In this way, ye Wuque hurriedly went to the discharge procedures.

Once again slowly leisurely came to the ward where Wu Fangfang was.

Then he looked at the woman in front of him with a kind of happy eyes, because he had just come to ask the doctor, because the doctor told him that the woman really had no problem, so this time.

Ye Wuqi didn't feel so depressed in his heart again. He felt that as long as the woman recovered, all the things would disappear. For the things in front of him, he also knew that he had no need to hesitate so much.

So when I came to the room where Wu Fangfang was, I decided to take Wu Fangfang out of this place.

Because he also knows that Wu Fangfang has been away from his home for a long time. He must be very homesick, so in this matter.

Ye Wuque really felt that he did not need to stay so many things to complete the things that the woman in front of her most wanted to do.

Instead of always staying on the surface of these things, ye Wuwei feels that his heart has been thinking very clearly about this matter.

So as long as according to his mind those ideas to do it, as for other things, he really feel that he does not need to consider so much.

"Well, now we can leave this place quickly. The doctor has said that your body is not in any way in any way. And now I think you will feel very bored after staying in the hospital for such a long time, so let's not stay in front of these things again."

After that, she said a happy word in front of her eyes.

Then with a puzzled look at the woman in front of him, I don't know how the woman in front of him thinks about this series of things.

So at this time, he still has to see how the woman in front of him thinks, and then he slowly decides what he should do next.

"What you just said is true. I have been in the hospital for such a long time, and I really feel that my whole body is going to collapse, so now I'd like to leave the hospital a little faster, so don't stop at these things again, but quickly clean up my things, and then we will leave this place."

At this time, Wu Fangfang was very excited to look at the man in front of her, and said such a sentence very quickly.

Because now she really does not want to go to the PE teacher again in front of her own things, and really solve these things in front of her, which is what he wants to do most in his heart.

At this time, ye Wuqian slowly looked at the situation in front of him.

So I didn't plan to stay in front of me again. I packed all the luggage of the woman in front of me very quickly.

When Wu Fangfang was about to change her clothes, she decided to change her clothes.

Because she used to wear the same kind of clothes in the hospital.

So now he changed immediately and planned to leave the place with Ye Wuqian, because she really wanted to go out for a walk instead of staying in the ward all the time.

"Well, I'm all set now, and if I can, we'll leave this place right now, because I really don't want to be in the ward again."

When Wu Fangfang slowly and leisurely said such a sentence to Ye Wuqian, Luo Qingtian did not know where to get the news, knew that they were going to leave the place, so he rushed to the hospital.

"Do you two really want to leave this place now? If you can, otherwise you can stay and have a good time for a few days?"

Luo Qingtian breathes heavily at this time, and then looks at the two people in front of him with a kind of puzzled eyes, hoping that these two people will listen to their words of retention.

Because he really felt that the two people in front of him didn't play much at all in this place, and they were also injured, so he felt that he should really be responsible, and then let him reduce these people to play well.

"Our youth has thought very clearly about this matter, and now we have been away from the company for a long time, so there is really no need to stay in front of these things again."

When ye Wuqian was going to speak, Wu Fangfang looked at Luo Qingtian with a kind of firm eyes, and then said such a sentence to Luo Qingtian with great certainty.

Ye Wuqian looked at the situation in front of him, so he did not intend to say so much, because he felt that the person in front of him was now our confirmed words.So he did not need to say so much money. He thought that Wu Fangfang's mind should be very clear, so for this matter, he felt that he was obedient to those ideas in Wu Fangfang's heart.

Instead of expressing what you think in your heart again, and you really don't want to stay in this place for a long time.

Because there is no place I want to play in this place, but I came to this place with Wu Fangfang.

Luo Qingtian looked at the situation in front of him and imagined that as long as he wanted to retain the person in front of him, it was possible that these people would slowly stay.

"Otherwise, you two will listen to me, stay here for a few days, and then have a good time, because in this matter, I really feel that I have not done what the landlord should do."

Luo Qingtian once again with a puzzled look at the two people in front of him asked such a sentence, but Wu Fangfang at this time in his heart has been very sure of his choice.

"Come on, I've already thought about it clearly in my own mind, so there's no need to stay on these things in front of me again."

After Wu Fangfang said such a word again, she looked at Luo Qingtian in her eyes and laughed politely at the man in front of her.

Because she also wants the person in front of her to know what she thinks in her heart and is very sure. She also hopes that the person in front of her will not be detained again.

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