About 700 kilometers away from Mohe River, there is a place called Passat. It is said that when the Soviet Republic existed, it used to be a military important place. However, with the disintegration of the Soviet Republic, it also gradually declined. Now, it has become a piece of tattered ruins, whether it is tsarist people or that Some thugs living in the underground world have long forgotten this area, and the place where ye Xiao and Bai choufei meet is here!

At dusk and sunset, ye Xiao comes to this abandoned town with enchanting charm. The whole town is quiet. In addition to the north wind, there is no sound. Looking at my secluded and deep street, looking at the broken wall, ye Xiao's brows are tightly wrinkling together. Is there something wrong with them?

The sky is getting darker and darker, and it will soon be dark. Ye Xiao has gone from one end of the town to the other with enchanting charm. However, he still hasn't found half a figure. This makes Ye Xiao very worried. Bai choufei, ekov, Kanu, sharna and Xiao Feng are all his friends. If something happens, what should he do?

"Don't worry, maybe..." At this time, the enchanting girl walking beside Ye Xiao seems to be aware of Ye Xiao's anxiety. She is about to go out to persuade her, but she sees that ye Xiao suddenly pounces on herself, and is shocked in her heart!

She knew that ye Xiao couldn't hurt himself, otherwise he would have done it to himself. If he rushed over like this, there was only one thing that could be done, that is, to save himself!

I don't know whether it's because it's too cold, or because ye Xiao has taken care of her all the way. Enchanting has lost her most basic vigilance. When she knows this, she feels the chill behind her.

Without any hesitation, she fell directly to the front, but she was slow after all, and immediately felt the burning pain on her back, and the desert eagle in Ye Xiao's hand was also lifted up at this time!

"Bang!" The sound of gunfire sounded in the ear, and then felt the hot blood spray out, spray on her body, looking back, I saw a snow-white wolf fell behind him, blood wolf!

This is about to reach the Mohe area, how can there be blood wolf?

Before enchanting had time to think about this problem, she found that in the dark night sky, suddenly there were many bright cold lights, which were the eyes of snow wolves, one, two, three

A glance to sweep away, unexpectedly is a dense pack of wolves, see such a scene, enchanting face is green, oneself two people won't be so bad luck? You've been spotted by a pack of wolves?

If they had heavy weapons, they would not be afraid of a group of wolves, but they had no other weapons except ye Xiao's two desert Eagles!

"Get up Ye Xiao snorted to the enchanting one lying on the ground, raised the desert eagle with both hands, and pulled the trigger to the snow wolf who started to charge towards this side!

"BAM Bang Bang..." With the continuous gunfire, one wolf's head was blasted one after another, but the number of these snow wolves was really large. When ye Xiao finished his first clip, at least dozens of pairs of eyes lit up in the night sky!

Ye Xiao doesn't try to be brave. She pulls up enchanting and runs to a house at the entrance of the town. It's a house like a blockhouse built by big stones. As long as you hide in the house, you just need to guard the door. As for fighting with a group of snow wolves in the wilderness, it's just death!

In the face of the death of their companions, the snow wolves not only had no fear, but also became more and more excited. Even their eyes turned pale green, and they all rushed toward Ye Xiao and enchanting!

Ye Xiao runs while changing the clip, but enchanting is running wild, does not care about the injury on his back, which is cut by the snow wolf's paw.

Both of them are very fast, but the speed of those snow wolves is not slow. Except for a few snow wolves left to nibble on their companions, all the others rush towards Ye Xiao. At this time, ye Xiao has changed the cartridge clip, pulled the trigger to the snow wolf, and the gunshot sounded again in the night sky, and then he saw one of the fastest snow wolves falling In a pool of blood!

However, the number of snow wolves is more than some. When ye Xiao finished all the clips, at least more than 30 snow wolves followed. Fortunately, at this time, they had already come to the front of the stone house. After ye Xiao hall, enchanting was in front of them, and they rushed to the stone house first!

As long as you hide in the stone house and guard the door with Ye Xiao's skill, you don't have to worry about more snow wolves. But the enchanting girl who just rushed into the stone house was a cry of surprise. Ye Xiao also saw two downlights in the dark stone house. Yes, they were like the eyes of a downlight. They were the size of a baby's fist, and then they smelled a strong stream of blood The smell is coming!

"Be careful, this is a bloody Python!" The enchanting voice sounded in the dark night sky, and ye Xiao immediately felt a strong wind coming. The body that had been running forward quickly stopped the pace, and even stepped on his feet directly. His body had a back somersault. Then, with the help of the reflection of the snow outside, he saw a strong snake tail sweeping in front of his body, and finally directly swept on the wall. All of a sudden, the whole stone house was covered A burst of vibration, it seems that it is possible to collapse at any time!Seeing such a scene, ye Xiao's heart is full of horror. It's not tropical here. This is the northern ice field. How can there be blood and tears Python? This kind of alien living in the tropics?

But now obviously there is no time to think. The snow wolf has rushed to the front. Even though there is a bloody Python hidden in the stone house, these snow wolves do not seem to have any idea of fear. Two kinds of animals living in two different areas are fighting against each other here!

The stone house is dark. Ye Xiao doesn't know what the enchanting situation is like. Facing the snow wolf whistling, what he can do is to abandon the desert eagle in his hand, take out the military dagger found from the ruins, and prepare to fight with these snow wolves!

However, at this time, the eyes that looked like a downlight rushed to Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao understood that this was a python who wanted to attack him. A pair of eyes were so big. Ye Xiao could not imagine how big the BoA's head was. He shook his body and avoided the Python's attack. At this moment, a blood wolf who wanted to attack Ye Xiao rushed over and borrowed With the help of the reflection of snow white, ye Xiao can clearly see the python open his mouth, bite the snow wolf and swallow it!

The blood wolf was one size bigger than the average wolf, which was the size of a calf, but now it was swallowed by the python. This scene made Ye Xiao cold sweat. However, he also knew that this was his best opportunity. He could not care about other things and rushed directly to the Python's head!

It seems that ye Xiao feels Ye Xiao's killing intention. The snake tail of the python sweeps over directly. However, ye Xiao doesn't care to avoid it. Instead, he speeds up the speed. Almost instantly, he is close to the Python's head. The Python's mouth still contains a struggling snow wolf. Ye Xiao's military dagger goes down mercilessly!

"Hiss!" The military dagger was directly inserted into the skull of the python. However, the huge tail swept Ye Xiao's body. Suddenly, ye Xiao's body flew out like a broken kite

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