At first, Zhang Wenqi thought that she could not come to Wu Fangfang anyway, and she also talked about some conditions with Wu Fangfang.

But there is no way, now the company is about to face such a big problem, so I have to come to Wu Fangfang for help.

But I didn't expect that after he called Wu Fangfang on his own initiative, Wu Fangfang didn't want to comment on herself. Zhang Wenqi was also very angry when she thought about it.

After seeing Zhang Wenqi's angry appearance, the staff in Zhang Wenqi's company all spat out their tongue and dare not speak, because they all know that Zhang Wenqi didn't treat Wu Fangfang very well. If there is no way out now, Zhang Wenqi would never have gone to find Wu Fangfang.

But I didn't expect that when Zhang Wenqi went to find Wu Fangfang on her own initiative, Wu Fangfang didn't want to comment on Zhang Wenqi. You can imagine how angry Wu Fangfang was.

But there was no way out. Now Zhang Wenqi had to find Wu Fangfang, so she asked her secretary to continue to meet Wu Fangfang.

Because anyway I want to see Wu Fangfang and have a good talk with her.

When Wu Fangfang was working in the office, the Secretary had asked her several times, but Wu did not agree to see Zhang Wenqi.

Seeing that the secretary was in a hurry, Wu Fangfang shook her head helplessly, and then said to the Secretary:

"you don't have to worry about this matter. Naturally, I have an idea for Zhang Wenqi. Now he has such a big problem in his company, and now he has no other way. The only way is to put his hope on me So Zhang Wenqi will come back soon. Aren't we more active then? "

After hearing this, the secretary was silent for a while and then nodded.

Wu Fangfang is right. Now, although Zhang Wenqi's company is on the verge of bankruptcy, his company is not completely on the verge of bankruptcy, so now Zhang Wenqi still has some initiative.

If he comes to find Wu Fangfang now, he may want to cooperate with Wu Fangfang. If Wu Fangfang doesn't see him, Zhang Wenqi's initiative will be gradually lost, which is absolutely beneficial to them.

After thinking about this, I suddenly got the corners of my mouth, so I felt that what Wu Fangfang said was very correct.

After seeing the secretary leave, Wu Fangfang was in a good mood. She had not been so happy for a long time.

Think of Zhang Wenqi again and again to find their own trouble, now in the end can revenge back, think about it feel particularly comfortable ah.

When the secretary went back, Wu Fangfang and Tang Wanrou looked at each other for a moment, and then they were happy.

Wu Fangfang also couldn't help laughing, and then said to Tang Wanrou:

"Zhang Wenqi certainly didn't think that he would have such a day. He deserved what he deserved, and how could we have dealt with them like this if he hadn't done this to me before."

After hearing Wu Fangfang finished, Tang Wanrou also agreed and nodded. Wu Fangfang was right. If it wasn't for Zhang Wenqi's words that provoked them in the first place, they wouldn't have killed them completely.

So Zhang Wenqi did all these things that he deserved, and Wu Fangfang was very happy when he thought about it.

He said that he suddenly thought of what Wu Fangfang had said to celebrate. His eyes lit up. Then he turned to Wu Fangfang and said:

"by the way, didn't you say last time that we'll go out and celebrate after this matter has been solved. Now that the matter is almost settled, shall we go out and celebrate together May I have a wish? "

After hearing Tang Wanrou finish, Wu Fangfang's eyes also brightened. She got up and nodded her head. She was happy and said to her:

"of course, now that such a good thing has happened, it's natural to celebrate. But now I still have some work to do. Let's celebrate after I finish it 。”

After that, he smiles at Tang Wanrou.

At this time, Wu Fangfang is very busy. She hasn't come to the company for a long time. She has left a lot of things for Wu Fangfang to finish by herself.

Therefore, Tang Wanrou naturally could not disturb her. After smiling at Wu Fangfang, she said:

"OK, don't worry. If there is any work that can't be finished by one person, just ask me to help you."

Tang Wanrou said and nodded to Wu Fangfang. Wu Fangfang saw that Tang Wanrou had finished speaking. She also raised the corner of her mouth to Tang Wanrou and nodded to her.

However, Wu Fangfang also knows that she has not come to the company recently, so all the things of the company are piled up on Tang Wanrou. Tang Wanrou is also very tired. Now that her work is almost finished, how can she possibly pile all her work on Tang Wanrou again.So she laughed at Tang Wanrou, shook her head, and then said to her:

"no, please go and finish all the work by myself. Don't bother you. Go and have a good rest. This period of time is really hard for you."

Tang Wanrou was still very moved when she heard Wu Fangfang finish, because he knew that Wu Fangfang had not been in the company recently, and all the things in the company stood on his shoulder. However, he was also a staff member in the company, so she did some things in this matter.

However, after seeing that Wu Fangfang was so grateful to herself, Tang Wanrou was also somewhat embarrassed. However, she could only sigh, nod and then leave.

Because after all, there are some things that are urgent and can not be finished. Wu Fangfang can only finish it by herself.

Then back in the office, Tang Wanrou thought about Zhang Wenqi's sending someone to meet Wu Fangfang. After thinking about it carefully, she made a decision to let people investigate Zhang Wenqi's current situation.

Because Zhang Wenqi used some special means every time before, which was what made Wu Fangfang suffer such a big loss. Therefore, Tang Wanrou naturally does not want to see Wu Fangfang suffer any more.

Now that Zhang Wenqi's company is on the verge of bankruptcy, he sent Zhang Wenqi to meet Wu Fangfang, and I'm afraid that he may make some desperate things to deal with Wu Fangfang.

After thinking about this, Tang Wanrou was naturally very worried, so she quickly sent someone to investigate whether Zhang Wenqi had done any tricks.

At this moment, of course, Zhang Wenqi doesn't know Tang Wanrou's idea. Zhang Wenqi is already very agitated now. There is no time to think about using any conspiracy against Wu Fangfang.

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