In the eyes of everyone's surprise, ye Xiao went directly to the co driver's seat of Lamborghini. Seeing ye Xiao coming towards him, Wang Zhenzhen's face showed a look of panic, and even more directly exclaimed, "Xiaosen, help me, help me!"

At this time, Lin Xiaosen has been abandoned limbs, even his own are difficult to protect, how to save her?

Ye Xiao ignores Wang Zhenzhen's exclamation, grabs her hair, pulls her out of her seat, and then walks towards the dilapidated Audi!

Wang Zhenzhen is just a female college student. Where can she compare her strength with Ye Xiao? At this time, she was dragged onto the back seat of Audi and threw her directly into it!

"Go Toward Xiao Feng Road, who has already sat in the driver's seat, ye Xiao got into the back seat. Xiao Feng took a look at Lin Xiaosen who fell on the ground, chuckled and drove to the hospital!

"Man, this is man, fat man, when can you be a little bit like that?" Liu Yingying, who witnessed the whole process, showed a burning light in her eyes. It was too exciting. In front of so many people, without saying a word, she beat Lin Xiaosen, and then dragged Wang Zhenzhen away. Regardless of other people's eyes, they didn't care about each other's identity. This is the real man, the man who puts his knife in his arms for his friends Son!

In the face of his girlfriend's ridicule, Da pang can only smile bitterly. Who is Ye Xiao and who is he? I also want to be a man, but the problem is to have the strength to be a man!

"Drive, they're all gone!" Seeing the disappearing Audi, Da Pang said to Liu Yingying!

"Oh Liu Yingying just reacted and quickly started the beetle and chased Ye Xiao and others. As for Lin Xiaosen lying on the ground, who would take care of him?

After a while, Audi had arrived at the Affiliated Hospital of the University of business and economics. Ignoring Wang Zhenzhen's crying appearance, ye Xiao once again grabbed her hair and pulled her out of the car!

"Prepare to repent!" Cold toward Wang Zhenzhen said a word, ye Xiao pulled her toward the ward of Chen Dan Shang!

Wang Zhenzhen was pale, with tears in her eyes and a look of fear in her eyes. This man was so terrible that even the people of the Lin family dared to beat him, or did he abandon him in front of so many people. Was he not afraid of the Lin family's revenge?

Lin's family, however, is bigger than Shangguan's family. It's not easy for them to meet such a top dandy!

In the face of Ye Xiao's strength, Wang Zhenzhen dare not say anything. She can only let him drag her to the door of Chen danshang's ward.

"You'd better pray that the little wounded can forgive you, or you should know the consequences!" At the moment of opening the ward door, ye Xiao hummed to Wang Zhenzhen, then opened the door of the ward with one hand and threw Wang Zhenzhen in. Wang Zhenzhen accidentally fell to the ground. When she looked up again, she saw Chen Dan Shang wrapped in zongzi, and Chen Dan Shang looked at her kneeling on the ground with surprise?

What's going on? Why did she come in a little while? Was Ye Xiao arrested?

"That guy broke one of your legs. I lost his two legs. He broke one of your arms. I broke his two arms. Now I have brought this woman to you. It's up to you to deal with it. No matter what you do, nothing will happen to you!" Ye Xiao said faintly!

Hearing this sentence, Wang Zhenzhen's body trembled. No matter how to deal with it, what if he killed himself? As for Chen Dan Shang, he threw a look of gratitude to Ye Xiao, grateful that he stood up for himself. Maybe these things are just a small matter for ye Xiao, but they are of great significance to him!

"I just want to ask you a question. I hope you can answer me honestly!" After casting a look of gratitude towards Ye Xiao, Chen Dan Shang again puts his eyes on Wang Zhenzhen's body, and says!

Wang Zhenzhen raised her head in some fear, saw Chen danshang's face wrapped in gauze, and nodded her head vigorously!

"You Have you ever loved me? " See Wang Zhenzhen that pair of eyes full of tears, Chen Dan Shang asked such a sentence!

Wang Zhenzhen immediately is a body meal, the expression on the face is also one of the stiff, have you ever loved him? How can I not love him? How could they not love him when they grew up together? But is love useful in this world? What is love?

"Love!" Wang Zhenzhen nodded. She did not expect that at this time, Chen Tan Shang would even ask her such a question!

"If you love me, why do you do this to me?" Hearing this sentence, Chen Dan Shang seemed to be hit by something, and his voice choked!

As for ye Xiao on one side, he showed disdain. He was also depressed when Chen Dan Shang asked such boring questions. However, he did not open his mouth to say anything. He had already said that no matter how to deal with it, it was up to him to decide. This is a respect for his friends!

"I didn't want to do this to you. I also want to be with you all the time. I also want to be by your side all the time. But is love useful? In Kyoto, a small room with tens of square meters costs millions. It costs tens of thousands of yuan to buy a bag, or thousands to eat a meal. Is it useful just to love each other? I want to stay in Kyoto. Can you let me stay? Do you have the ability to make me stay? " Wang Zhenzhen cried and said at the same time!Hearing her call from her heart, Chen Tan Shang was silent. Even ye Xiao also chose to be silent. What she said is not a fact. Nowadays, the house prices in Kyoto are so high and the consumption is so high. Why is it not easy for a Beipiao people to have a foothold in Kyoto?

For many girls, they don't need their boyfriends to have much money, but at least they have to have a house to live in. If they don't even have a basic accommodation problem, why should she follow you?

Of course, ye Xiao despises women like Wang Zhenzhen, but the problem is that such women now occupy the vast majority of society, and there are too few women who can give up everything for love!

Now that the public is like this, what can they blame her for?

"You go!" After a long time, Chen Tan Shang sighed heavily and made a decision to Wang Zhenzhen?

Wang Zhenzhen was stunned. Obviously, she didn't think that she hurt Chen Dan Shang so much. Chen Dan Shang would let herself leave easily. However, she quickly got up from the ground. She didn't dare to look at Ye Xiao standing on one side and ran to the door directly!

When she came to the door, she suddenly stopped and said to Chen Tan Shang, who was lying in the hospital bed: "ah, hurt, you are a good man!" After saying that, no matter two people, opened the door of the ward and rushed out, leaving a face of surprise Ye Xiao and Chen Dan Shang two people!

Good people? You are a good person. Is it true that the good people are abandoned by their girlfriends? And get beaten up again?

At the thought of this, Chen danshang's mouth, emerged a bitter smile, that touch of bitterness is so sad and miserable

"You have a good rest and rest." Seeing Chen danshang's miserable look, ye Xiao murmured and sighed. Maybe, in today's society, it's really hard to be a good man

"What do you think of Wang Zhenzhen?" After ye Xiao walked out of the ward, Xiao Feng, who had been standing outside the door, suddenly opened his mouth

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