When Wu Fangfang came to the door, a middle-aged man came out of the door. After seeing Wu Fangfang come in, he quickly bowed to Wu Fangfang, and then said:

"Miss, you are willing to come back. The master has been waiting inside for a long time. Go and have a look."

Wu Fangfang heard this. After she said this, she quickly looked at Wu Fangfang and looked at the past. She saw that ye Wuxiang also nodded to herself. Wu Fangfang was relieved.

Wu Fangfang now knows that his grandfather will be worried if he knows about his illness. He is afraid that his grandfather will know about his injury, but now he can only go in.

Wu Fangfang was worried about the old man walking in the past.

After seeing Wu Fangfang coming, he quickly walked towards Wu Fangfang, and then said to Wu Fangfang anxiously:

"why don't you tell grandfather that your child has had a serious accident? If it hadn't been told by others, I still don't know about your car accident. It's really self willed."

Wu Fangfang was moved by her grandfather's worry on the first floor. However, she said to her grandfather that she was also a capsule:

"don't worry, Grandpa. I don't have any major problems now, and I'm much better now. Do you think I'm jumping around now?"

After seeing you like this, Wu Fangfang's grandfather also looked at you carefully. She saw that Wu Fangfang seemed to be much better, and her mental state was also good. After that, her grandfather was relieved.

Ghost knows that Wu Fangfang was injured for so long that he didn't know that Wu Fangfang was injured, so he couldn't care too much about it. So he rushed over, but who knew he arrived.

After that, I heard the news that Wu Fangfang was going to be discharged from hospital, so I didn't go to the hospital directly or waited at home.

Now I see that Wu Fangfang's wound seems to be almost healed. There is no other wound. After that, Wu Jianguo sighs. He is such a granddaughter. If something happens to his granddaughter, he doesn't know what to do.

So now, after seeing Wu Fangfang in front of her, there are still some people who blame Wu Fangfang.

"Well, you have to be more and more daring. If something so big happens, why don't you tell your grandfather? Even if you are hurt badly, you should tell him to make him have a psychological preparation. Otherwise, if you want to do something, what will happen to your grandfather?"

After Wu Fangfang heard that her grandfather was so worried about herself, she was also a little embarrassed. She did not think that she still wanted her grandfather to be so worried.

So after seeing her grandfather like this, Wu Fangfang was also very worried, so she said:

"I'm sorry, I was careless about this matter, so I let the villain succeed, but it doesn't matter. We must take revenge on ourselves. Grandfather, you don't have to worry. When I went to the hospital today, the doctor already told me The injury is almost healed. Nothing will happen again. "

Wu Fangfang's grandfather was relieved when he heard what Wu said. He was very worried about Wu Fangfang today. After hearing Wu Fangfang say that he has nothing to do, he is relieved and no longer worried.

Wu Fangfang saw that her grandfather was relieved at last. She sighed helplessly. As long as her grandfather said that he was not worried, he would not have to worry.

However, Wu Jianguo thought for a while, but he still felt something was wrong. After a cold hum, he said to ye Wumian:

"have you found out who did this thing? It's really useless to refit my granddaughter. I won't let him go."

After Wu Fangfang heard his grandfather say so, his heart was also very moved. In this world, only grandfather would care about himself.

After the heart is particularly moved, so heard their own home also said, after Wu Fangfang is also secretly thinking up.

Now I am very reluctant to tell my grandfather about my troubles. However, seeing that she is worried about her family, Wu Fangfang thinks that if she doesn't tell her grandfather, she will feel uncomfortable. So he tells her grandfather about Zhang Wenqi.

But who knows Wu Jianguo frowned when he heard Wu Fangfang say so. He patted the table angrily, and then said:

"what's the origin of Zhang Wenqi? How dare you bully my granddaughter? I really don't pay attention to me, and dare to attack my granddaughter."

After seeing Wu Fangfang's grandfather so worried, ye Wuqian also touched his head on one side. It was Wu Fangfang's grandfather who asked him to come and protect Wu Fangfang.

However, I didn't think that he did not protect Wu Fangfang well, but also let Wu Fangfang suffer such a big injury. Therefore, ye Wuxiang is also a little embarrassed.So he went to him and said to him:

"grandfather is really sorry that there have been so many things, and Wu Fangfang has not been well protected. But you can rest assured that I will protect Wu Fangfang well next time, and I will never let such a thing happen again."

After Wu Jianguo heard ye Wuque finish, he also gave a speechless look at ye Wuque, and then he opened his mouth to ye Wuque angrily:

"it's all your fault. If you didn't protect my granddaughter, how could my granddaughter be bumped and injured by that Zhang Wenqi? Thanks to you, you still like my granddaughter."

Wu Fangfang heard her grandfather say that in the first half of the period, she was still worried about ye Wuqian, but when she heard her grandfather say that ye Wuque liked her future popularization, she was stunned.

How to listen to my grandfather's words, Wu Fangfang is more and more strange. After thinking about this, she looks at her grandfather curiously.

But after seeing her grandfather's serious manner, Wu Fangfang didn't know what to say.

And ye Wuque heard that Master Wu said this, but he was also a little embarrassed. Ye Wuque didn't think that Master Wu also knew his mind.

Ye Wuqian thinks about Mr. Wu, but Wu Fangfang entrusts it to himself. It can be seen that he has placed so much hope on himself, but he has not protected Wu Fangfang well. Therefore, ye Wuqian still has some problems in his heart, and feels that he has betrayed Mr. Wu's trust.

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