Zhang Xinyu's voice sounded, with tenderness and even a trace of warmth, which is her magic hand to revive the spring

"OK, I will come out immediately!" Leaf without lack should a, this just cleaned up a time, walked out of the room.

But just out of the room soon, ye Wuque is found, this Xinyu unexpectedly some anemia, although the face looks very ruddy, but has a pale color.

"What's wrong with you? Is it anemia? " Ye Wuqi said, because he seemed to be able to see through everything.

"How do you know I'm anemic? I do have some anemia! " Zhang Xinyu Leng for a moment, this just hastily said, will look toward the leaf not to want to look.

"Of course I can see it! I study medicine! Naturally, you can see the name of your disease from your face! " Leaf without lack of promise to say.

In the face of Ye Wuqian's words, Zhang Xinyu is a little unconvinced, because as far as he knows, ye Wuqian's study in school is not good. Although Ye Wuqian is a medicine major, you can't have such high medical skills, and you can see its cause at a glance.

"I think you are covered up!" Zhang Xinyu white leaves no lack of an eye, this just said.

"How could that be possible! I'm a medical major! It's perfectly normal to have this ability! " Ye Wuque chuckles, and then looks at the table!

"Did you cook all these dishes yourself?" Ye Wuqi is a little surprised. There are four or five dishes on the table. Although it doesn't look good, a president cooks for himself. It's a great honor.

"Of course! I cooked all these dishes myself! How about you taste it! " Zhang Xinyu was a little pleased.

Ye Wuwei looks at a plate of lotus root slices, because in these dishes, only this lotus root slices are fried properly.

After that, I didn't dare to spit out the lotus root, but I didn't dare to spit out the lotus root slices for long, but I didn't dare to see the lotus root leaves.

"How, how does it taste?" Zhang Xinyu some excited toward the leaf does not lack ask a way.

"Delicious! Very good! " Ye Wuxiang said repeatedly, but his expression was somewhat embarrassed.

Zhang Yuxin wants to know that she is going to make her own dishes even if she has finished them.

"Really, that would be great! You should eat more! I don't usually cook! Although I know I cook very well! But if you're so sure, I'm satisfied! " Zhang Xinyu said with a smile to the leaves.

As soon as he said this, ye Wuqian's face began to twitch. You know, this dish is extremely difficult to swallow. If you want him to eat all these dishes, would it not take his old life?

"Let me have a taste of this dish, too."

At this time, Zhang Xinyu said with a smile, ready to move chopsticks.

At this time, however, ye Wuwei has become a little embarrassed. It seems that his lies will be self defeating.


Just ate into a lotus root piece, Zhang xinyumeng vomited out, and then look toward the leaves without lack of hope.

"Is there any mistake! It's so salty that you can eat it! "

"Nothing! As long as you make it, I like it! " Ye Wuwei said with a smile, looking extremely serious.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, Zhang Xinyu's expression is also slightly changed. Unexpectedly, ye Wuque would say so, which is something warm in his heart.

"Wu Ma, put these things away! These dishes are too much to eat! "

Zhang Xinyu shouts to the room. Although Zhang Xinyu knows that ye Wuque means well, Zhang Xinyu can't let Ye Wuqian eat this.

When Wu Ma came to the table, she hastened to clean it up. But at this time, ye Wuqian's heart was slightly surprised!

"Wu Ma, do you have rheumatism in your right leg?" Ye Wuxiang asked. Ye Wuxiang asked.

"It's an old problem. I didn't expect that Mr. Xu could see it!" Wu Ma looks at Ye Wuwei in surprise.

After being affirmed, ye Wumian is sure that he has already possessed super medical skills. Otherwise, it is impossible to see at a glance the diseases of anyone.

"Ye Wuwu has rheumatism on her own! How do you know that? " Zhang Xinyu is a little curious.

"I study medicine! Of course you can see it! Otherwise, do you think I'm blowing Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"Since you study medicine, do you have a way to treat the rheumatism of Wu Ma's leg?" Zhang Xinyu said with great significance that he wanted to test the ability of Ye Wuwu.

"All the diseases in the world can't be cured without me! Let me see it! "

Ye Wuqi sends out a chuckle, and then she walks to Wu Ma and lets her sit on the sofa.

"Forget it! It's not an old problem. It can't be cured! And rheumatism! There is no cure at all! " Wu Ma said with a smile that she didn't want to trouble ye!"I don't know, Wu Ma. Have you ever heard of the four words" rejuvenation with a good hand? " Ye Wuqi sends out a chuckle and looks at Wu Ma.

"What's the answer? I've heard of it, but it's a little unlikely! " Wu Ma was stunned for a moment, and then she said that the reason why Wu Ma said this was because she knew that it was impossible for ye Wuqian to return to life with a clever hand.

"Well, give me three minutes! In three minutes, I can cure Wu Ma's rheumatic joint! " Leaf without lack of promise to say.

With Ye Wuqian's words, Wu's mother didn't believe her at all. You should know that Wu's mother traveled all over the country for this disease, and the disease was called immortal cancer. If she wanted to be completely cured, it was impossible. She could only defend and not be cured.

"Ye Wuqian, do you really have the ability to cure Wu Ma's illness?" Zhang Xinyu some solemnly will look toward ye Wuwu.

"Of course! Since I said it, it must be OK! " Ye Wuque said with great solemnity and gave out a chuckle.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, Zhang Xinyu has some doubts in her heart. She doesn't know where she comes from.

"In that case, you can take a look at it for Ma Wu! If I can really help my mother solve this problem, then Wu Ma will not have to suffer so much every day! " Zhang Xinyu said in a hurry.

This Wu Ma has been serving Zhang Xinyu for many years, and she has a great affection for her. Naturally, she wants to cure her rheumatic joint.


Ye Wuwu answered, and then he looked at Wu Ma and stroked her leg for a moment. At the same time, she secretly operated the spiritual power in her body.

With Ye Wuqian's spiritual power surging in his body, Wu Ma's expression has become somewhat enjoyable, because he feels that there seems to be a flame burning on his feet above Ye's palm.

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