In this way, ye Wuqian dealt with all the things at home, so he came to the supermarket.

Because he felt that now he still had to prepare well. After all, Wu Fangfang had just been discharged from hospital, so he had to pay attention to his diet and make no mistakes.

Because this is related to Wu Fangfang's body, so he can not be regarded as a child's play, but treat these things in front of him seriously.

Therefore, when ye Wuwei selects the ingredients in front of him, he is very serious because he is facing these things in front of him.

He felt that if it was made for Wu Fangfang, he would have to do it conscientiously. During Wu Fangfang's time in the hospital, ye Wuqian often took time to learn cooking.

Because he knew that Wu Fangfang's cooking was not very delicious, she felt that she had to learn a lot to take care of Wu Fangfang, all of which should be done.

However, ye Wuxiang did not tell Wu Fangfang of all her efforts, because she felt that she had no need to tell Wu Fangfang about this matter, and all these things were voluntary.

So he felt that he should do well in front of his own things on this matter. He really didn't want to ask too much about other things, and he didn't want to let others know.

Because he knew what Wu Fangfang knew, he would feel very moved again, and chattered with himself for half a day.

Ye Wuqian slowly thought about these things in his heart, so he did not stay in this group, because he knew that he had a lot of things to do in front of him.

So now he feels that he doesn't need to stay on these ideas, and he thinks that he can only do this now, and he doesn't need to be too concerned about other things.

Because he didn't want to waste his time on this matter. Instead, he wanted to go back quickly and make food for Wu Fangfang.

"Are all your vegetables organic? Because I make it for patients, I have to buy the best, so I want to ask if you have any organic vegetables

Ye Wuqian saw the colorful vegetables in front of him, but he didn't know how to choose.

So I slowly and leisurely put forward such a question to these people in front of him, and looked at these people in front of him with a kind of puzzled eyes, because he was not very good at cooking.

Therefore, he did not know how to select the ingredients in front of him, so he had to ask the waiters to know what was better.

"Sir, all the vegetables in our supermarket are organic vegetables, so you can completely rest assured to buy them, because they are all bought from the country's aunts and uncles. Therefore, you can use this matter at ease, and there is no need to feel worried. If it is really not, then we will never put it here Because what our supermarket requires is safety, health and affordable, there is no need for you to feel so worried about this matter. Just use it at ease. "

However, the waiter in front of Ye Wuqian boldly said such a sentence to ye Wuque, saying that after hearing the words of the man in front of him, he did not hesitate on these things.

Because he felt that people should trust each other, so he didn't have to hesitate about it.

So it immediately bought some vegetables and put them in his man. He planned to rob the rich and go back to make food for Wu Fangfang.

When ye Wuqian is going to check out, he suddenly sees that Wu Fangfang Ping is a favorite snack. At this time, ye Wuqian hesitates on his own money.

Because he didn't know he should buy some for Wu Fangfang, and then he thought about it slowly in his heart. He felt that since Wu Fangfang had recovered slowly, it would not be a big problem if he was a little bit late.

Because Wu Fangfang couldn't do a lot of things that she wanted to do recently, if she bought something she liked to eat back, she would feel very happy.

At this time, ye Wuqian did not stop at the things in front of him, because he thought that this matter could make Wu Fangfang happy and did not do too much harm to Wu Fangfang's health.

So in this matter, he felt that he had to buy some for Wu Fangfang to eat.

After buying these things, ye Wumian settled down for a while, and then he prepared to go back. Then he saw a beautiful necklace in a window. She thought that the necklace was very in line with Wu Fangfang's temperament, so he slowly walked into the shop.

Because during this period of time, ye Wuxiang really felt that he owed Wu Fangfang a lot of things. Although he said that he had been accompanying Wu Fangfang in the hospital this time, he felt that all these things were far from enough.Because Wu Fangfang's hospitalization was all due to her own reasons, she became like this before her eyes. Therefore, ye Wuqian really felt that she owed Wu Fangfang a lot of things.

At the same time, because of these things in front of him, ye Wuhu decides that he must make up for Wu Fangfang.

So at this time, he planned to buy some gifts for Wu Fangfang. In that case, Wu Fangfang would be very happy to see these things, so he was very happy about this matter.

Ye Wuqi's heart is very positive, also feel that he must do this thing well now, and as long as Wu Fangfang can be happy, then his heart also feels very comfortable.

Therefore, ye Wuqian didn't hesitate about these things in front of him at this time, because he felt that he didn't have much time now.

So I have to go in and see if this necklace is in line with Wu Fangfang's aesthetic view, because he doesn't know what Wu Fangfang likes.

So now he is also holding a posture to have a look, because he thinks that Wu Fangfang may not like what he likes at ordinary times, so he thinks that he has to consider this matter carefully.

Because after all, this thing was given to Wu Fangfang, so he felt that he had to consider it very comprehensively and then make a decision. He was also very positive about this matter in his heart.

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