"What would you do to your daughter?" In the face of Ye Xiao's almost shameless question, the enchanting answer is very sharp, directly rolled a white eye, and then said such a sentence!

"Er..." Ye Xiao is speechless for a while. What kind of metaphor is this? Is enchanting the daughter of the Dragon Emperor?

But it doesn't look like it? How can enchanting say that her age should be a little older than herself, and the Dragon Emperor seems to be in her early 40s at most. How could she have such a big daughter? Do you think that old man had a child before marriage?

"Don't think about it. He's not my father. I'm actually an orphan. I grew up in the dragon clan since I was a child, and he took care of me like a father!" It seems to be aware of Ye Xiao's dirty thoughts in his heart. Enchanting quickly explains that if he is allowed to continue to dream, who knows what he will look like!

When it comes to orphans, ye Xiao is silent. He is also half an orphan. In memory, the appearance of his father and mother is so vague that he can't even remember their appearance. When she was very young, it seemed that sister Yan had been taking her all the time. When she was four or five years old, she was sent to her grandfather. Then she had a good childhood and had a good time I bid farewell. Every day I study and train. The only entertainment is to bully ye yubai, the three of them. Of course, when Zimo's son of a bitch is still alive, he will be bullied by him. Such a day lasts until he is 12 years old. Then he joins the dragon clan and enters the battlefield. His life is accompanied by blood and death!

She is also an orphan without childhood, and what about her?

Maybe he touched a string in his heart. Ye Xiao suddenly felt that the beautiful woman in front of her was so pitiful. He didn't speak. He just listened quietly, lying quietly in her arms and listening to her story!

"He taught me a lot of my skills, and even my magic arts were taught by the king of Miao from the Miao area." See ye Xiao's silence, enchanting continues to say!

"The king of Miao?" Rao is Ye Xiao doesn't want to interrupt enchanting's narration. When he hears this sentence, he is shocked. The magic skill of Miao king is only passed on to Miao people. Enchanting shouldn't be a Miao person. How could the king of Miao pass it on to him? Is the face of the old Dragon Emperor really so big?

"Well, originally, the witchcraft of Miao was spread from inside to outside, but I was suffering from a terminal disease since I was a child. I am a woman with nine Yin Jue pulse. Generally, women with this pulse can't live to 20 years old. The pill I gave you at the beginning is actually a kind of poison medicine, which regulates the nine Yin Jue pulse in my body. Only with the help of this kind of poison medicine, can my body temperature be normal, but most people take it This kind of medicine, especially for men, will only cause internal fire in the body! " Speaking of this, a faint smile appeared in the enchanting corners of her mouth, which seemed to think of the appearance of Ye Xiao and the saint daughter when it happened. However, ye Xiao in her arms could not help blushing. If it wasn't for his own weakness, he really wanted to stand up and grab Yaorao and slap her buttocks severely. It's all your fault. Are you happy to laugh?

Even he himself did not find that the disgust for enchanting actually slowly disappeared, at least the idea from killing her to spanking, which is a very obvious change!

"However, the king of Miao is so noble, and I am not Miao people. Naturally, he would not easily teach me magic tricks. It was the Dragon Emperor who begged him. What a noble man the Dragon Emperor was. He never asked for anyone, but he begged the Miao king for me. Therefore, I said that he was like a father in my heart." Enchanting light said, sounds like no feelings, but her deep eyes but gradually revealed a look of remembrance, it seems to think of the man who cares for himself!

"Then how did you leave the dragon clan?" Ye Xiao is puzzled. It doesn't look like a pretence. Since the Dragon Emperor treats her so well, why does she want to leave the dragon clan or even betray it?

"It has nothing to do with him. In fact, even now, I don't hate him. I just hate the dragon clan organization, or the regime?" Speaking of this, the enchanting voice cooled down. Before waiting for ye Xiao to ask questions, he continued: "at that time, I was academically successful, whether it was magic or my own strength. I was a top-notch expert in the dragon clan. Then I began to carry out tasks continuously, one after another, endless tasks. At the beginning, I returned I don't feel anything, but I feel fresh and exciting. But with more and more killing and more and more tasks, I begin to get tired of this life. I hate this life. However, the dragon family has its own rules. Once I join the dragon clan, I will be the dragon family all my life. In order to thank the Dragon Emperor for his nurturing kindness, I am tired of it, but I still carry out one task after another according to the rules of the dragon clan! It can be said that my contribution to the dragon clan is no less than you, and I have made no less contribution than you. But in the end? Finally, I have a very good friend, that is my best friend in addition to the brothers and sisters of the Dragon nationality. She is just an ordinary person. I met her when I was carrying out a task. I don't know why I fell in love with her. Anyway, she and I have become good friends since I met her. She is just a teacher, because she is beautiful A dandy finally got her body by power, and she couldn't bear such humiliation and suicide. However, what the dandy did was very hidden and did not leave any evidence. At that time, the Dragon Emperor was performing a task. I couldn't find him, so I found the leader of the dragon clan at that time. However, he could not deal with the dandy because he had no evidence At that time, I was so desperate that I made so many contributions to my country. Now I just ask the country to give an account to my best friend, isn't it? Is it because the family behind that guy is so powerful that he can get away with it? I didn't like it, so I killed the dandy myself... ""Is that dandy called long Xiaojin Hearing this, ye Xiao interjected, because he had faintly known that there was such a figure in Kyoto!

"Yes, his name is long Xiaojin. He is also the direct grandson of long Yuxuan, the founder of the dragon clan." Speaking of here, enchanting face of ferocious, black hair is dancing with the wind, in the moonlight, like a witch out of hell!

"At that time, the Dragon Emperor had just become the emperor of the dragon clan, and he had not completely controlled the dragon family. In addition, he was carrying out a secret mission at that time. The people of the dragon family were still very powerful in the dragon clan. When I killed dragon Xiaojin, I knew that they would not let me go. Naturally, they would not wait to die. At that time, I directly separated from the dragon family. At that time, the people of the dragon family were He wanted to kill me completely and put a treason on me, but the Dragon Emperor finished the task in time and came back in time to suppress the matter. I know that according to the rules of the dragon people, I did make a big mistake, especially defecting to the dragon family. This is a death penalty. The Dragon Emperor can suppress this matter, but he does not know what he has compromised with the dragon family. He is a proud man, but he has repeatedly done it twice I, lower the noble head, I owe him, I owe him all my life, but I can't go back to his side, listen to his orders, listen to his lessons! " Speaking of here, enchanting eyes have been filled with tears, at this time she is no longer a murderous witch, but just a child missing their relatives!

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