Then ye Wuque bowed his head and said such a sentence to the woman in front of him.

In this matter, he also thought that he did not need to hesitate so much.

And when he saw the woman in front of him full of expectation, he could not bear to refuse the woman in front of him.

At this time, he thought that his best choice was to take the woman in front of him to the night market.

In that case, if the woman in front of her did not eat anything, she would not feel very regretful.

This time I came to play with the woman in front of her. Ye Wuqian was very sure in her heart at this time, and did not intend to stay on the things in front of her.

He thought that all these things had been confirmed in his heart.

She took the woman in front of her to go for a walk. There was no problem. Wu Fangfang felt very excited about this.

He has never thought of the man in front of him, who dotes on himself so much, and then the man in front of him agrees directly to himself what he wants to do.

In this matter, Wu Fangfang also felt very excited in her heart, and did not know what she should say now.

In a word, he thought that the matter in front of him really made him feel very happy.

I don't know what kind of words I should use to describe how my heart is thinking about this series of things at this moment.

However, in this matter, he thinks that the man in front of him is really good to himself.

At this time, he thought that he really did not need to hesitate so much, and thought that the man in front of him was so kind to himself.

Then later, he must treat the man in front of him in this way, otherwise he really thinks that the man in front of him is not worth all the things he has paid for himself.

In this matter, ye Wuwei also slowly thought in his heart for a long time.

Wu Fangfang also in their own mind for a long time, and did not intend to stay on these things, two people's hearts also slowly unified the two people's opinions.

In this matter, both of them think that they are unfamiliar in this place. They must discuss everything with each other, and then do it. This is the best choice.

"Well, don't be in a daze here. We'd better hurry in and have a look, or they'll clean up here and then don't do business. Then you really don't have a place to play."

At this time, ye Wuque lowered his head and said such a sentence to the woman in front of him, and looked at the woman in front of him with a puzzled look.

He didn't know how the woman in front of him thought about this series of things. In this matter, he thought he had to ask slowly.

"Well, then let's not hesitate about these things. I'm looking forward to what's delicious in this."

Then Wu Fangfang also very much looked forward to the man in front of him to say such a sentence.

So they did not stay on these things, but directly led Ye Wuwei's hand to eat on this small street.

"Let's go and see what's delicious in the kebabs there. I think I haven't eaten these kebabs for a long time recently, and I miss them very much. I don't know the difference between the kebabs in this place and ours."

After Wu Fangfang saw the situation in front of her, she didn't want to block her eyes.

He thinks that this woman mainly wants to do these things, then he will never have the slightest obstruction.

"Since you have said so, of course, I did it with your thoughts. In this matter, I don't think it's necessary for me to hesitate so much. As long as it's what you want to do, I can always accompany you to do it."

Then ye Wuque also just lowered his head and said such a sentence to the person in front of him.

In this matter, he thought that he did not need to hesitate so much.

In this way, two people lowered their heads again, and after talking for a while, they came to the barbecue shop.

So two people lowered their heads and chose the barbecue here.

Wu Fangfang doesn't know what they want to eat now.

"What do you want to eat, or you can have some first. Now I'm still thinking about what I should buy and how much I should buy."Wu Fangfang lowered her head, looked at the man in front of her, and then said such a sentence.

He thinks he still has to think about it and let the man in front of him choose first, which is no big deal.

"Well, since that's the case, you should think about it slowly in your own heart, and I'll eat some food first."

Then ye Wuque didn't take care of so many things. He just said such a word to the woman in front of him. Then he took some things with him and sat down on the table beside him.

However, at this time, Wu Fangfang has been thinking about these problems in her heart. She really does not know what she should eat.

In this matter, Wu Fangfang's heart still felt a little hesitation, and did not know how to choose these things in front of her.

Then Wu Fangfang slowly thought about it in her heart, and then she ordered some things and sat down in front of Ye Wuwei.

However, at this time, ye Wuqian accidentally saw that the last time he stole Wu Fangfang, there was a thief he couldn't catch up with. At this time, he thought he had to catch up with him and solve these problems immediately. After all, the thief made himself spend so much money. This tone of voice must be reached!

The last time he had left a regret, this time he thought he really did not need to think about so many things, must solve these things clearly.

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