In this way, Wu Fangfang really felt very embarrassed at this time, and did not know what he should say now. For these things in front of him, he really felt a little speechless and felt very embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry that I can't eat anything on the plane just now. I'm so sorry that I don't want to put it on the plane just now. I'm so sorry to put it on the plane."

Then Wu Fangfang was very embarrassed to say such a sentence to the man in front of her, and looked at the man in front of her with a helpless look. At this time, she really did not know what she should say.

After listening to what Wu Fangfang had just said to himself, ye Wuqian knew that the woman in front of him might have misunderstood himself. He thought he should explain this matter.

I don't mean to dislike the woman in front of me, regardless of the image of swallowing, but think that all these things may be in front of the woman will choke, will say that.

"In fact, I'm not saying that it's humiliating that you're wolfing down. I just think that you may choke yourself in this way. I'll remind you that you don't mean to dislike you at all. I hope you don't get it wrong."

Then ye Wuque bowed his head and said such a sentence to the woman in front of him. He stood up and touched the hair of the woman opposite him.

At this time, she really thought that the woman in front of her was so cute. She didn't know how to communicate with the woman in front of her.

After Wu Fangfang saw the situation in front of him, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a little embarrassed. He didn't know why he had such a feeling in his heart.

It may be that the man in front of him made him feel a little uncomfortable, or feel a little embarrassed, which would lead to such a feeling.

"In fact, I didn't say anything. I thought it was really ugly just now. I'll tell you about it. I hope you don't pay attention to it."

Then Wu Fangfang just lowered her head and said such a sentence to the man in front of her, so she did not stop at these things. Instead, she lowered her head and ate her own food.

Just like this two people just after the topic, so they did not say a word, just quietly eat these things on the table, Wu Fangfang from time to time to look at their own eyes.

However, at this time, he did not know how he should communicate with the man in front of him. He did not say a word, but ate these things in his bowl tightly.

At this time, ye Wuqian didn't take care of so much. He was very happy to see what the woman in front of him ate.

She thought that the woman in front of her was too cute, and when she saw the woman in front of her, she didn't feel unhappy about the previous things, but he still felt it in his heart.

"Well, I'm ready now. Are you ready? If we eat well, let's go back to the hotel and don't stay in these places for a long time

After eating, Wu Fangfang lowered her head and looked at the man in front of her with a puzzled look and asked such a question.

Ye Wuque is not hungry at all. He just accompanies the woman in front of him to eat here. He thinks that since the woman in front of him wants to leave, he doesn't need to stay.

"Now that you have eaten well, let's go first. I don't think this place is any fun. Now it's the most important thing to go back and have a rest."

Then ye Wuque just needs to lower his head and say such a sentence to the woman in front of him.

And with a positive look at the woman in front of him, and then ye Wuqian did not stay on these things, but lowered his head and came to this place to check out.

So he took the woman in front of him and left the restaurant together, and then prepared to go to the hotel to have a good rest.

"Do you like all these things today? If you like to eat, I will take you to this place to eat in the future, and if there is nothing else, we will go to the scenic spots of these places first. You can go and have a look, if you have time tomorrow

At this time, ye Wuqian took advantage of the opportunity at this time to talk to the woman in front of him about the arrangements in his heart. In this matter, he thought that he did not need to cover up.

"In fact, I think all these things are OK. As long as you arrange them, you can do them directly. I don't know very well. Moreover, I think we can take a long time to look at the situation. Now we have a long time, and we don't have to do things in the company."However, at this time, Wu Fangfang just put on an indifferent appearance and said such a sentence to the man in front of her.

In Wu Fangfang's heart, he thinks that since he is out to play, then he does not need to worry too much about other things.

As long as you do these things well in front of you, you don't need to take care of other things. It's better to let go of it slowly. Now he doesn't want to think about it.

At this time, the two of them had been exchanging with each other, and they did not pay attention to the environment around them. However, ye Wuxiang always felt that someone was following him behind him.

I feel very strange in my heart. At this time, how can someone follow me? What kind of villain?

However, looking back, he didn't see anyone. He looked back several times and found no trace of anything.

Ye Wuxiang thought again. Maybe there were too many things happening in recent time and he was too sensitive. However, he didn't think that a person suddenly appeared in front of Wu Fangfang and grabbed Wu Fangfang's bag directly 。

After seeing the situation in front of him, ye Wuqi thinks that his previous feelings are not really about someone tracking him all the time.

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