"Let him go! I can be caught by you Ye Wuqi looked at Song Changdan and said frankly.

"Tut If you want me to let him go, you can hand in the books! If it's not hard! Neither of you can leave today! " That song Changdan finish saying, this just ordered a person to tie up leaf without lack.

"Song ye, what should I do now?" One of the men asked song Changdan.

"Tut If the boy doesn't say that book, he will be locked here all the time! Don't give them food! I'll see how long he can last Song Changdan issued a sneer, this just turned to leave, and at this time ye Wuque has been tied there by the rope.

"Ye Wuxiang, are you ok?" Zhang Xinyu some worry up, toward the ye Wuque said, because just now ye Wuque was hit a lot, and did not fight back.

"It's all my fault! It's a drag on you! Otherwise, you won't be like this! " Zhang Xinyu said in a hurry that she felt some remorse in her heart!

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuque is a chuckle.

"Fool! I don't blame you for anything! I led you in this matter. If it wasn't for song Changdan that I offended, you would not have been caught here! " Ye Wuqi said in a hurry.

Facing this, Zhang Xinyu shook his head repeatedly.

"No! You could have dealt with song Changdan just now. If it had not been for my debt, you would not have become so! " Zhang Xinyu heart some pain, see ye Wu lack face full of scars, is more in the heart can not bear.

"Don't worry! I'll get you out of here! You don't have to be so upset! " Without a smile.

This kind of skin injury is nothing to Ye Wuxiang. Moreover, Ye is so powerful that it is easy to get rid of the rope. However, there are a lot of people in the warehouse. If ye Wuxiang breaks away from the rope, I'm afraid it will be found out, so ye Wuxiang has been waiting for the opportunity.

In the face of what ye Wuque said, Zhang Xinyu was moved by what he said. After all, the reason why ye Wuque became like this is because he was deeply moved.

"How do you know I'm here?" Zhang Xinyu is a little curious to ask ye Wuwu.

"I saw you didn't go back that day, so I inquired about your information. I didn't expect that you fell into the hands of song Changdan!" Ye Wuqi spoke.

To see ye Wuque so concerned about himself, Zhang Xinyu's heart is also difficult to show.

"Hand in the book as soon as you can! Otherwise, you will starve to death today! We don't want to stay here with you all the time! You boy still obediently hand in that book! In this way, Lord song will let you go! "

The middle-aged man said coldly, and looked at ye Wuque, obviously trying to get something out of Ye Wuque's mouth.

"I've made it clear! There are no books at all, but you song Ye don't believe it Ye Wuqi sends out a chuckle.

"How much money did song Changdan give you to make you die for him?" Zhang Xinyu's voice rang out and asked the middle-aged man in a meaningful way.

"Why do you ask? Then you still want to buy us off! " The two middle-aged men issued a sneer, which would mean something to Zhang Xinyu.

"I am the president of Zhang's group! I think you should know it too! As long as you let me go! I can give him ten times what he gave you! What do you think? " Zhang Xinyu issued a chuckle, this just said.

"Ten times?"

With Zhang Xinyu's words, the looks of those men also changed slightly. They didn't expect that Zhang Xinyu would pay such a high price to make them rebel!

"How about it? Do you think the price is low? " Zhang Xinyu issued a chuckle, and at this time the leaves are not missing, just secretly untie the rope.

"Is that true or false! Ten times the reward, that's 100000! You really want to give us 100000! " The middle-aged men hesitated for a moment, and then they said to Zhang Xinyu that it was not easy for them to do such a thing, and the remuneration they earned was not much. If Zhang Xinyu was really willing to pay him 100000 yuan, they would naturally run away.

"I am the president of Zhang's group! 100000 yuan is just a drop in the bucket to me. How can I treat you badly! Besides, when I go out, you can't get along with song Ye. You can also come to my Zhang's group as my bodyguard. I will never let you suffer any loss! " Zhang Xinyu's voice rings again, but in this speech, it is full of temptation.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, the several middle-aged men also repeatedly nodded, and their hearts moved.

Just at this time, the door of the warehouse was opened, and song Changdan's figure appeared in the warehouse, and dozens of thugs were nearby. The middle-aged men were also surprised and rushed to avoid. After all, song Changdan was not a person to be provoked."How about it? Is this boy willing to explain it? "

Song Changdan's voice rang out and looked at the audience!

In the face of song Changdan's words, those men hesitated for a moment, and then said to song Changdan.

"Song ye, this boy is not willing to hand over that book at all! He said he didn't have that book at all A middle-aged man said to song Changdan.

Hearing this, song Changdan's eyes are also flashing with cold light.

"I don't think you'll cry when you don't see the coffin! Now that you are in my hands, how dare you be so tough! In that case, I'll give you a taste of it! " Song Changdan finish saying, this just toward the leaf no lack to walk in the past, seems to be extremely strong!

However, ye Wuque didn't think so. He didn't face song Changdan at all. At this time, ye Wuque's rope had been untied.

"I advise you to let us go! Otherwise, you will die miserably Ye Wuqi is quite meaningful on song Changdan said a word, in the eyes is also a flash of cold light.

Ye Wuqi said this, but song Changdan made a burst of laughter.

"What are you! Dare to threaten me Song Changdan said that he did not take ye Wuque as a thing at all.

"Tut Since you are so ignorant, I will show you my means today Ye Wuqian finished saying, the body suddenly stepped out, and directly grabbed song Changdan's neck!

Is not song Changdan to see ye Wuque unexpectedly not tied, the heart is also a surprise.

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