The breath of spring has already attacked the north and south of China. Kyoto, Jinghai, Rongcheng, Yangcheng and other cities are bathed in the sunshine of spring. However, for Magda gaqi, which is still in the north of China, the cold wind is still blowing!

In a forest less than five kilometers away from Magda gaqi, ye Xiao, Bai choufei, Sarna, Kanu, Xiao Feng, Xie Chen, including Lenghun, are hidden in the woods!

At this time, ye Xiao's body was tattered, especially his coat, which was torn several times, and the skin inside was exposed in many places. His pants were also turned into root and root strips, and his hair was in a mess. It seemed that he was no better than the beggars of the beggars' sect!

And Kanu, Xie Chen and others are even more embarrassed, especially carnu, whose coat has long been unknown where he has gone, but he only wears a snow wolf's fur on his body, which is also covered with blood, which is obviously stripped down by him and put on his body like this!

Even Bai Chou Fei, dressed in white, was in a mess at this time. The original white clothes were covered with stains, bloodstains and sweat. It looked like a beggar who had been begging for a long time. There was no style of being a little white!

However, salna, a blonde, was still keeping her clothes clean and tidy, but her face was also covered with stains. Everyone looked like the refugees. If she was seen by ordinary people, who would believe that each of these people was a famous person?

"Where are they now?" Ye Xiao is sitting on the root of an old tree that stretches out, with a cigarette made of withered grass in his mouth, smoking heavily!

"There are more than 200 people in Magda GAC!" Cold soul came out of the shadow and said faintly!

"Magda gag? It seems that they know that we are going to pass there, and we went there in advance. Ye Xiao, we'd better go directly to Mohe from here. Although it's a little far away, we may not be able to meet a car on the road! " When he heard that Mochou had led people into Magda gaqi, Bai Chou Fei's eyebrows picked out!

"Why go straight, why avoid? Can't we go straight to Magda gag? " Facing Bai Chou Fei's suggestion, ye Xiao said indifferently!

"Ye Xiao, there are only a few of us left. There is no equipment supply here, and there is no way to contact them. What are you going to do in Magda gaqi now?" Bai Chou Fei asked in surprise!

"Ikov is dead. I can't let him die in vain!" Ye Xiao slowly raised his head, that decadent eyes burst out two fine awns!

"Ye Xiao, are you crazy? We are all very sad about the death of ikov, and we will revenge for him, but it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge on him for ten years. We can take revenge after we go back! " Hearing Ye Xiao say so, Bai Chou Fei is shocked!

There are so many people left. It is uncertain whether they will be able to return to China or not. Now they are going to take revenge. It is not death. What is it?

"I am not a gentleman! And you can kill Mochou when you go back? " In the face of Bai Chou Fei's question, ye Xiao said coldly, and his figure also stood up from the root of the tree, with unprecedented firmness in his eyes!

Bai Chou flies in a daze. Yes, after returning to China, can they kill Mochou? He is now an active military officer of XX field army. Even if he is a dragon, he can not be executed at will. After all, they have no evidence!

But at the thought of Ye Xiao's madness, Bai choufei still opened his mouth and said, "but we are going to die, you know? Ikov sacrificed his own life in order to let us escape. Don't you let him down by going like this? " Eyelid Ye Xiao seems to have made up his mind. Bai Chou flies in a hurry. Without equipment and supplies, relying on a few of them, he wants to wipe out a field army team of more than 100 people. This is just a dream!

"It's not us, it's me. You need to take them back home!" Seeing Bai Chou Fei's anxious eyes, ye Xiao said faintly, but his words were never stronger than ever!

"Ye Xiao, impulse is the devil. Do you think we will leave you alone?" White worry fly angry way!

"It's not impulsive, choufei. If you were the guy named Mochou, what would you think in such a situation?" Facing Bai Chou Fei's question, ye Xiaoxin calmly asked!

"What do you think?" Bai Chou flies in a daze, and then immediately changes to Mochou's thinking. Mochou is obviously ordered by his elder brother to rob and kill himself. Because of Yi Kefu's crazy behavior, they escape a way of life. Under such circumstances, Mochou absolutely can't give up. He must think that he and others will flee to China. There won't be too many people around him. Those people should be him In order to find the trace of himself and others, he will certainly distribute the people around him and pursue them. In this way, there will not be too many left behind members around him!

"But..." Although he knows Ye Xiao's crazy behavior, Bai choufei still has some worries. After all, there are more than 200 people around Mochou. Even if he distributes them, he will stay around at least 100 people, and all of them are fully armed soldiers. How can ye Xiao be killed with his own strength?"It's nothing. If you think I'm a brother, you should go home first. His main goal is you, not me!" Don't wait for Bai Chou Fei to finish, ye Xiao has interrupted the way!

"Brother Xiao, I'll go with you!" Seeing that ye Xiao's mind has been decided, Bai Chou Fei chooses silence, but Xie Chen says it!

"What are you going to do and what qualifications are you to go to? You're only going to die! " In the face of Xie Chen's request for war, ye Xiao mercilessly strikes the way!

"Even if I die, I will follow brother Xiao!" Xie Chen is not angry. He knows that ye Xiao doesn't want to die with him!

Hearing Xie Chen's decisive words, ye Xiao still wanted to scold something, but the words came to his mouth, but nothing could be said. Instead, bursts of tears sprang up from the corners of his eyes!

Even if he is sent to death, he must follow himself. Yi Kefu died for himself, and now Xie Chen is willing to pay his own life for himself. How can ye Xiao not be moved!

Looking at Xie Chen's face, which is less than 20, there is a firm light. Ye Xiao's heart is sour, sweet and full. Life with this brother is enough!

"The sequelae of dragon blood has disappeared. If you go, it will only make me more concerned about it. You can follow Bai choufei and leave together, as well as karu and Sarna. You all leave with Bai choufei. When I'm not here, he will be your boss!" Ye Xiao sighed, gently patted Xie Chen on the shoulder, and said to Sarna and others!

Hearing Ye Xiao's words which are almost the last words, sharna, Kanu and Xie Chen are full of tears in their eyes. Although what he said is very reasonable and his strength is very strong, this time he is facing a field army of more than 100 people, and is still fully armed. How dangerous is it?

"Boss..." Sarna was about to say something, but just as she spoke, she was interrupted again by Ye Xiao!

"Well, it's decided. No one is against it. Cold soul, let's go!" Ye Xiao got up and walked in the direction of Magda gaqi. After three steps, he suddenly stopped. Then a voice full of confidence came from his body: "I will not die, I will never die!"

Eight words sonorous and powerful, full of domineering!

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