Hearing Wu Ma's words, ye Wuqian's look changed slightly. She picked up the phone and got through to Yang Xiaodie's number. As Zhang Xinyu's secretary, Yang Xiaodie knows Zhang Xinyu like the palm of his hand.

"Hello, is Zhang Xinyu in the company?" Ye Wuxiang asked.

"Of course not! The president left a long time ago! Didn't the president go home? " Yang Xiaodie has some worries in her heart. Zhang Xinyu has a golden body. If something happens, it will be difficult to do.

"Nothing! I'll take care of it! " Ye Wuqian said this just hung up the phone, but the eyebrow was slightly wrinkled. If ye Wuque didn't think wrong, it should be the man in the dark who captured Zhang Xinyu. However, ye Wuque didn't know who the man in the dark was.

"Childe, where is Miss?" Wu Ma's voice rang out and asked ye Wuque in a hurry.

"If you don't guess wrong! Miss must have been kidnapped! I have to get it out of here as soon as possible! " Ye Wuqi said.

"Kidnapped? What shall we do now? " Wu's mother was startled and hastened to say to Ye Wuqian that Zhang Xinyu was just like her own daughter in front of him. Naturally, Wu Ma didn't think about Zhang Xinyu's problems.

"Don't worry, I have my own way!" Ye Wuqian finished, and his figure left the villa! However, ye Wuque did not go to Zhang's group at this time, because ye Wuque knew that Zhang Xinyu could not be found in Zhang's group. Zhang Xinyu was kidnapped now. If ye Wuque guessed correctly, someone would want to deal with Zhang Xinyu.

After arriving at Jiulong hall, the head of Jiulong hall was drinking wine in the hall. Seeing ye Wuqian's arrival, he hastened to greet him. However, the head of Jiulong hall was somewhat curious. Unexpectedly, ye Wuqian would come to their Jiulong hall this evening!

"What happened when Dr. Ye visited at night?" Lin Xiaotian, the head of Jiulong hall, asks Ye Wuqian in a hurry?

"I have one thing to ask for! I don't know if you can help me! " Ye Wuqi said.

The reason why Ye Wuqian came to Jiulong hall is that ye Wuqian knows that if you want to find Zhang Xinyu, you must go through the relationship network of Jiulong hall. Otherwise, it is not easy?

"Dr. Ye has a request. Even if we go through fire and water in Jiulong hall, we will not hesitate to go through fire and water!" Lin Xiaotian said in a hurry.

You know, ye Wuqian has become a VIP of their Jiulong hall, and ye Wuqian has excellent medical skills. However, they want Ye Wuqian to play a leading role in the medical exchange meeting. Therefore, no matter what requirements Ye Wuqian has, they will certainly meet them.

"A friend of mine was told to kidnap! I want to find out where he is Ye Wuqian said bluntly.

"I don't know who it is? How could you ask Dr. ye to come here in person? " The head of the Jiulong hall was a little curious, so he asked.

"He is the president of Zhang's group! Because of Zhang Xinyu! Now I need to know where his whereabouts are. Can you do that in Kowloon Tong? " Ye Wuqian said bluntly.

"This It will take a little time! " After hesitating for a moment, Lin Xiaotian said to ye Wuwu.

"How long?" Ye Wuxiang asked.

"At least one day! After all, if you want to search all the warehouses in Yanjing, it's a huge thing Lin Xiaotian solemnly said that because most of the kidnappers like to hide in abandoned warehouses, Lin Xiaotian still has some confidence in his mind. After all, the influence of their Jiulong hall is all over Yanjing city. It's easy to find someone.

"A day? sure! As long as you can find Zhang Xinyu's hiding place! Then there is no problem! " After all, Zhang Xinyu is a daughter, and she has never suffered. If she is locked in a dark room, she can't stand it.

The most important thing is that ye Wuque is worried. Some people want to deal with Zhang Xinyu. I'm afraid that Zhang Xinyu has to hand over something? If it was Zhang Xinyu who would rather die than follow, it would be troublesome.

After a day, ye Wuqian's figure still stands in the hall of Jiulong hall. However, the news that there is still no news comes, which makes Ye Wuqian a little anxious.

"Master, what's the matter! Why did you hear from you that there was no movement on your side of Jiulongtang? Is it not your Jiulong Hall who is perfunctory to me Ye Wuqi uttered a cold voice and said.

"How dare you! How dare you! Even in Jiulong hall, he did not dare to offend Dr. Ye easily. He also hoped that Dr. ye would be quiet for a moment! I think it will not be long before other disciples of Jiulong hall will be able to spread the news! "

Lin Xiaotian quickly comforts ye Wumian. After all, his eyes are so big that they have to work hard to find the real place in Jiulongtang. Otherwise, it will be difficult to do this.

"Newspaper, master, we found someone in a warehouse in Xikou! And there are hostages trapped inside! I just don't know if it's president Zhang! " A little brother is busy saying that his expression has become a little serious. After all, this is the result of their one night, only place."A warehouse in Xikou?" Ye Wuqi's voice rang out, a joy in the heart, did not expect to finally come to the news.

"Let's go and have a look." The head of Jiulong hall hesitated for a moment, then he said to Ye Wuqian.

"Let me solve this matter! You have been working hard in Jiulong hall. It would be too much for you to go with me again! " Ye Wuque smiles and says to Lin Xiaotian.

"Dr. Ye is a stranger! It's my great honor to be able to work for Dr. Ye! " Lin Xiaotian said to ye Wuwu in a hurry!

Facing Lin Xiaotian's words, ye Wuqian hesitated for a moment, and then nodded his head!

Ye Wuxiang originally planned to let Jiulong hall accompany him. However, Lin Xiaotian was so polite that ye Wuque would not refuse too much. After all, with so many people in Jiulong hall, he saved some effort.

"When you get to the warehouse in Xikou, you must not act rashly! Otherwise, they will threaten the hostages, which is not good! " Ye Wuqi, for a moment, then turned his eyes to all the people present and said, his expression became a little more serious!

"Doctor ye, don't worry, we are all old-fashioned. We will understand something when we do this kind of thing! But doctor ye can rest assured that we will save people secretly! " Big tiger said.

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