However, at this time, Wu Fangfang just lowered her head and bought the things she liked to eat in the places in front of her eyes. She didn't know that ye Wuxiang was worried about herself.

Wu Fangfang was totally unprepared in her heart, and she just continued to buy the things she needed to buy here.

But all of a sudden, when I turned my head, I saw Ye Wuqi was very nervous looking for herself. At this time, Wu Fangfang really thought that all the things she had done were wrong.

I let Ye Wuxiang feel worried. At this time, Wu Fangfang really doesn't know how to deal with the situation in front of her.

Just slowly walked to the leaves without lack of side, and then stood behind the leaves without lack, with a kind of very distressed eyes looking at the leaves without lack.

Ye Wuque felt very confused at this time. He really didn't know how to deal with the things in front of him.

And now he thinks he can't find Wu Fangfang. He really feels worried about something. When he turns his head, he sees Wu Fangfang behind him.

Wu Fangfang felt very comfortable in his heart.

And then looked at the woman in front of him, without any wound, ye Wuqian slowly relieved in his heart.

In the face of these things in front of him, his heart really felt very helpless, really did not know what he should say now, but in this matter, he thought his heart had been very clear.

As long as the woman in front of her is safe, as for other things, I don't need to think about so much.

After finding Wu Fangfang, the stone hanging in my heart just fell down heavily.

"Wu Fangfang, where did you go just now? It's hard for me to find your number!"

Ye Wuqian pulls the beauty into his arms and asks excitedly on his face.

As the saying goes, the loss of the rear know the importance of treasure, and ye Wuque's mood is the answer to that sentence, indeed, it's hard to imagine, if you really lost Wu Fangfang, then ye Wuque would not live.

After Wu Fangfang saw the man in front of her, she really felt very distressed. She really didn't know what she should say, but she also knew that he cared about her, so she was so excited.

"In fact, I just went to buy some things, I hope you don't worry too much, and for these things I really feel very sorry, just now I really feel very hungry, I took my bag and came to this place to eat."

Then Wu Fangfang was very distressed to say such a sentence to the man in front of her.

And with a very confused look at Ye Wuqian, he did not know what kind of a week this man was in front of him.

Wu Fangfang also felt very helpless in her heart. She didn't know what she should say now. She thought that she might have been wrong.

And let the man in front of him feel worried, Wu Fangfang's heart really feel very guilty, now really do not know what kind of words should be used to describe his heart at this moment.

Speaking of those chaotic places, Wu Fangfang always thinks that she is very sorry for the man in front of her.

All these things that he did made the man in front of him feel worried. In this matter, Wu Fangfang really didn't know what he should say.

At the same time, I really don't know how to comfort myself. The man in front of him will slowly be a little better.

In this matter, Wu Fangfang has been deeply aware of what he has just done wrong.

In this matter, he thinks that he should really go and communicate with the man in front of him, and he can't let the man in front of him worry about himself so much.

"In fact, I know that I did these things by myself. I hope you don't pay too much attention to them. I also feel very sorry. Maybe I just felt so hungry that I just became this way. I hope you don't mind too much."

Then Wu Fangfang just said such a sentence to the man in front of him with a kind of apologetic eyes. Facing these things in front of him, he really didn't know how he should communicate with the man in front of him.

He thought that all these things were his own fault. At this time, he really felt speechless in his heart, and he really realized what he had just done.

Now he really hoped that the man in front of him would not worry too much about himself.

Now I am very safe in front of the man in front of him.

Ye Wuqi heard the woman in front of her just after she talked about these topics with herself. In fact, she thought she didn't put these things in her mind.Before I was just too worried about the woman in front of her. When she could see the woman apologizing to her, she really felt that there was no need for her.

At this time, he intends to do well. It's better for the lady in front of him to say these things. He just hopes that it won't happen again next time. This time, he really scared himself.

In this matter, he hoped that the woman in front of him had to think about it and not make such a mistake again.

Ye Wuqi's mind is very clear, also did not intend to stay on these things.

"In fact, I don't think all these things are as important as I thought. I don't think I need to care about them. I just hope you don't look like this in the future. I'm scared to death by your appearance today. I hope you don't look like this again next time. I really feel very worried. "

Then ye Wuque just lowered his head and said such a sentence to the woman in front of him, and looked at the woman in front of him with a certain look.

In all these things, ye Wuqian thinks that he really does not need to put in mind, and in this matter.

He only hoped that the woman in front of him was safe. As for other things, ye Wuqian thought that he didn't need to think so much.

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