"Boom..." A sound, the desk hit the wall heavily, the books in the drawer all spilled out, startled the whole classroom!

When ye Xiao is ready to fight back, he suddenly finds that Han Jianyu's figure has come to his body, and even more, he blows a blow to his nose!

At the same time, when Jianyu was in a hurry, he was beaten by his nose!

Originally thought to be sure of a grasp, but once again by Han Jianyu hide in the past, and then see the other side kick to his crotch!

Ye Xiao is angry and NIMA's, even if he sends someone to kill me. Now he even wants to cut off my life. Young master can bear it, young master can't bear it!

His body suddenly stepped back three steps, avoiding the kick of Han Jianyu. Without waiting for Han Jianyu's body balance, his body had already recoiled again!

Then a direct blow to Han Jianyu's head, this blow, he has used inch strength, ready to let the boy's nose bloom!

However, Han Jianyu is not a vegetarian either. At this critical moment, he stopped his body in an instant and then gave a blow at the same time

"Boom..." With a loud noise, their fists hit each other heavily, and then their bodies retreated at the same time!

Ye Xiao only felt a numbness in his arm. He was surprised in his heart. How could this boy be energetic? How could you be so energetic?

Han Jianyu is also ugly, but his eyes are slightly loose

"You're lucky..." Without further attack, Han Jianyu turned around and walked to the other end of the corridor. He didn't mean to fight with Ye Xiao again!

Seeing the back of Han Jianyu's leaving, ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled tightly together. What's the meaning of the last word he said? My life? Is it because it's at school? So he didn't kill? Or something else?

"Are you all right?" At this time, Tan Xiaoxiao, Wang Jinchen, Zhao Meng, Hua Xiaodie and others have already gathered around, and Tan Xiaoxiao asks about it!

"I'm fine..." Ye Xiao shook his head, indicating that he was all right, just looking at Han Jianyu's leaving!

"The fourth master of Yunlong is definitely not a man with a false reputation. He is called evil spirit. He is the most invisible person among the four young masters nowadays." It seems to have seen Ye Xiao's doubts, Tan Xiaoxiao said softly in his ear!

"Well, I see. The teacher is coming soon. Please clean up quickly." Ye Xiao nodded and walked into the classroom with the crowd!

After leaving senior three seven classes, Han Jianyu took out the phone!

"The boy has good fighting power, which is similar to the rumor, but he can't kill Zhang Nan alone. It may be someone else. You can investigate again!"

"I see, young master..." There was a respectful voice on the other end of the phone!

Han Jianyu hung up the phone and looked back at the classroom of class seven in senior high school. He murmured: "Ye Xiao, do you dare to rob a woman with me? Do you know what you are? "

With a sneer, he turned and walked towards his classroom!

Just now, he has exerted 70% of his strength, which has successfully infuriated Ye Xiao. Therefore, he believes that ye Xiao will surely do his best. Even if he has some reservation, it will not be too much. Therefore, he concludes that ye Xiao's skill is a little worse than his real strength. At most, it is almost the same. It is impossible to kill a group of outlaws brought out by Zhang Nan!

Of course, if he knew that ye Xiao's fighting power was only one tenth of that of killing people, he would never think so!

When killing people, we only need to kill each other in the simplest and direct way, but the fight is different. In addition to retaining our due strength, we should also consider various factors, especially the grasp of strength. We can't be too big or too small, which is much more difficult than direct killing!

Today is Monday, morning self-study should be the flag raising ceremony, but at this time there was a light rain outside, the flag raising ceremony was cancelled, and all the students stayed in the classroom to study by themselves!

The head teacher came back at this time, but the bell rang for more than ten minutes, and the old head teacher was not seen. Except for Tan Xiaoxiao, the monitor of the class, other students didn't care. Even if there were more than 100 days before the college entrance examination, they still didn't have any pressure. Those who painted their nails continued to paint their nails, while those who played games continued to play games《 "Rare evil" to continue to see rare evil little, is not a few in the serious review of textbooks!

There are also some people around, chattering incessantly!

Just as Tan Xiaoxiao was about to perform his duty as a monitor, a figure came straight in from the door of the classroom

All people's attention was focused on the women, one by one full of curiosity

Who is this man? Why are you in our class?

A woman with curly black hair tied in the back of her head, beautiful face, wearing a set of black professional suit, collar button is not buttoned, showing a thin white neck!

Below wearing black stockings, plus a pair of black high-heeled shoes, looks sexy and fashionable!

A lot of boys' eyes have been lit up, beautiful women, absolutely beautiful women"Hello everyone, Mr. Liu is ill, and I can't continue to assist you. From now on, I will take over the post of head teacher..." Seeing people's curious eyes, the beautiful woman said with a smile, showing two rows of white teeth

Hearing such news, the whole class roared with excitement, and many boys beat the table with excitement. Their bitter days finally came to an end. An old witch and a beautiful woman came. This is the gospel of all boys!

However, ye Xiao, who was sitting in the back of the classroom, roared. He tilted his chair and fell to the ground

Oh, my God, I don't want to play like this

Not only Ye Xiao, but also Tan Xiaoxiao looks at the beautiful teacher in front of her in surprise. Can she become the new head teacher of our class?

From the college entrance examination there are still dozens of days, how to suddenly change the head teacher?

Of course, even if the head teacher is changed, it is nothing, but why is she?

"My name is Murong Mingyan. You can call me Murong teacher. Of course, you can also call me sister Mingyan after class. I hope to become friends with you, not just teachers and students!" Murong Mingyan didn't seem to see the difference of Ye Xiao. She still said with a smile to everyone!

Her smile was charming and friendly, which immediately caused a frenzy

"En en, Mr. Murong, we are willing to be your friends..." A group of boys crazy shouting up, this teacher looks so beautiful, and so kind, it is the gospel of their own people!

"Mr. Murong, are you married?" Some boys have begun to brew some unhealthy ideas!

"Yu Youchao, you silly cap. How can sister Mingyan get married so young? Sister Mingyan, do you have a boyfriend?" Hua Xiaodie stands up directly from the chair

Hearing this, ye Xiao is not satisfied. Do you have a boyfriend with my sister Yan? Don't you want to be my elder sister Yan?

But because of the classroom, he is not easy to attack, just full of killing eyes staring at the flower butterfly!

But Hua Xiaodie, who has fallen into a state of madness, didn't feel the cold killing intention at all. She continued to deal with her: "if Mingyan sister doesn't have a boyfriend, I can introduce her to you!"

Introduction. I'll introduce your sister? Don't you want to introduce yourself? I will not beat you to death after class

"Ha ha, this classmate is very helpful, but these are all private matters. If you are interested, we will talk about it after class. Now, let me know you first. I will call the roll now. If you have the name, please stand up and answer, OK?" Murong Mingyan gently smile, not because of the flowers of these jokes and angry, this is to attract the class's favor!

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