Zhao Zhuowen knew that because of the last thing, he let himself lose a lot, and even let his father scold him.

He did not give up Wu Fangfang. Instead, he became more and more possessive of Wu Fangfang, because everyone was like this. The more things he could not get, the more he wanted to possess.

After he didn't get Wu Fangfang at all, his heart became more and more interested in Wu Fangfang.

But there is no way, because of the last thing, his father let himself go to a particularly remote branch office to manage the branch, so he has not come back for a long time.

After I finally came back, I saw Wu Fangfang and ye Wuqian together. Later, I was even more unhappy,

so I snorted coldly and said to Wu Fangfang happily:

"Wu Fangfang, what do you mean by Ye Wuque? Are you with this guy now? What's good about this boy? Where is he worthy of you? Let me see you'd better dump him earlier. He's not worth your being with him at all

Wu Fangfang was very angry when she saw Zhao Zhuowen. However, she thought that she and ye Wuqian were on their first date, so she didn't want to quarrel with Zhao Zhuowen.

It can be said that he didn't and Zhao Zhuo Wen came to provoke him, and said that he would break up with Ye Wuqian. Wu Fangfang became very angry at the thought of this.

After hearing Zhao Zhuowen's words, Wu Fangfang felt very funny, so she couldn't help but sneer:

"who am I with? What's the relationship between you and me? I think ye Wuque is very good. I'm happy with him. What's the relationship with you?"

After saying that, they didn't want to pay attention to Zhao Zhuowen who wanted to turn around and leave

but who knows Zhao Zhuowen was not willing to see Wu Fangfang leave like this.

He is now very difficult to come back here, and just after he came back, he actually met Wu Fangfang, so he knew that they were predestined.

Now how can I let Wu Fangfang and ye Wumian leave together, so I immediately grabbed Wu Fangfang's arm.

After Wu Fangfang saw Zhao Zhuowen pulling his arm, she felt a little angry, so she immediately threw Zhao Zhuowen away. After Zhao Zhuowen was thrown away, her face was not pretty.

However, after seeing Wu Fangfang, she didn't get angry. Instead, she said to her with a smile:

"don't you get angry? Can't I apologize to you after the last thing? And you know that I was just like this because I liked you, but you never agreed to me. I made this plan and wanted to threaten you with the company. If you had promised me before, how could I possibly do such a thing? So naturally, I can't blame myself for that time, and you also have some relationship, do you think Ah? "

Wu Fangfang was very angry, but did not expect Zhao Zhuo Wen to say such a shameless remark, which made Wu Fangfang even more speechless.

Wu Fangfang has never met such a shameless person as Zhao Zhuo Wen. It's not that her company is almost on the brink of trouble. Now she has said such a magnificent speech.

After seeing Wu Fangfang's angry appearance, ye Wuqi also has some worries in his heart. The doctor said that it was better not to let Wu Fangfang angry.

Because ye Wuqian also knows that Wu Fangfang has just experienced such a car accident. After that, she is not in good health. Now she is so angry by Zhao Zhuowen. She will certainly have a great mood fluctuation in the future.

Br > "if you don't care about Wu Fang's anger, it's worth not to worry about this kind of person

Wu Fangfang was angry, but now she heard ye Wuwu's gentle words to herself. After that, she couldn't help laughing and nodding.

Wu Fangfang also knows that she is not alone now, and ye Wuqian will help her solve this problem. She also stops talking when she leans on her shoulder.

Zhao Zhuo Wen thought that Wu Fangfang would have some understanding of himself after he finished speaking, but he didn't expect that Wu Fangfang and ye Wukui were so sweet after he said so much.

After seeing the two of them kissing me, Zhao Zhuo Wen became very angry. Why did Wu Fangfang, who had been pursuing for so long and did not catch up with him, could be so easily together with ye Wuque.

What's more, Zhang Fei is nothing good at all. Where can he compare with himself? Is Wu Fangfang blind enough to fall in love with a person like this and not willing to be with himself.

However, Zhao Zhuo Wen also knows that at the beginning of the matter, he was sorry for Wu Fangfang, so now Wu Fangfang does not want to see, and he is also expected to do things.However, he is confident that he will make Wu Fangfang feel good for him again. So he can't tear his cheek with Wu Fangfang now. He can only open his mouth to Wu Fangfang with a smiling face and say:

"ha ha ha ha, otherwise, we won't mention the last thing. OK, I didn't think about the original thing, so I'll give it here today You can't pay for it, will you? "

After that, she looked at Wu Fangfang with a smile. After seeing his greasy appearance for a year, Wu Fangfang felt like vomiting.

Does Wu Fangfang feel that she is not suitable for a date with Ye Wuqian today? Otherwise, why would you meet someone like Zhao Zhuowen.

Wu Fangfang felt that she was not too unlucky, but ye Wuqian was not happy to see Zhao Zhuowen like this, so she snorted and said to Zhao Zhuowen:

"sorry, Mr. Zhao, I took my girlfriend to date today, so I won't disturb you any more. What's the difference between us after dinner That's why I left first. "

Ye Wuqi is now in a public occasion, naturally, it is impossible to quarrel with Zhao Zhuowen, so he also smiles after seeing Zhao Zhuowen's look at Wu Fangfang eagerly.

Then he took Wu Fangfang and prepared to brush past Zhao Zhuowen. But who knows Zhao Zhuowen didn't look good when he heard Ye Wuqian finish.

I had managed to catch a chance to meet Wu Fangfang, but I didn't want to be destroyed by Ye Wuqi.

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