"It's blood blocked! I thought it was something wrong! "

After ye Wuqian finished, he took out the silver needle and pricked it on Li Muren's abdomen. At the same time, he instilled spiritual power, which seemed to be opening up Li Muren's blood.

After a while, herdsman Li suddenly became refreshed. He looked as if nothing had happened. He could even stand up.

"This I feel like I'm all right! Doctor Xu, doctor Xu is really wonderful Li Muren exclaimed! In my heart, I was very surprised. I didn't expect that ye Wuque was so young that he had such medical skills.

After Li Muren's illness was cured, ye Wuqian opened the door. Li Jianguo and Li Jianming were surprised to see that Li Muren could stand up. They even had a trace of wonder. They didn't expect Ye Wuqian's ability to be so strong!

"Today, my father's disease can be cured, thanks to doctor Xu! I don't know what Dr. Xu wants. As long as Dr. Xu needs it, we Li family can help to do it! " Li Jianguo looked at Ye Wuwei with an excited look.

"I need Millennium herbs! I wonder if you Li family can do it? " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

Ye Wuqian has nothing else to ask for. He must absorb the aura of heaven and earth within a month, so he can save his life. Therefore, for himself, this thousand year old herbal medicine is a life-saving thing!

"Millennium medicinal materials? This Doctor Xu, I'm afraid it's hard to do this! Since the thousand year old medicinal materials are expensive for thousands of years, how can they be easily found? " Li Jianming said that naturally he was a little upset.

Although Ye Wuqian is a miracle doctor and cured his father's disease, is it not difficult for ye Wuqian to ask for this? Li family.

"If you can't find it, forget it!" Ye Wuqian said bluntly, it seems that it is a little insipid, and did not expect what benefits the Li family can give themselves.

"Doctor Xu, it's really hard to find a thousand year-old elixir, but we will try our best! Doctor Xu, help me! I will keep this matter in mind, and I will try my best to help Dr. Xu find the Millennium elixir Li Jianguo's voice sounded, very solemn toward the leaf said.

This Li family is the one who will repay his kindness. Ye Wuqian saved his father. Li Jianguo naturally wants to do something for ye Wuque. Otherwise, they will not be shameless!

"In that case, well, I'm waiting for your good news." Ye Wuque said with a smile, but there is a glimmer of light in this eye.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, Li Jianguo also nodded repeatedly, but there was some separation in his heart. After all, this matter was extremely difficult for their Li family to do.

After the Li family left, Chen Qianqiu looked at Ye Wuwei, and was very curious.

"Doctor Xu, why do you have to find a thousand year old medicine? It's very difficult to find this millennium elixir! Even the Li family may not be able to find it! Why don't you just ask your family for millions! In this way, isn't it better? " Chen Qianqiu some puzzled toward the leaf said, after all, this is a very difficult opportunity!

"I'm not interested in money! What I want is a millennium cure! And this millennium elixir is of great use to me. If I can get it, it will be a good thing. " Ye Wuque said solemnly.

With Ye Wuqian's words, Chen Qianqiu's heart became more confused. Although he said that the Millennium elixir was something that could not be met, the most practical thing was money, but ye Wuqian didn't seem to care too much about money.

After ye Wuqian left, Chen Shixuan looked at Chen Qianqiu with some curiosity and asked.

"Dad, this is Dr. Xu who saved Mr. Li. Why don't you want any good? In this way, it would be a loss. " Chen Shixuan asked curiously.

In the face of Chen Shixuan's words, Chen Qianqiu is a chuckle.

"What do you know? Master Li will be good to master Xu. The Li family owes him a favor. Moreover, for the doctor Xu, it is a great favor. Finally, if the doctor needs any help, the Li family will certainly help him!"

Chen Qianqiu said solemnly.

In the face of Chen Qianqiu's words, Chen Shixuan responded and nodded again and again. He didn't expect that there was such an inside story.

"I see! No wonder Dr. Xu didn't want their money. I didn't expect that this favor could be kept for the future Chen Shixuan muttered.

In the face of Chen Shixuan's words, Chen Qianqiu nodded in disapproval!

"People like him, even the Li family, should be respectful to them!"

The reason why Chen Qianqiu would say this is because Chen Qianqiu knows that the real doctors in these families can be respected as guests of honor.

After leaving the Chen's medicine shop, ye Wuqian returned to the villa. However, after returning to the villa, ye Wuqian entered a closed state. Because ye Wuqian consumed a lot of spiritual power today, he had to sit still for a while to recover.

Waiting for the night, Zhang Xinyu's voice suddenly sounded outside the door."I've made the dishes! The rice has been cooked. Come out and eat it! Don't waste my efforts

There was a trace of solemnity in Zhang Xinyu's voice. In order to make better dishes, she made up her mind to study hard with Wu Ma for several days. This time, he believed that his cooking skills should reach a certain level.

In the room, ye Wuqian hears Zhang Xinyu call himself to eat, and his face is a little gloomy, because last time Zhang Xinyu cooked for him, but ye Wuque has no swallowing. Now Zhang Xinyu lets himself eat again, which makes Ye Wuqian's scalp a little bigger.

Helpless out of the room, ye Wuque stretched a face, it seems that some are not too excited.

"What's the matter? Is something going on? You don't look very good-looking! " Zhang Xinyu some curiously toward the leaf does not lack to ask a way.

"Nothing! Maybe I didn't sleep well Ye Wuqi said, but his face was embarrassed!

"It's OK. Then you can come and taste my cooking! Today's cooking must be good! " Zhang Xinyu is very excited to say to the leaf without lack, and at this time the leaf does not lack, also was pulled to the table helplessly by Zhang Xinyu.

Looking at the dark cooking on the table, ye Wuxiang feels bitter in his heart.

"Eat it and see how it works." Zhang Xinyu some serious said, will look toward the leaf without lack of hope.

Hearing Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuqian nodded, and then looked toward the dark cuisine.

"Cough How can I feel a little full! It seems that I can't eat any more! "

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