There is a strong smell of gas in the air. In this case, any spark may cause a big explosion, let alone direct fire. However, when Xie Jiu shot that gun, there was no reaction. The gun was like mud into the sea. Not to mention the big waves, there were no waves!

How could that be possible?

Looking at Ye Xiao's disappearing figure, although he is called Xie Jiu, he never believes in evil. He pulls the trigger again and makes several successive shots. The bullets are empty, but there is still no response. As for ye Xiao, he has already lost his trace!

Seeing such a scene, Xie Jiu and others finally understood that they were caught in a trap. It was not a gas leak at all, but a gas smell emanating from what materials!

"Chase!" His own officer died like this. Xie Jiu, as a close soldier, could not take the blame. He stood up and rushed to Ye Xiao. He was a soldier, a simple soldier. He didn't know who their target task was and what the identity of the other party was. He simply obeyed the order of his own officer. A soldier should not have thought!

But now, his chief is dead. As a private soldier, he must catch the murderer and avenge his commander. That's all!

At the beckoning of Xie Jiu, a group of armed soldiers quickly rushed to the outside, and ye Xiao had already run out of the hotel, directly jumped onto the front of an off-road vehicle, started the motor, stepped on the accelerator, and ran away!

As for the four soldiers who stayed to watch the car, they had already died under cold soul's sniper gun. Ye Xiao did not want to kill the soldiers of the Republic, but Lenghun did not have such scruples!

In the loft on the tallest floor of the hotel, kawski looked at Ye Xiao's disappearing figure, and his eyes showed the light of admiration. Behind him, loa also stood there quietly, looking at the disappearing figure. His eyes twinkled with the most adored light!

"He is a hero!" "I can't help it," Loya murmured!

"yes, he is a hero. He told me to tell you, thank you for your gas perfume!" Kawski nodded definitely!

A hero needs not only enough courage, but also enough wisdom. Ye Xiao undoubtedly coincides with these two points. It's just a simple plot to lure Mochou to death. The process is simple and the action is simple. However, if there is a problem in any link during this period, he may die!

From the moment of Ye Xiao's arrival, Mochou is doomed to be defeated. He is the most capable person under Bai Chouyou. He is the most strategic person in the field division where Bai Chouyou is. However, he is only a person, and his thinking determines the failure!

First of all, he couldn't think that ye Xiao would take the initiative to attack instead of thinking about running away when he was at a disadvantage. In order to pursue Ye Xiao's party, he scattered his forces, which had already fallen into a bad position. If ye Xiao took his own advice, he could kill them even with his own hands!

but thought of Ye Xiao for his own safety, and did not take his own advice, Krahfuss Ki's heart is a touch, even to keep his hotel, did not use real gas, but in the hotel spray thick gas perfume!

At the thought of this, kawski was touched!

Mochou is too conceited and smart, so when he smelled the gas, he thought that it was a counter attack by Ye Xiao and others. When he heard the sound of sniper guns outside, he confirmed his guess, and then thought that ye Xiao and others would burn them in the form of fire attack!

He is too confident. He always thinks that ye Xiao and others can't fight him head-on, so he leaves the hotel at the first time. However, he doesn't think that ye Xiao will mix with the escaping crowd and give him a fatal blow!

From the time ye Xiao came here, he had already arranged everything, and even chose the route to leave. What kind of state will such a top-notch man with wisdom and strength develop into in the future?

Kawski can't imagine it. When the big beard suddenly emerged, it had already caused the shock of the whole underground world. But it was such a man who was killed by him alone. How strong would he be?

From the moment of moustache's death, the name of Ye Xiao, the master of dragon Yao, has been spread all over the underground world. But kafsky knows that this is only the first step of Qianlong's birth. The whole underground world will tremble because of his arrival!

When Xie Jiu and others rushed out of the hotel, in addition to seeing ye Xiaoyuan's shadow, there were only 11 trucks with broken tires and four bodies with their heads blown out. Seeing such a scene, Xie Jiu's anger was suddenly replaced by cold, which he had planned?

At the thought of this, Xie Jiu felt like a basin of ice water, and the whole body was a burst of cold!

Ye Xiao didn't know the heart of Xie Jiu and others, let alone kawski's thoughts. He drove the jeep to the other end of the town and came out of the shadow with a huge sniper gun. Who was the cold soul?Jeep sounded a happy military song, so in this quiet town, and left!

And the town will soon return to its former tranquility. As for Mochou's death, who will care? Even if Xie Jiu knew that there might be a shadow of the hotel owner in this incident, but this is kafsky's territory. What can he do without absolute evidence?

After all, their identities are special. If they are exposed, they may cause military conflicts between the two powers. Evil nine can't do such things!

Three days later, at the border of Heilong Province, in the tent camp of a division of a field army, Bai Chouyou looked bleakly at a cloth bag placed in front of him. The zipper of the bag had been opened, revealing Mochou's slightly younger face!

Mochou is dead. His best brother and most loyal subordinates are dead. A good Ye Xiao and a good Bai choufei have killed the most capable person under his command. However, it is not Mochou's death that makes Bai Chou wonder. Such a capable subordinate's influence of the Bai family will not be found in the future, but the biggest problem is that Mochou is now in China An officer in active service in China, and an officer in the rank of lieutenant colonel, is now dead. How can he account to the military department if he dies without any combat mission?

At the beginning, in order not to leave behind any control, these 300 odd people were sent out secretly, but they did not report to the military headquarters. Now that he is dead, what should he do? At the thought of explaining such a complex problem to the military headquarters, Bai Chou is a little bit big headed, and his hatred for Bai Chou Fei Ye Xiao and others has reached a climax

Either Ye Xiao or Bai Chou Fei, he didn't worry about Bai Chou. When Bai Chouyou was worried about Mochou's death, they had successfully converged and boarded the flight to Kyoto. On the flight, in order to be less noticeable, ye Xiao's seat was in the economic cabin. When he sat in the seat and closed his eyes, he heard one Clear voice: "beautiful lady, I don't know if I have the honor to make friends with you?"

This is in English. Ye Xiao looks up and suddenly sees a beautiful, gentle and familiar face

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