"If it's for your son's sake! But why do you need it! If I have not guessed wrong, your son is not filial to you at all. Why should I work so hard for him? " Ye Wuqi said, and looked at Wu Ma.

"No! In fact, he is very good! It's just that I didn't take good care of her and made her what she is now Wu Ma Lianlian said, it seems to care about Liu Yong very much!

Wu Ma said this, but ye Wuque shook her head, because in ye Wuque's opinion, a person like Liu Yong is just a scum.

"Wu Ma, who are you behind the scenes! Why does he have to deal with me! " Zhang Xinyu's voice rang out and looked at Wu Ma in her eyes. Her expression became somewhat dignified.

"This..." In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, Wu Ma was stunned and did not say it for a long time.

"What? Until now, you don't want to say it? Well, don't you like money! All the money is yours, as long as you give it to his mastermind! " Zhang Xinyu took out a large stack of banknotes from the bag and handed it directly to Wu Ma's hand. It seemed that she was very angry.

At this time, Wu Ma was holding the pile of money in her hand, but she was shaking.

"Miss, when I was wandering and lost, it was the young lady who gave me a way to live! But I do this to miss, I'm not a human being After Wu Ma put the money down, she slapped herself in the face!

But at this time, Zhang Xinyu was so at a loss.

"Wu Ma, since you already know that you are wrong, the chief conspirator of the frontier will give it up. I will have a look at who is trying to deal with Zhang Xinyu!" Ye Wuqi said hastily that he wanted to investigate the matter.

"In fact, I don't know who the mastermind is! I only know that someone asks me to do things for him. As long as I do one thing, he will give me a sum of money! My son needs money! So I have no choice! " Wu Ma's helpless voice rang out.

"So you put that time bomb last time?" Ye Wuhao's voice sounded again and asked.

Facing ye Wuque's words, Wu Ma hesitated for a moment, then nodded again and again.

"The man said that it was a time bomb, it would not scare people to death, so I put it on! If it's a bomb that can explode, I won't do it. Miss is very kind to me. How could I go to see her? " Wu Ma's voice sounded again, but this time it became a little solemn!

As Wu Ma said this, ye Wuque said.

"Doesn't that mean that you don't know anything about the man in the dark? How did you get in touch? " Ye Wuxiang asked.

"Every time that person contacts me, the place is in that corner. When something happens, he will call me." Wu Ma said this just took out the phone number, since the matter has been poked out, Wu Ma naturally will not hide something.

After receiving a phone number, ye Wuqian tried to call, but there was no one on the other side.

At this time, the outside suddenly caused a burst of noise, with a burst of noise, Zhang Xinyu heart is also a little curious, this is his villa, why there is such a noise outside?

When Zhang Xinyu came out of the villa, she found that her bodyguards were men's men, and these men looked extremely arrogant.

"Who are you? This is my villa, don't you know? I dare to break into my villa by force. Believe it or not, I will call the police and tell you to arrest all of you and accuse you of breaking into private houses! " Zhang Xinyu said coldly that he is now on the top of his anger! We come here naturally to have the matter! Who is Wu Ma here? " One of the middle-aged men said, but there is a cold color in the words, it seems that the year-round mixed society.

"Wu Ma? What can I do for you? " Ye Wuqi is a little curious.

"Hum! Liu Yong has already owed us millions of usury, and now he can't pay it back. Moreover, Liu Yong has said that Wu Ma has money. Let's find him! " One of the middle-aged men said.

Zhang Xinyu's heart was filled with emotion. She didn't expect Liu Yong to be such a brute. You know, Wu Ma is an old woman. She's old and frail. It's not easy to be a nanny for others. I didn't expect Liu Yong to do such a thing.

"Kill him! I have no money! It's a dead end! " Wu Ma came out and said heartbroken.

Although Wu's mother was very concerned about Liu Yong, Liu Yong was really too ignorant of the advantages of heaven and earth. She could only borrow a few million yuan of usury, which just killed him.

"Old man, as the saying goes! Tiger poison does not eat children. It seems that it is nothing for you to live in such a good villa for millions. You'd better give us the money first, and we'll end this matter like this! " Said the middle-aged man.

"Tut This villa is not mine! I can't afford to live in a villa like this! I'm just a nanny here! " Wu Ma said frankly, without any taboo.As Wu Ma said this, the middle-aged man's face gradually became a little ugly. I didn't expect that Wu Ma was the nanny here! This is to let him some dare to disappoint!

"Hum! How dare that kid cheat me! Look, I won't beat him The middle-aged man said, this will be the Liu Yong caught up.

At this time, Liu Yong's face has been iron blue, obviously was hit just now.

"Don't you say your mother is rich? Don't you say you can return the millions right away? What about the money now? " The middle-aged man said coldly with Liu Yong in his hand, and his look became extremely bad.

"Mom, give me as much money as you have! I can't hold on! If they hit me again, I will die in front of you Liu Yong said to Wu Ma in a hurry. He looked weak.

"Fight! Fight me to death! It's better to shoot them directly! " Wu Ma's voice rang out and her expression became extremely indifferent.

As the middle-aged man said this, the middle-aged man is merciless, directly let people deal with Liu Yong, it seems to be extremely strong.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Liu Yong's heart was also startled and said to Wu Ma in a hurry.

"As the saying goes, tiger poison does not eat children! Do you really want to see me die in front of you? " Liu Yong looks very angry. He never thought that his mother would let others kill him.

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