"I see! That man is a robber Li Tiancheng's eyes flashed suddenly, and even his expression became a little cold. He never thought that the bus driver was also a robber!

"Don't say so much! Call quickly! Don't let the robber run away! If you can't, you'll be beaten for nothing Empty Taoist priest sends out a chuckle, quite meaningful to Li Tiancheng said.

In the face of the empty Taoist priest's words, Li Tiancheng also nodded repeatedly, which made a phone call.

At this time, in the bus, many people on the bus just look at ye Wuque, because the strength shown by Ye Wuque is too powerful, which makes them curious.

"What do you do, little brother? Is it a martial arts school? Why are those robbers in your hands and have no backhand power at all? " An old man looked at Ye Wuwei and finally asked.

"I don't run a martial arts school! It's just that they can't stand it. They cheat the less with more! That's why it's done! " Ye Wuque said with a smile, but his face was embarrassed. I didn't expect that the old man would ask!

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, the old man was reluctant to ask.

"How could that be possible! If you don't open a martial arts school, why can you do it with one dozen ten? "


Ye Wuque instantly became a little helpless, because he did not know how to answer.

And many passengers on the bus also looked at ye Wuque, because they were very confused at this time. Ye Wuque's hand was too shocking, which made them feel at a loss.

After arriving in Tianzhou, the bus was intercepted by the police, and the driver was also a little nervous. He didn't expect that the police car would appear at this time, and the bus was stopped.

after several police staff looked at the driver, they said to the passengers on the bus.

"All the people in the car get down! We're going to have routine checks! "

After the police finished, all the people on the bus got off the bus. However, they were curious and did not know who called the police. Why did so many policemen appear here?

After many passengers left the car, several police officers looked at the driver.

"Why don't you get out of the car? Didn't you just say that? All the people on the bus get out of the car The policeman said to the driver in a meaningful way.

The reason why police officers do not arrest in the car is that they are afraid that the driver will jump over the wall and drive his car into a mess.

"You haven't shown your police cards yet! How can I believe that you are policemen The old driver was obviously a little cautious, and then he said to the police officer.

"You want me to show my police card, don't you?" The police hesitated for a moment and then took out a certificate from his body!

Seeing that the certificate had appeared, the driver was helpless and got out of the car. However, at the moment when the driver got off the bus, several police officers immediately knocked him down and caught him.

"Damn it, I was beaten by you today! You still pretend to be nothing, and I will not kick you to death! "

After seeing the driver was caught, Li Tiancheng made a big horse sound and waved several feet to the driver, which seemed to be a little strong.

And the driver also made a burst of screams.

"Why do you arrest me? I'm not a robber. You've got the wrong man! "

The driver quickly denied it at all.

"You still want to deny it? Do you think you can escape me! You're with the robbers! You want to cheat me! Originally your bus did not take that road, but you forgot that road! Don't you think we don't know! If you didn't do it on purpose, how could you walk along the bend? " Li Tiancheng said coldly.

With Li Tiancheng's words, many passengers on the bus just reacted. Unexpectedly, the driver was also one of the robbers! However, they were glad that the robber did not die with them. Otherwise, it would be extremely dangerous to drive on that cliff.

After solving the driver, Li Tiancheng came to the void Taoist priest.

"How do you do it, master?"

"I have not promised to take you as an apprentice! This master can't shout at will Empty Taoist priest sends out a chuckle and says to Li Tiancheng.

In the face of the empty Taoist priest's words, Li Tiancheng said without face or skin.

"Elder martial brother, you don't have to be so taboo! I will help you find it! When you find the elixir of a thousand years, you will be my master

"Why are you so confident? Don't you know anything about the Millennium energy? " One side of the leaf without lack suddenly said, in the heart has the color of curiosity.

"It's impossible to understand! But this millennium elixir is not a rare thing! In Tianzhou, we have the most miraculous drugs Li Tiancheng said seriously.

In the face of Li Tiancheng's words, ye Wuqian and the empty elder are chuckling, and they don't take what Li Tiancheng said as a matter.Although there are many miracles in this state, how can there be many miraculous drugs for thousands of years? I'm afraid there are no more than three fingers in the whole China!

"I've arranged accommodation for you! This evening, please stay at the place I arranged! Three days later, I will go to Tianhu mountain with you Li Tiancheng said in a hurry.

"Yes! Do as you say Empty Taoist priest said at will.

"Yes! There will be an auction of medicinal materials tomorrow! You are so interested in medicinal materials! Would you like to try your luck there? Maybe there is a thousand year old elixir in that place Li Tiancheng spoke.

"Elixir auction? How could there be a thousand year old elixir in there! It's very difficult to find the elixir for thousands of years! It's impossible to come up at that auction! " The empty Taoist said no.

With the empty Taoist's words, Li Tiancheng's heart is a disappointment. He wanted to make a good performance, but he didn't expect that the empty Taoist was ungrateful at all.

"Not necessarily! If it's a miracle medicine auction house, you can have a look! There may not be a millennium elixir, but there is still a possibility of hundreds of years of old demons! " Ye Wuqi's voice rings out and makes a chuckle!

With Ye Wuwei's words, Li Tiancheng also nodded repeatedly?

Hearing this, the void Taoist didn't say much, but he looked at Ye Wuwei with some curiosity! Because ye Wuwei seems to be very interested in miracles, not just Millennium elixirs.

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