"Cluck Cluck Please come in first, sir. We'll be ready in a minute. We'll be ready at once. " After holding the gold the size of a cigarette box in her hand and confirming that it was real gold, the blonde's smile became more brilliant. She reached for Mochou's arm and walked to the hotel!

No matter where the mercenaries are, there will be no matter where they are!

No one will believe that this group of people are from the field forces of China, and the army of the state of China pays a lot of money. Who would be such a gold brick!

Mochou left four soldiers in charge of the car, and let the blonde take her arm and walk in!

The area here is huge, the streets are also very spacious, and the population is sparse, the car is very few, there is no need to park in the hotel parking lot!

Under the leadership of the blonde, Mochou comes to the hotel's most luxurious and only suite. When seeing this suite, Mochou finally understands why the blonde has always stressed that it is the best, most luxurious and most beautiful hotel in the town!

The area of the suite is very large, which is the characteristic of Magda gaqi. No matter what is big enough, it has more than 100 square meters. There is a living room and a bedroom with its own bathroom. The living room is also covered with carpets. However, the carpet is bare. There are several fist sized holes on it, revealing the cold concrete floor. This is not peaceful Floor suite!

Even so, the living room close to 100 meters has only one sofa and a tea table. The sofa is very large, but it is made of trees, but it is only paved with a few cushions. What's more, the bark of the wood has not been completely stripped off!

And the tea table in front of the sofa is more leak detection, that is, with a few wooden boards simply stapled, put a ground stone slab on it, it becomes a tea table!

The tea table is empty. There are no teacups, no teapots, or even a water cup. As for the walls around, they have been painted. Unfortunately, the paint in many places has fallen off, leaving only bare cement. It is indeed worthy of being the most luxurious hotel in the town and the most luxurious suite in the hotel, because there is only such a hotel in such a big town There is only one suite like this!

"Dear Sir, what else can I do for you besides what you ordered just now?" When Mochou is sitting on the sofa with bark, the blonde comes to Mochou, half bowing and smiling!

"Do you have any other services?" Mochou is very curious to ask a!

"Of course, of course, as long as you pay, no matter how special the service is, we will provide it!" The blonde looks at Mo Chou with bright eyes, and specially emphasizes the word "special". If she can afford the money, she will be willing to let more than 100 soldiers outside communicate with her!

"Ha ha..." Mochou light smile, and then one hand into the arms, slowly touch out two longer than just now, but also thick, but also thick gold bar, gently put on the simple tea table!

The blonde loa's eyes lit up immediately. It was like a pair of 300 Watt light bulbs!

"What do you want me to do, sir?" Under the light of those two gold bricks, Luo Ya's body slowly softened, so she knelt down in front of Mochou's body, and then put her arms on Mochou's knees, almost all her body was leaning on Mochou's body. At this time, as long as Mochou had a look, she could immediately pull her small mouth to the place where Mochou needed to provide him with some of the most special services!

"It's very simple. I need to know the whereabouts of these people and tell your boss that I only need to find out the whereabouts of these people. In addition to the two gold bricks that are yours, I will send another ten gold bricks!" Who expected that Mochou had no other meaning at all, but took out a few photos from his arms and put them on the coffee table!

Seeing that Mochou had no special request, Luo Ya's face flashed a look of disappointment. However, when she heard Mochou say that as long as the two people in the photo were found, the two gold bricks would belong to her own, her dim eyes lit up again!

"Don't worry, sir. As long as they are near Magda GAC, even if they become rats, we will find them out!" Luo Ya said, holding a lot of photos and two gold bricks on the coffee table into her arms!

"Ha ha, then I'll wait for your good news!" Mochou waved his hand, indicating that Loya could go!

"Sir, take a rest first, and your food will come up soon." After confirming that Mochou has no other service, Luo Ya gets up and goes outside!

Mochou just a faint smile, no more to say, until the figure of Loa left the room, has been standing next to an officer came over, to Mochou said: "Captain, what are we here to do? Even if the target task wants to pass by here, it will make a detour after discovering our whereabouts! "

"Xie Jiu, this area is so big that our brothers can catch them?" Seeing the soldier with a green look on his face, Mo Chou asked in a soft voice!These are the most loyal soldiers under Bai Chouyou's command. They should have killed the enemy and served the country on the battlefield, but now they are carrying out this kind of murderer of national heroes together with themselves!

Mochou felt that he was sorry for him and them, but he had no choice. When he became Bai Chouyou's brother, it was doomed to all this!

People live, many times is not full of helplessness?

If it's not that the man is too strong, if it's not that the man has a stronger man around him, why does he need to do it in person?

Why do we need to lead these soldiers who are supposed to defend the frontier?

At first, Xie Jiu was stunned. Obviously, he didn't think that his officer would ask him such a question. In his mind, he unconsciously thought of the scene that one of them rushed to himself and others regardless of his comfort, and shot and detonated shells after several shots in his body. This is a group of tough people, but also a group of outstanding people, relying on their little hands, It's not easy to catch them in this vast space!

"It seems difficult!" Although Xie Jiu wanted to say that he could catch them, he still shook his head at last!

"It's not that there are difficulties, but they are very, very difficult. They are not ordinary people. If we don't have the help of these local snakes, we can't catch them. The wild wolf is a local snake. Unfortunately, he has died!" Mochou murmured a sigh. In his mind, he could not help but think of ikov's valiant. What kind of belief makes these Desperado living in the underground world desperate for that man?

"But what does it have to do with our being here? Does the owner of this hotel still have the ability of a wild wolf? " Xie Jiu continues to ask curiously that he is Mochou's personal soldier, and he is also the person that Mochou wants to cultivate. Otherwise, how dare ordinary soldiers dare to ask such questions!

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