"So ye Xiaolai is here to find them?" Kawski's eyes turned fast, and soon thought of the possibility that ye Xiao was here!

"They killed ekov, and I came to avenge ekov!" Facing the problem of kawski, ye Xiao said with certainty!

"Ah..." This time, I was shocked by kafky: "ekov is dead? That guy is more important to his life than anyone else. How can he die? Was it in the explosion of gysnangu yesterday? "

Kawski's news is very clever. He has known an explosion that happened a few miles away from Magda garchi. He just didn't know the cause of the explosion. Now, he heard Ye Xiao say that he immediately associated it there!

"Yes, that guy looks his life more important than anything. He is so timid, but why is he so stupid? Why is he so stupid? Why do you know that death is going to rush over? " Ye Xiao also murmured a voice, the voice was low, eyes are full of sadness, it seems to think of that humble but tall figure!

I feel the sadness of Ye Xiao. Although kafky doesn't feel sad for the dead guy, he doesn't know why. But he has a sour feeling in his heart. He seems to see the scene of ekov rushing forward!

"How many people have you brought, ye Shao? What do you need me to do? " Seeing ye Xiao seems to be so immersed in sadness, kawski warned!

"Just me!" "I am drawn back to reality by a word from kawski," Ye Xiao said softly!

"Ah..." This time, kafsky was shocked. Just now ye Xiao said that he was here to revenge for ekov. He didn't think anything. After all, with Ye Xiao's character, if ekov was really killed for him, ye Xiao would certainly revenge him, but what he didn't expect was that ye Xiao would come alone! How can one revenge one person?

You know, there are fifty people around the guy. At least ten people are almost ten meters away from him. How can ye Xiao kill him in such a situation?

Those are all armed soldiers!

"What do you think of him as compared to a big beard?" Seeing the surprised expression of kawski, ye Xiao hum coldly, and then kawski immediately shut his mouth and dare not say another word!

Big beard, this is the most powerful existence of the northern ice sheet, and it is also an unusual number in the underground world. Is such a cow forced character comparable to such a guy, but is such a strong man killed by Ye Xiao?

What else can't he do in the face of such a pervert?

"Little leaves, what do you need me to do?" Kawski has little ambition. He never thought about Unifying the northern ice sheet. He only wanted to live so quietly. So he didn't go to the storm event. He didn't want to be involved in the fight of all forces, but he could not refuse any demands from ye Xiao to him!

Just because like ekov, he owes Ye Xiaoyi his life.

"I don't need your people to come out, you just need to help me arrange an opportunity!" Ye Xiao beckoned to kafuski, and when kafuski's head came over, ye Xiao gave a few orders in his ear!

When kafsky heard it, he was surprised. Instead of answering immediately, he exclaimed, "but ye Xiao, you will be very dangerous if you do this. You can rest assured that ekov bitch can die for you. What can I do if I send some people to you? As long as you give me a command, I will have them done immediately! "

"Kafsky almost clapped his chest and assured!

"Kafky, I have your heart, but ekov is dead. I don't want you to have anything else. You can do what I said. Don't mix it in! Keep your life in mind and deal with the future crisis! " Ye xiaorou said, and kawski heard this sentence but a little Leng!

Yes, the beard is dead, the wild wolf is dead, even ekov is dead. It can be said that there is no strong man in the northern ice field. There is no powerful force. Then the whole northern plain will fall into a situation of hegemony. Maybe, the days of Ningjing will never appear again!

"I see, leaves are few!" Knowing that ye Xiao's mind has been determined, and also understand that he is concerned about his own safety, kafky's heart is moved for a while, after a sound towards Ye Xiao, he took the lead in going out, he had to arrange the things ye Xiao ordered!

In the most luxurious suite in the restaurant, except for mojo sitting on the "luxury" sofa, other people are sitting on the belt with cross legs. They are respectively placed in front of a large plate of beef and cooked food, and a glass of wine. Here is the north. A drink can warm up your body!

Facing a lot of delicious food, Mo Chou and others did not start eating and drinking immediately, but took a silver needle from their arms, inserted them into the food, and then put them into the wine. After confirming that there was no poison, they ordered to start eating!

Although they know that hotels generally dare not do articles on food, but as field troops, caution is also the minimum requirement, especially in the desolate land in the north. Please be careful if anything can happen!Just as they were sweeping up a large plate of food, there was a sudden knock outside the door. In addition to Mochou, the other soldiers quickly stood up, armed with guns and aimed at the door of the room. As the leader of the guard, Xie Jiu personally opened the door!

Standing at the door was the big breasted Loya. When he saw the rows of black muzzle, he was shocked!

"Don't Don't shoot. Don't shoot Come on Get out of here! There's a gas leak Luo Ya said nervously on her face. Her speech was not so smooth!

"Well? Gas leak? " Evil nine or Mo Chou, are a Leng, good gas how can leak?

This is not a foreign country. How can gas leakage happen? And what a coincidence?

Soon, Mochou and others smell the smell of gas, and the top floor, the floor, all sounded the sound of rapid footsteps, it is obvious that the people living in the hotel heard the news of gas leakage, began to run outside!

"Dear Sir, please take your subordinates away quickly. It's too dangerous here!" Luo Ya nodded in a panic, and then, regardless of the reaction of Mochou and others, turned around and ran outside. She just came to notice according to the boss's order!

She didn't want to pay attention to other things!

Seeing Luo Ya fleeing in panic and smelling the increasingly strong gas smell in the air, Mochou suddenly thought of something. At this time, there was a loud noise outside, which was the sound of sniper gun, and then the news of his subordinates being killed came from the walkie talkie!

"Come on, get out of here. They want to burn us!" Mochou almost jumped up and ran out at full speed. Fortunately, it was on the fourth floor. If it was the first and second floor, he might have jumped directly from the window!

The other soldiers also realized the seriousness of the problem. One by one, they clung to their guns and followed Mo Chou. They rushed out. They were afraid that the guns would go off and ignite the gas in the air, so that everyone would be buried in the sea of fire

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