Xiaofei's Xiaofei, however, nodded his head from behind, but Xiaofei nodded his head!

"Ah, are you the third young man of the white family As soon as he saw Bai choufei come out from ye Xiao's side, one eyed dragon's eyes showed a surprise look, and quickly stretched out his hands to shake hands with Bai choufei!

"Ha ha, it's out of the ordinary to say that. We all escaped from the iron castle. It's hard for us to be so polite." White Chou Fei also ha ha a smile, reached out to hold the one eyed dragon's hand, a touch is open!

"Ha ha, what a pair of brothers. It's my blessing to be brothers with such heroes as Bai Dashao, but I'm afraid I'm not qualified to be Bai's brother!" One eyed dragon sighed softly!

"Why?" Bai Chou Fei showed a surprised look, and even ye Xiao on one side was also puzzled. It seemed that one eyed dragon would say such a thing!

"Because I won't be a brother to a dead man!" The one eyed dragon roared, and suddenly raised his arm toward Bai choufei. Then he saw two chills shot out of his sleeve, which directed at Bai choufei's heart. He even had a crossbow arrow hidden in his sleeve!

See such a scene, Xie Chen is a face of shock Leng, Yi Kefu is also a face of startled, how they do not understand, one eyed dragon suddenly to white worry fly? Especially Xie Chen, one eyed dragon was brought by himself. If he hurt Bai Chou, what would feixiao think of himself?

At this time, it was Ye Xiao's calm face, as if he had expected all this. Bai choufei was as calm as ye Xiao. Before the one eyed dragon started, he had already done it!

He did not know when a foot long knife appeared in his hand, so he rowed to the raised arm of Cyclops!

"Jingle!" With a sound, the sharp knife flew the crossbow and arrow, and then mercilessly cut open the hand of the Cyclops, and then cut off half of the arm. Then, with the trend, a knife was inserted into the unicorn's shoulder, followed by a backhand knife, so it crossed the unicorn's neck!

A blood spurted out. The one eyed dragon's eyes were wide open, and his eyes were full of reluctance. It seemed that it was hard to understand even to death. How could Bai Chou fly so fast? He looked as if he had already known that he would do something to him, but how could he know?

More than a dozen people who followed the Cyclops also changed their faces. It can be said that at the moment when the Cyclops started, they had raised their weapons, but before they recovered, they saw that their boss had been killed, and they were stunned one by one. Sharna, who had already understood Ye Xiao's meaning, had raised the golden desert eagle and pulled the trigger!

At such a close distance, by the gun god himself, although these people are elite, but where can escape from the pursuit of bullets, each person's forehead has a hole the size of a thumb, the body is so straight down!

Only in the blink of an eye, more than ten people who followed the one eyed dragon fell to the ground, all of them were killed, and none of them was alive!

Seeing ye Xiao and others kill one eyed dragon quickly, Yi Kefu is scared, but Xie Chen is relieved. As long as Xiaoge and others are OK, he doesn't care what ye Xiao will do to himself!

"Well, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's go!" Xiaobo turns around and looks down with one eye!

"Brother Xiao, don't you blame me?" Seeing that ye Xiao did not blame himself, or even questioned himself, Xie Chen was slightly stunned!

"Hehe, what are you doing? I am very happy that you can come back alive! " Ye xiaosa takes off a smile!

On hearing Ye Xiao's words, Xie Chen was moved, while Yi Kefu, who was on the other side, was confused and asked: "you Did you know he had ulterior motives? How do you know that? " It happened so fast that his head couldn't keep up with the rhythm!

"The iron castle has always been an amazing defense, and a lot of people have been planted around the castle. This has nothing to do with whether or not beard should set up an ambush. However, he said that beards have ulterior motives and have been ambushed for a long time. Even if you want to flatter me, you don't have to do this. This is one of the doubts. The second one is that choufei and I worked together to kill moustache at the grand meeting yesterday Yanlong was also on the scene. He didn't know me. After all, I changed my face at that time, but he couldn't have known choufei, but he asked me where choufei was. This is also the biggest doubt. This man can't be a cyclops at all! " Ye Xiao said faintly!

"Not a cyclops? How could that be possible? " Yi Kefu was shocked. At this time, Bai choufei had already picked off a layer of skin from the one eyed dragon's face with a short knife. It turned out to be another face. When he saw the face that was obviously thinner than that of the one eyed dragon, Yi Kefu's face changed again!

"This is kurad, a powerful general under the one eyed dragon. Is it true that the Cyclops are going to deal with us? It's just why does he have to deal with us? Want to monopolize the northern territory? But his sphere of influence is at sea? " Yikov looks puzzled!

"His goal is not you, nor me, but worry flying!" Ye Xiao said, has already stepped forward, and Bai choufei's eyebrows are also tightly wrinkled together, no longer pay attention to the tragic death of kurad, get up and go with Ye Xiao towards the front!Whoever wants to kill him must get out of here as soon as possible!

Sharna, Kanu, Xie Chen and others also follow Ye Xiao to the distance. Yi Kefu looks at the corpse on the ground and the vast night, and quickly stands up to chase Ye Xiao!

He is now left with these people, if the other side another dozens of people, he has no confidence to fight out of the encirclement!

Just after the crowd left the scene for less than 10 minutes, a group of 70 or 80 people in black came over from the snow field. After seeing several people lying on the ground, a ferocious look flashed in the eyes of a man wearing an eye mask!

The third young master of Bai family is really extraordinary. He killed his subordinates in such a short time. No wonder the eldest young master should be careful!

"After me!" Without any hesitation, the one eyed dragon directly gave the order, only because the conditions offered by the eldest master of the white family were hard to refuse. Moreover, he understood that it was not only his people who wanted to kill Bai choufei all the way, but also the wild wolf who lived in the northern ice field. His sphere of influence was not as powerful as his own, but he was more familiar with this area!

If you let him kill Bai choufei first, then what he has done will be wasted?

After the one eyed dragon with his men and horses chased Ye Xiao and others, the three figures came out slowly from the dark. The leading one was enchanting, who had already left. Ye Ming and Zhou wusheng, the gods of death, were standing behind enchanting. They could not help but their own lives were on her, so they could not be disrespectful!

"Ye Xiao, be careful all the way Looking at the direction of Ye Xiao's disappearance, he murmured a sentence, then grabbed a ball of powder from his pocket and sprinkled it on the bodies around him. Then he saw that the bodies began to dissolve, as if the candle had been melted. Ye Ming and Zhou wusheng were shocked at this scene. Is this also a kind of poison?

Thought if two people offended enchanting, may also become like this, the heart is a burst of cold!

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