"If it doesn't work, because I don't have relatives!" At first, ye Wuqian was shocked by Zhang Xinyu's inexplicable words. After reaction, he said with self mockery.

"What if you have relatives! Will you accept that he will arrange a marriage for you? " Zhang Xinyu continued to ask.

"It depends! If the other person is good, I will try to associate with her for a period of time. If they don't feel suitable for each other, then the relative should not say anything at that time

See Zhang Xinyu do not give up, ye Wuque touched the nose, thought for a while said.

"Try to socialize for a while?" Zhang Xinyu took a serious look at ye Wuwu's eyes and whispered softly.

"What? Did any of your relatives arrange a marriage for you

Seeing Zhang Xinyu's thoughtful expression, ye Wuhuo asked in doubt.

"No, just a friend." After getting the answer she wanted, Zhang Xinyu regained her icy expression and went back coldly.

"Oh The leaf does not lack to should a, then again fell into silence.

In fact, he knew that Zhang Xinyu had just asked him, but people would not like to say that, and he would not ask more. He is not a person who likes gossip.

In this way, the window became quiet again, and the two men had their own thoughts.

However, the school was not far from where he lived, and in a short time, they arrived at the place where they lived.

"You live here?" Looking at the dilapidated house in front of her, Zhang Xinyu frowned and asked.

"Well!" Ye Wuqi touched his head awkwardly and nodded to reply.

"Why not live in school? The school environment should be better than here! "

"I'm used to living alone. I'm not used to living in school." Ye explains.

In fact, when he first started school, he used to live in his bedroom. However, because his roommates were rich, and they were a little arrogant and looked down on the poor, he moved out.

"Do you mind if you go up and have a look?" Zhang Xinyu inquired.

Originally, she was not willing to have too much contact with ye Wuque. She wanted to send him here and turn back. But at the moment, she saw such a shabby house demolition, and then flashed a trace of intolerance.

What about being cold and indifferent? In the end, she was just a woman. Where could she see such a scene, and the relationship between the two people was unclear, she felt that if she didn't go up and have a look, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"I don't mind, but..."

"If you don't mind, go up!" Zhang Xinyu interrupts the words of leaf without lack, indifferent way.

"Well, then." Ye Wuwei shook his head helplessly and began to lead the way in front of him.

Things to this point, can only pray that the landlord is not at home! Or it'll be embarrassing for a while.

However, when God has a nap, ye Wuqian's little request can't satisfy him.

When he came to the door with Zhang Xinyu and was about to open the door and enter the house, a man in his thirties appeared at the corner. When he saw Ye Wuxiang, he insulted:

"Yo Ho, the star is back! How's the rent you've prepared? Don't say it's not. If you don't hand it in today, I don't mind throwing out all your bedding. "

"How much does he owe you?"

When ye Wuwu is embarrassed and doesn't know how to answer the question, Zhang Xinyu, who doesn't like talking, suddenly stands out from his back and looks at the man, indifferently.

"Not much, four or five thousand dollars Poof! What a beautiful girl

The sudden cold voice made the man feel uncomfortable, but when he came back to see the man clearly, his eyes immediately straightened, staring like a copper bell.

In his thirties, he has played with many women of all kinds, but he can guarantee that none of them is beautiful.

Big eyes, high nose, peach mouth perfectly carved in the angel like goose egg face, so that she looks so beautiful is not true, even today's first-line stars are ashamed.

In particular, under the package of black professional clothes, the exquisite curve like water snake is displayed incisively and vividly, which looks so enchanting and moving. And the straight and slender jade legs make him feel like he has lived on the dog for the first half of his life.

And that noble temperament coupled with a cold and arrogant look, but also let him have a kind of impulse to conquer.

Such a perfect and beautiful woman came with Ye Wuxiang, and seemed to want to help him. He was immediately upset. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and swore: "he has the money to find the lady. Is it possible that he has no money to pay the rent?"

In fact, he did not think, so beautiful, so temperament of beauty how can be a miss? I'm afraid even international flowers do not have such conditions, right?

But when men go crazy, where do you know that? At the moment, there is only one thought in the man's mind, that is, to get this woman in any case,

so, desire makes people brave! The man looked at Zhang Xinyu directly and came to her directly. He said obscenely, "Miss, how much do you pay for this asshole? I have enough money and live well... "While the man spoke, the two dog paws were not idle, but boldly grabbed Zhang Xinyu's towering crisp chest, and his brain was even more dreaming of the pleasure of catching it.

Suddenly, let ye Wumian, who was watching on the edge, suddenly became gloomy and could almost drip blood. He clenched his fist and stepped out, ready to deal with the man severely.

Who expected, a fragrance across! Ye Wuqi felt a dark in front of him, and the air suddenly became cold. He felt like he was in an ice cave.

Then, with a loud bang, in Ye Wuqian's frightened eyes, a man of more than 200 Jin immediately flew out. Ye Wuque did not see Zhang Xinyu's movements.

Can she be so overwhelming that she can send Qigong? Think of the man inexplicably fly out, leaf without lack of fear of thinking.

Looking at the man lying on the ground, covering his stomach and screaming constantly, ye Wuqian thinks that the only explanation is that Zhang Xinyu's action is too fast, so fast that he can't see Zhang Xinyu's action. Is this man-made? Gods! Completely out of the scope of science.

Seeing Zhang Xinyu's hand, ye Wuqian had a cold sweat on his forehead. Fortunately, he didn't have any excessive movement, otherwise Thinking of here, ye Wuwei couldn't help but shiver, and he didn't dare to think of the consequences.

In fact, ye Wuwu doesn't know that Zhang Xinyu is contemptuous of him. Besides looking down on him, she won't do anything about it? It won't be like this.

But look at his expression now, even if he knows, I don't think he'll dare? This woman is too fierce, looking at the soft and weak, weak without wind, but also a face of cold, angry, even so infiltrated.

"Ah Dame, I'm not finished with you from now on The man held his abdomen, curled up on the ground, looked at Zhang Xinyu grimly and scolded bitterly.


As soon as the man's voice fell, a 42 size shoe fell on his face instantly, and his nose was tilted.

Stepping on him is no one else, it is our protagonist ye Wuque. Although he is very unhappy with Zhang Xinyu, a pair of strangers do not close, cold expression, but does not hinder him to want to protect her, in the final analysis, Zhang Xinyu is just to help himself.

"Don't talk to me. I've endured you for a long time." Hit all not bad that few feet, ye Wuqi vigorously stamped on his face a few times, it is the curse of gas.

Ye Wuque did not know that when he taught the man hard, Zhang Xinyu's beautiful eyes behind him flashed a trace of brilliance.

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