"How about it? Is that thing ready? " Li Dazhi looked at ye Wuque in a hurry, and some of them seriously said to Ye.

"Of course! But there are so many people in the class, let's go to your office and talk about it! " Ye Wuwei said with a smile that he got up and walked towards the office!

At this time, the people of class 15 were shocked to see the scene in front of them! I didn't expect Ye Wuwei to be so powerful! It seems that the head teacher has no fear of speaking.

"What's wrong with ye Wuwu! I feel a different person, and the head teacher seems to be very respectful to him! " A voice of exclamation rang out, with a color of curiosity in his heart. Obviously, he didn't know what was going on.

"Who knows! However, in my opinion, it should be the head teacher who asks for him, otherwise the head teacher will not become so humble! "

A voice of conversation sounded, and I was very puzzled about the behavior of ambition here, but these things are not what they can discuss.

Came to the office, this just respectfully toward the leaf without missing asked.

"How about it? Has my pill been refined yet

"When the refining is finished! This is a pill! After you take it, you will certainly be able to cure your kidney deficiency disease, and then you will be able to stop all night! " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

With ye Wuque's words, Li Dazhi quickly took the pill over, and was extremely excited.

"Really? Is this pill really effective? " Li Dazhi asked in a hurry.

"Of course, would I lie to you? I made this pill myself! Ordinary people want to get this pill, but they need to pay a lot of money! " Ye Wuqian said earnestly.

With ye Wuque's words, Li Dazhi quickly nodded his head! There is a glimmer of joy in his heart. If this pill really has this power, it will be too wonderful for him.

"Thank you very much. If you have any problems in class, please come to me! I'll help you out! " Li Dazhi hastens to face, ye Wuwu says!

If ye Wuqian is a pill that is useful, ye Wuqian is his great benefactor, and he should be respectful to him.

"No need, so that the class will not have any opinion on me. What should you do or what you should do?" Ye Wuqi said casually, with two legs up, it looked like he was the leader.

"After taking Emei pills, you will not only not have kidney deficiency, but also strengthen your own constitution! Therefore, this pill has a great effect Ye Wuqi's voice sounded again and reminded Li Dazhi.

Facing ye Wuque's words, Li Dazhi nodded his head again and again and said thanks in a hurry.

After waiting for the five day class, there is no surprise that there is no missing leaf in the five classes! The teacher in charge of the class has been finished, and it has been done in a proper way.

"Tut It's just a waste! You want to rob Li Jiajia with me See ye Wuque's figure, Liu makes Huai send out a sneer, did not want to be in ye Wuque when a thing?

Liu linghuai has a good family background and excellent academic performance, so it is justifiable that he can catch up with Jiajia. However, Liu Youhuai used a trick to frame Ye Wuqian. Ye Wuqian will not give up on this matter!

After school, ye Wuqian stopped Liu's figure directly and looked at him.

"What's the matter? Why is it in my way?" Like some discontented toward the leaf without lack said, because the leaf is not worth mentioning in his eyes! He even said that he did not regard ye Wuque as a thing at all.

"Why! Why betray me Ye Wuqi's cold voice rang out and questioned Liu!

"Tut You are not worthy of Li Jiajia. Even if the flower is given to Li Jiajia, he can't agree to you. It's better to be a man who goes along with the flow! " Liu made a sneer.

As Liu makes use of this words, ye Wuque is laughing up!

"I don't deserve Li Jiajia? That's what you said! You wait for me, and I will let you know how good I am After the leaf does not lack sneer, this just turns to leave, in the eye has the cold light flash.

With the leaves without lack of this word, Liu nianhuai heart is slightly trembling! Because this leaves without lack of words, with a strong wind, and full of self-confidence, this is to let Liu nianhuai heart some curiosity.

"When did the boy become so strong, but you don't have the ability in your family. How about you? Do you think I didn't get the news from your home? I'm just a poor student. Please follow me Liu makes Huai to send out a sneer, this just turned to leave!

Looking at Liu nianhuai's figure of leaving, ye Wuque is not satisfied. Ye Wuque is not an ordinary person now. In terms of medical skills, the whole China is invincible, even if the cognitive ability is afraid to have few rivals! As time goes by, ye Wuwei will surely declare it everywhere.

After leaving the school, ye Wuqian is ready to go back to Zhang Xinyu's place. However, when passing through a meadow, Hong Sheng's voice suddenly rings out."I suddenly felt the breath of a warrior! If you're right, there should be warriors around here. Look around! "

As soon as Hong Sheng said this, ye Wuque was also slightly surprised. Then he looked around and saw that there were several three lines standing in front of him.

One of them was waving his fist and foot. It seemed that he was practicing something, and the speed was too fast to be seen.

"Martial arts master? Is this the legendary martial arts master? " Ye Wuque murmured, and let out a voice of exclamation!

At this time, there are two middle-aged men standing next to the old man. The two middle-aged men look dignified and are not ordinary people at first sight.

This old man is a member of the Jiang family, but also the contemporary master of the Jiang family, Jiang Ziya. He is a man of martial arts. Beside him is Liu tianqiang, the mayor of Yanjing City, and his entourage.

"Mr. Jiang has great strength! Will be able to take charge of the situation in the future! Today's show is really eye opening for me

Liu tianqiang said to Jiang Ziya in a hurry. Liu tianqiang said this, but Jiang Ziya didn't think so. He said with a smile.

"The mayor is joking. Now he is very old and weak. Even if he has a whole body of martial arts, it is difficult to display it! I can't be younger

"Old lady Jiang is modest! Mr. Jiang is famous throughout Yanjing, as we all know! And the Jiang family is full of talents! Why should Mr. Jiang say so? "

Liu tianqiang said with a smile that he seemed extremely respectful to Jiang Ziya.

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