wanrou didn't say so, he would never let them go. On this matter, they had the same view, and he hated Zhang Wenqi's group.

They have come up with such a despicable way to deal with them, and they will definitely not spare them this time. They will certainly pay their due price and will not let them go unpunished again.

"Well, we must punish them well this time. We can't let them be arrogant any more. They always think that we are soft persimmons. We have to show them how good we are. We can't let them think we are soft persimmons any more. Why can they bully us? "

Tang Wanrou is still indignant when he thinks of those things. When he thinks of Zhang Wenqi's hateful face, he doesn't get angry and wants him to die as soon as he comes out.

Zhang Wenqi was the first person who made him so disgusted. They have seen the means of those people, and they can't forget it. This time they have done such behavior to them, and they are absolutely impossible to let them have good fruit to eat.

"Don't worry, I will not spare them. This time they have done such a thing, then don't blame us for doing more abominable things. It's not going to end like this. They're going to pay for what they've done

After hearing what she said, ye Wuqian also knew that he was very sad, and also knew that he was deeply upset about this matter. After all, no one can let go of such a thing. They are not saints, so there is no need to repay good for evil.

"By the way, what method did you say? I really want to know, what kind of method do you want to deal with them, is it a trick? Is it for this reason that you don't let me spread out the things that Wu Fangfang is now out of danger? Do you want to lead the snake out of the cave? "

Tang Wanrou still can't stop wanting to know that. He is really curious now. She wants to know what kind of methods they want to use to deal with Zhang Wenqi.

He speculated that the method they were going to use might be to lure the snake out of the hole or to make a plan. Because none of them knew that Wu Fangfang was out of danger now. If he tried to do it now, he might be able to catch them all.

After all, those people may be complacent because of their success this time. Maybe they didn't expect Wu Fangfang to be out of danger.

"Well, don't make a blind guess. You will know this in two days. You can rest assured that we will not keep a secret from you when we do these things, and we will let you speak a few words. He and I are not in the company these days. You must be busy, aren't you? You must take a good rest, you know? Don't be too tired. "Ye Wuqian listened to his words and gently smile, let her stop guessing. Although she guessed that there was a regime of eight or nine points, he still didn't want to tell him what plans they had at this time?

Then he asked her how her health was, so that he must pay attention to a good rest. After all, both of them were not in the company, and all the things fell on her. He thought that his health would be too much to eat, and he must be busy during this period of time.

"I'm ok. As long as you two can do well, I can do it. Things in the company are not very difficult. Are there any other employees? So you don't have to worry about me. By the way, these days you must take good care of Wu Fangfang. He is just out of the danger period. Don't let him be too tired. Her health is not good. This time, we must let her have a good rest and be able to act according to her temperament again, you know? You must take good care of her, I am not in the hospital, only you can help me to watch him

After listening to Ye Wuqian's words, Tang Wanrou did not ask any other things. He knew that they would tell themselves one day, because there was no need to hide these things from her.

Then he told ye Wuqian to take good care of his best friend and hung up the phone.

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