"As the saying goes, you need to tie the bell to untie the bell. Since you played the wrong hand, you should solve it. Otherwise, there will be no solution." Hong Sheng's voice rang out and said with a smile to Ye Wuwei!

In the face of Hong Sheng's words, ye Wumian is also happy. It seems that the hand of dividing tendons and bones is not wrong. He has already made Zhou Dong's tibia incompatible. If Zhou Dong doesn't ask for himself, he can't do anything even if he goes to the hospital.

When they saw the scene in front of them, they were also shocked. They didn't expect that ye Wuwu, who was very weak in the ordinary days, would become so strong, and even stretched out his hand.

"I will not play with you if I have something else to do! But remember it for me! You will kneel down and beg me Ye Wuqi said this just turned to leave, looks light and light! The reason why Ye Wuqian is so confident is that he fully believes what Hong Sheng said. No one can solve the problem of splitting tendons and bones.

After ye Wuqian left, Zhou Dong and his three men were lying on the ground in a mess. They looked like a few dogs. Most importantly, they felt their right arm was extremely weak and the pain was unbearable.

"Dongge, what are we going to do now? This boy seems to be a heresy! Does she really know something? "

Zhao Laosan looked at Zhou Dong, and his face became a little ugly.

In the face of Zhao Laosan's words, Zhou Dong's face also became a little ugly. He also did not expect that ye Wuqian had such a method. Now he is even more painful, and his right arm is extremely weak, as if he had been broken by someone.

After leaving the school, ye Wuqian did not return to the villa, but went to a pharmacy.

Ye Wuqian has promised Li Dazhi to cure his kidney deficiency, so he has to go back to the drugstore to get some herbs.

Chen's pharmacy is located next to Yanjing University. It seems that it has been operating for quite a long time, and there are many patients. Obviously, Chen's pharmacy should be regarded as a medicine shop for conscience?

He strode into the Chen's drugstore, and ye Wuqian was ready to look for medicinal materials. However, at this time, unless it was found that a young man was treating an old man, the old man seemed to be very old and felt uncomfortable. So he came to the drugstore.

Dad, you'd better ask doctor Chen! I feel like you can't see what I'm sick of

The old man said to the young man with some solemnity, because he found that what the young man said was wrong.

"Don't worry! I graduated from Medical University. I am sure I can cure this disease! What's more, my father didn't even study in University. His medical skills are not as good as mine. If you let him treat him, if you don't let me treat him, don't you look down on me! " Chen Shixuan said solemnly.

In the face of Chen Shixuan's words, the old man's heart is quite helpless. You should know that he is Chen Shixuan's father, Chen Qianqiu.

"Uncle, your face is red and your throat is dry and itchy! I'm afraid it's cold. I'll give you some cold medicine! "

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Shixuan said.

As soon as Chen Shixuan said this, the old man's face was a little embarrassed, and then he said to Chen Shixuan.

"No way! It's not cold on this day. How can I get cold? " The old man was a little curious.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. You're right to listen to me! I'll give you a prescription! Take this pair of medicine and make sure that the disease is cured when it is cured! " Chen Shixuan vowed to say.

As soon as Chen Shixuan said this, the old man nodded again and again. If Chen Shixuan could cure his illness, he would be very grateful!

"Cough Little brother, I think you are wrong! How could this uncle get cold on a hot day? This medicine can't be taken indiscriminately! What if you get sick? " Ye Wuqian coughed a few times, and then he said to Chen Shixuan.

You know, this medicine really can't be taken indiscriminately, but you have to take medicine when you are not sick. This is not a disease on top of a disease.

"Who are you? How dare you meddle! Do you know that this is our Chen's pharmacy! " Chen Shixuan was not good at it. He looked at Ye Wuqian and found that he was just a student.

"I think you are just a student. You call me little brother. You are not big or small!" Chen Shixuan's voice sounded again. He was very dissatisfied with ye Wuque.

In the face of this Chen Shixuan's words, ye Wuque is to send out a chuckle, this just said.

"In fact, you don't have to mind me so much. I've seen what the old man has got. It's not the cold you said." Ye Wuque said with a smile, because ye Wuque likes to prove everything with actions.

"If you say you can see what the old man is suffering from, I want to listen to him! You can see what disease the old man has! You dare to speak up here Chen Shixuan said coldly to ye Wuque, which seems to be extremely uncomfortable with ye Wuque!

In the face of Chen Shixuan's words, ye Wuqian looked at the old man and said with a smile."Uncle, can you open your mouth and let me see what it looks like in your throat!"

With ye Wuque's words, the old man hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth and looked at the old man's mouth for a moment. Ye Wuque nodded.

"If I guess correctly! When you were young, you should have worked in a dusty place! That's why your throat is always itchy. It's an old problem. If you want to cure it, I'm afraid it's impossible. But as long as you drink more water every day, you will naturally alleviate your illness! " Ye Wuque vowed to say, because ye Wuque can be sure that what he said was not wrong.

"God, God! You can guess what I did when I was young. It's really impressive. Are you also a member of Chen's pharmacy? " The old man continued to praise ye Wuwu. He praised ye Wuwu's words, especially his great confidence in ye Wuwu.

"Ha ha I misunderstood you! I'm not a member of Chen's pharmacy. I'm just a shopper. I'm just passing by. That's why I'm reminded

With ye Wuque's words, Chen Shixuan on one side was not happy! You should know that this is their Chen's pharmacy. They should display a bunch of talents who are not in their city! Yes, the leaves are not missing, which onion?

"You don't know what to do! This is my Chen's medicine shop. You can't be allowed to run wild here! "

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