"You What is this for? You can't do this! " Jinzoen was Ye Xiao a knee top score is not clear, and his agent after seeing such a scene has jumped up, ran to Ye Xiao, in front of jinzoen!

At first, when jinzoen proposed to talk with the blonde, the agent didn't agree with him, but he couldn't hold on to his persistence. Now jinzoen is the most popular big star and also the superstar of the whole Asia. In the face of jinzoen's several requests, the agent can only agree. In his mind, isn't it just to hook up with a woman? Jinzoen's handsome and famous, even do not need to do something, there are countless women scrambling to climb on his bed, now he took the initiative to attack, should not be a big risk, at most be exposed some gossip!

But what he didn't expect was that such a conflict would happen. What he didn't expect was that jinzoen, who had always wanted to enter the Chinese market, would swear out such a sentence. Of course, what he didn't expect was that the Chinese people would dare to attack jinzoen in public!

What's more, it's so bloody and brutal that it directly smashes jinzoen's nose bone, isn't it? The most attractive part of jinzoen is the high and straight bridge of nose. Now it is broken like this. How many girls' hearts will be hurt?

If the final cure is not good, the trouble will be even greater!

The agent didn't care that it was on the plane, and several Chinese staff members who were with him rushed over. The corridor of the plane was not spacious enough. As soon as these people rushed over, they immediately blocked the corridor!

Seeing jinzoen's agent arrive, and then look at jinzoen who was beaten almost to the ground, ye Xiao sneered and said to jinzoen's agent: "there is nothing I can't do, you'd better ask him to be quiet. This is China. What's the matter? You can't protect you if the bird doesn't die!"

"You You're threatening, you're threatening Hearing Ye Xiao's threatening words, jinzoen is still dazzled, but his agent has already roared with discontent!

"Threat? Well, I'm not threatening you. If you say that, that's your business, isn't it? " Ye Xiao's mouth appeared evil smile, his height is higher than the other side, so overlooking each other, eyes full of disdain!

"I want to complain to you. I want to complain to your foreign ministry. You are so rude. You are so rude!" See ye Xiao that careless appearance, even the agent is angry!

"Complaints? You mean you're going to complain to the Ministry of foreign affairs? What do you complain about me? Complain about my violence? Complain that I beat your popular artists? " Seeing the manager's angry honor, ye Xiao sneered!

"Yes, it's just complaining about you!" The agent also sneers, this guy, how he is so bold!

"Ha ha, well, you have to complain anyway, so I can't lose money, can't I?" Ye Xiao said, his fist has been slowly clenched up!

"Losing money?" The agent is stupefied, this brings up to lose money so? Just before he knew what was going on, a fist the size of an earthenware pot had already smashed over and directly hit his nose bone. Then the sound of bone fracture just now sounded again. The body of the agent was smashed backward, and a touch of red blossomed from the nostrils. It was as eye-catching and bright in the cabin!

Fortunately, there are people behind the agent, otherwise this blow is enough to blow him upside down. At this time, jinzoen has stood up and saw Ye Xiao not only hit himself, but also hit his own agent. His heart was infuriated, but when he thought of Ye Xiao's irresistible power, he did not dare to go forward!

At this time, jinzoen's bodyguards have also surrounded, but the corridor is so narrow, and those angry people can't give him any help at all!

Just at this time, the radio on the plane rings, the announcer's moving voice rings, the plane is about to land, please all passengers immediately return to their seats!

Hearing such a sound, ye Xiao glanced at jinzoen and his agent, ignored them any more, and directly sat on the chair and slowly fastened the seat belt. At this time, sharna next to him just looked at him, and a faint smile appeared in the corner of her mouth. Seeing sharna, she could still smile at this time. Ye Xiao was full of fire, the little girl, herself If it wasn't for the plane, he was prepared to teach salna a lesson. Of course, there are many ways to teach her, but anyway, he won't use fist!

Just glared at Sarna fiercely, ye Xiao no longer paid attention to other things, simply closed his eyes and began to close his eyes!

Although jinzoen was not reconciled in his heart, he also covered his nose and returned to his first-class position under the advice of his agent. His bodyguards looked at Ye Xiao, and their eyes showed a frightened look. Yes, it was a frightened look. When they wanted to protect jinzoen from the seat for the first time, they immediately felt what ye Xiao had At that time, there were at least three extremely strong breath emanating from him, which made them dare not move. Otherwise, only a few ordinary people could stop them?You know, when facing tens of thousands of fans, these bodyguards can also protect jinzoen to leave calmly!

But fortunately, the other side didn't kill each other. If there was any accident in jinzoen, they would not like their boss to explain it!

Seeing jinzoen and others return to their seats with their nostrils covered, the noise in the cabin has gradually subsided, especially under the persuasion of the beautiful stewardess, they all sit back to their seats and fasten their seat belts!

Soon, the plane has begun to land. Looking from the window position, you can see that the huge city of Kyoto looks like a giant, crawling on the land. With the successful landing of the plane, jinzoen's face in the first class cabin has become extremely cold!

"Jintai, I want revenge, I must revenge. After getting off the plane, I will hold a press conference immediately to tell those reporters about the atrocity of the Chinese people, and must report this matter to the public. I will ruin the reputation of the whole Chinese nation!" With the landing of the plane, jinzoen, whose nose is still bleeding, said to the agent beside him that his nose bone completely collapsed. According to law, the first thing after getting off the plane should be to go to the hospital, but he can't wait to get revenge!

"Don't worry, Zoe. I'll take care of it, but you have to be treated first." The agent looked at jinzoen's face with some ugly looks. At this time, he was not like an idol star. His face was full of blood, just like those refugees who escaped from the war. Especially, if his nose was not cured, how could he explain to the company? And how can he meet his fans like this?

"No, aren't those people in China hypocritical? Don't they often say they are compassionate? I just want to let them see my miserable situation and let them know the violence of Chinese people! " Jinzoen's eyes are shining with crazy light

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