"Tell me where the man is! Otherwise, you won't be alive today! " There is no lack of leaves in the words of the cold is to look at the man, and even kill.

"Tut Want to know where President Zhang is! I can tell you! But you remember, if you dare to call the police! You will never see President Zhang! " The man found a sneer.

"Let me ask you again, where is Zhang Xinyu?" Ye's voice became a little cold, and he would not be threatened by these people.

"If you want to see President Zhang, you go to the harbor alone! When you get there, you will know! " The middle-aged man said to ye Wuque in a meaningful way. However, he did not show any fear at this time. Although the Department of Jiulongtang surrounded them, he knew that ye Wuque would not hurt them. After all, Zhang Xinyu was still in their hands.

"Who ordered you to do this?" The tiger's voice rings out and looks at the middle-aged man with a bad look.

"Tut i 'm sorry! No comment The middle-aged man let out a sneer, and then he said.


Before the middle-aged man's voice dropped, the tiger punched him! It looks very strong.

"How dare you talk to me like that in front of me! You know who I am The big tiger said coldly.

"Dare you do it to me?" The middle-aged man glared at the tiger fiercely. He didn't expect the tiger to be so reckless.

"How about you? You can't leave today!" The cold voice rings out, but the tiger is a gold medal fighter of Jiulong hall. Naturally, he will not treat these people as a thing.

"Let them go!" Just as the tiger was about to start, ye Wuque's voice rang out.

"This Doctor ye, these people are not good people! What's more, they have offended you just now. If you let them go like this, it would be too cheap for them Big tiger hastened to leaf without lack to say, obviously want to teach these people a lesson!

"I've made it clear. Let them go!" The voice of Ye Wuqi rings again, but this time it becomes extremely strong.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, the tiger's face was also a little ugly, but the tiger did not dare to violate ye Wuque's meaning and directly released him.

"Doctor ye, what should we do now?"

The voice of the master of Jiulong hall rang out, and he looked at Ye Wuqian, and his face became a little dignified. I'm afraid that someone was operating in secret to deal with Ye Wuqian. Otherwise, how could ye Wuque go alone?

"I will meet the man myself! I want to see who is trying to deal with it! " Ye Wuque said coldly.

If ye Wuqian's guess is right, the person who arrested Zhang Xinyu this time is not the one who wants to deal with Zhang Xinyu, but he wants to deal with himself. I'm afraid this person has some grudges with him. Otherwise, how could he kidnap Zhang Xinyu to threaten himself?

"Doctor ye, why don't I send someone to go with you! In this way, it's good to have a reference! " The head of Jiulong Hall said.

"No! Since he let me go alone, I will go alone! Why do you need them! However, you Jiulong hall can help me find this place, which is also a help for me. Thank you very much Ye Wuwei said.

"Doctor Ye! It should be! " The head of the Jiulong Hall said to Ye Wuqian in a hurry. He seemed extremely respectful to Ye!

Ye Wuque didn't care so much. He walked directly to the harbor. Since the man in the dark wanted to deal with him in the harbor, ye Wuque would not be slighted. Ye Wuque should have a look at who is the man in the dark? How dare you play such a trick on yourself!

"Good boy, I didn't expect to set up an enemy so soon! But with your strength, I'm afraid no one can deal with you! " Hong Sheng's old voice rings out in Ye Wuqian's mind, sending out a light smile.

In the face of Hong Sheng's words, ye Wuqian is sending out a light smile, which just says.

"Hong Sheng is joking! But since someone is dealing with me, I will not let that kind of person feel better! " There is a cold meaning in Ye Wuqian's words. Ye Wuqian is not a good bully. Now someone bullies Ye Wuqian's head. Ye Wuqian naturally wants them to see their own strength.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, Hong Sheng nodded his head and sent out a light smile. He didn't care so much.

A moment later, ye Wuqian's figure appeared in the harbor. He was alone and did not take it with him. No one called the police. He knew that these people were playing real games. If he really called the police, Zhang Xinyu would be in danger.

After standing in the harbor for a long time, no one showed up, which made Ye Wuqian a little anxious.

But at this time in the dark, there are two men will look at the leaf without lack of this side.

"Did the boy come alone! You won't call anyone else One man said."No! We've been watching this place, and the Lord song has laid a net here. If this boy really called the police, I'm afraid song would have known it for a long time! " Another man also said.

After waiting for a moment, the two men appeared in front of Ye Wuque.

"Where are the people?" After seeing the two men, ye Wuque asked.

"Want to see people come with us!" One of the men talked about his body shape, and then he went to the front. At this time, ye Wuqian frowned slightly. It seems that they are worried about yourself, so they want to find a place to deal with themselves.

Following the two men, ye Wuque walked very slowly and kept looking around. Obviously, he was looking for Zhang Xinyu's body shape. However, ye Wuque felt helpless that Zhang Xinyu was not around at all.

"You don't have to look around! The president has been locked up by our song Ye! If you want to see President Zhang, we song ye will let you see him! " A man said with great significance.

In the face of this man's words, ye Wuqian's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. Who is the song ye in their mouth? This is what makes ye Wuque curious. He seems to know song Ye.

After arriving at a vast warehouse, ye Wuqian saw that there were dozens of figures in the warehouse. These people were holding guys in their hands. It seemed that they were not good at it. They looked at ye Wuque and looked at it.

"Where is Zhang Xinyu?"

Ye Wuqi's voice rings again, fearless in the face of danger! As long as you know that Zhang Xinyu is here, ye Wuque will surely take the hand!

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