After arriving at Chen's drugstore, ye Wuqian's body shape entered Chen's pharmacy. However, at this time, Chen Qianqiu came out. Seeing ye Wuqian's arrival, he rushed forward to greet him!

"Doctor ye, you are here at last! I was just thinking that if you don't come again, I will send the medicine to your house! " Chen Qianqiu said with a smile.

"There was a delay on the way just now! So it's a bit late! But has the centenarian found it? " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"Of course! Of course, it has been found! "

Chen Qianqiu said in a hurry, and then looked at Zhang Xinyu with some curiosity in his heart.

"I don't know who this is?"

"He's my girlfriend!" When Zhang Xinyu didn't know how to answer, the voice of Ye Wuque rang out, which seemed to be very insipid.

With ye Wuque's words, Zhang Xinyu's face turned a little ruddy, but Zhang Xinyu didn't refute Ye's words.

"It turned out to be doctor Ye's girlfriend! Disrespectful Chen Qianqiu quickly smiles and says to Zhang Xinyu!

You know, ye Wuqian will have a reputation in Yanjing in the future! Chen Qianqiu will not easily offend those who are concerned with ye Wuwu.

After getting a hundred year old medicine, ye Wuqian left with Zhang Xinyu. However, at this time, Zhang Xinyu looked at ye Wuque.

"When did you become doctor ye? Why don't I know? "

Zhang Xinyu asked.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuque is a chuckle.

"They like to call me doctor Ye! I can't do anything about it

In the face of this, Zhang Xinyu is a little curious.

"How can I call you doctor ye for no reason? You must have done something! If not, it will not be so! "

"Cough Actually! The reason why they call me Dr. Ye is because of my excellent medical skills! So you don't have to be so curious! "

"Excellent medical skills? Although you study medicine! But your medical skills don't seem to be very high! How can you become a miracle doctor? " Zhang Xinyu's heart is more curious.

"Some things you don't know are better! I won't tell you more! " Ye Wuqian said this only concentrate on driving, and did not say too much about it with Zhang Xinyu, because ye Wuque knows that it is better not to say some things.

After Zhang Yu Xin went back to the kitchen, she made her own dishes.

Today, ye Wuque said that she was his girlfriend in front of so many people, which made Zhang Xinyu feel a little satisfied, so she wanted to make dishes to reward Ye Wuqian.

But when ye Wuqian saw Zhang Xinyu go to the kitchen, his face also had a convulsive color, because seeing Zhang Xinyu in the kitchen, ye Wuqian had a bad premonition.

A moment later, ye Wuqian sat on the table and looked at the dishes on that table. His face was bitter and astringent.

"I made it for you myself! You should eat it up tonight! If not, it will be a waste of my heart! " Zhang Xinyu some serious toward the leaf without missing said.

At this time, ye Wuque really wants to scold. Don't you know how your cooking is? You force people to eat every day, but they don't want to eat.

But now leaves are not missing, living under the eaves of others, they have to bow their heads and eat carelessly.

But let ye Wuwu lack some reassurance, Zhang Xinyu's cooking is some progress, at least the dishes will not be bad to that point. After

had finished eating, he went into his room, and brought out the hundred years old medicine, apparently preparing to absorb the essence of the old medicine.

"Soon it will be the medical exchange! At that time, famous doctors from the whole area of Jiangnan will come to attend! I will also participate in this medical exchange meeting on behalf of Jiulong hall! I don't know if I will meet the Millennium elixir in this medical exchange meeting The leaf does not lack a murmur, send out a chuckle sound.

A moment later, ye Wuqian absorbed the hundred year old medicine. At this time, ye Wuqian's face became a little ruddy and seemed to have absorbed himself. After the hundred year old medicine, ye Wuqian's whole person became much more energetic.

"You have now extended your life span for another month! But this hundred year old medicine, for you, has not much effect! If you want to live longer! You have to get something better! " Hong Sheng's voice rings in Ye Wuqian's mind.

"Want something better! It's easy to talk! On this earth, there is no such good thing to choose from! " Ye Wuqi sighed.

Even the one hundred year old medicine, ye Wuwei, has been tossing about for a while, let alone better things. I'm afraid that kind of things have already been treasured.

Not long after that, the medical exchange meeting was held in Yanjing, and the location was set at Tianfeng mountain. On that day, there was a huge crowd of people. I heard that many famous doctors gathered in Tianfeng mountain to treat various kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and they didn't receive any money! The reason for this trend is that they have to compete with each other on medical ethics.At this time ye Wuque is on a luxury car, and Lin Xiaotian is sitting on the side of Ye Wuque.

"This medical exchange meeting, however, depends on Dr. Ye! Doctor ye, if you have any request, you can say it! I will be satisfied with Jiulong Tong! "

Lin Xiaotian sends out a chuckle and looks at Ye Wuwei.

In the face of Lin Xiaotian's words, ye Wuque nodded and didn't say much? But at this time, ye Wuque was worried. If he met any master on the medical exchange meeting, I'm afraid even he could not cope with it.

"Hong Sheng, have I really collected all the difficult and complicated diseases in the world?" Ye Wuwu's mind asks Hong Sheng.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, Hong Sheng was chuckling and said with a smile.

"Don't worry! Absolutely no problem! This business treasure is rare in the world! Now that you have got it and have learned all the contents, you are a miracle doctor! Who can surpass you

Hong Sheng said with great solemnity that there was a proud and charming color in his words.

With Hong Sheng's words, ye Wuqian nodded again and again. Since Hong Sheng has already said so, ye Wuque has nothing to worry about.

On the top of Tianfeng mountain, ye Wuqian found that there were a lot of people and people from all walks of life who came to visit the peak mountain. By the way, who would become a real miracle doctor?

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