"What are you doing? How could Shi Lei of my family kill the old man! " Three aunts hastily said, is obviously does not know this matter.

"Why, don't you know? Just this evening, Zhang Shilei came to master Zhang's house with a dagger and killed him! Zhang Shilei has committed a terrible crime. If you don't hand it over, you will have the crime of shielding! " Yang Xiaodie said coldly. He looked very angry. He didn't expect that such a lovely man as Mr. Zhang would die!

"Miss, you can eat your meal without saying anything! My home is early, Shi Lei! How could he hurt Mr. Zhang! It's nothing. I'm afraid you're mistaken. " Three aunts again said, but the look is becoming a little nervous, their old Zhang family is also this one only child, if such a thing really happened, then their old Zhang family is not going to die?

"We've called the police! Even if you don't hand over your son! He can't escape Yang Xiaodie said coldly.

With Yang Xiaodie's words, three aunt's heart is also some worry, because Yang Xiaodie's words do not seem to lie in general.

"When you are in charge, go to see if Shi Lei is sleeping in his room!" Three aunts hesitated for a moment, and then said to the third uncle in a hurry.

After hearing the three words, the third uncle did not have any hesitation, so he quickly walked to Zhang Shilei's room. After a moment, the body shape of the third uncle came out.

"Why is Shi Lei missing? I saw him go to bed after dinner! It's not in the room now The third uncle spoke in a hurry.

As soon as the third uncle said this, the three aunts' look was also slightly changed. If this is the case, I'm afraid ye Wuque's words are not wrong.

"No way! Shi Lei, this child is crazy! He killed people At this time the three aunts this just react to come over, some incredible say, even the face is also some change.

"What? Is he no longer here? " Ye Wuqi's eyebrows wrinkled. If it is, Zhang Shilei is afraid to escape!

"I advise you to get it back quickly! If it's to kill and escape, it's going to be shot! " Leaves without lack of light said a sentence.

"Little brother, you have to help my family Shi Lei! He can't kill anyone! He won't kill anyone! He is the only one in Laozhang's family. He can't do anything! " Three aunts hastily pull leaf to have no lack of, some solemn speech says.

In the face of three layers of this, ye Wuque is not satisfied, this just said.

"But he did kill! And it was killed in front of us. Now it's still killing and escaping! I'll take a look at all these things and how he wants to solve them! " Ye Wuque said coldly.

While they were talking, several police officers suddenly came to the three aunts' home.

"Zhang Laosan, your son Zhang Shilei is suspected of murder! If he is at home, let him hand it in quickly! Otherwise, you will be guilty of covering up! " Zhang Youwei's voice rang out and looked at his aunt and uncle.

But at this time, Zhang Youwei has a look at ye Wuque, and he is somewhat respectful to ye Wuque. After all, ye Wuque's influence on the white road is extremely strong, which is not what he, a small police officer, can offend.

"There is a way! This time is not wrong! How could Shi Lei of our family kill people? " The three aunts hastily looked at Zhang Youwei, and her expression became somewhat solemn.

In the face of three aunts this words, Zhang Youwei is to send out a chuckle, this just said.

"It's true! Zhang Shilei is suspected of murder! It's a real thing! If he escapes from prison again and again, we can only issue a wanted order! At that time, it will not be known whether it is life or death! "

With Zhang you's words for this, the three aunts' figure is also a little shaky, and almost fainted in the past. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shilei will make a terrible mistake!

"This little brother! I know you can save Shi Lei! You can't let yourself die! This is the only way for us in Lao Zhang's family Three aunts hastily toward the leaf to say.

In the face of the three aunts, Yang Xiaodie on one side is making a light smile!

"What a funny thing you said! Your son's life is his life, but the life of others is not? It's a matter of course to pay back debts and kill people! "

With Yang Xiaodie's words, three aunt's face pale, I don't know what to do!

"Let's go back soon! I'm afraid Xiaoyu's mood is a little unstable at home! There's nothing wrong with him Ye Wuqi's voice rang out and said a word to Yang Xiaodie, and then he left.

Three days later, the body of Mr. Zhang was buried. Originally, Zhang Xinyu planned to come to Zhangjia town to pay homage to Mr. Zhang. Unexpectedly, such a thing happened today!

After the whole funeral, Zhang Xinyu sighed and looked at Ye Wuwei.

"Well, did Zhang Shi Lei get caught?""Not yet! But it must be fast! It's not easy to catch him! " Ye Wuqi said.

Because ye Wuxiang has already used the power of Jiulong hall. Jiulong hall is everywhere. It will be easy to find Shi Lei.

Soon after, a news came out that Zhang Shilei was arrested in the county and was sentenced to death for killing and escaping.

And the three aunts and uncles were also jailed for harboring.

After dealing with these things, Zhang Xinyu and ye Wuque left, but their hearts were somewhat melancholy.

"Xiaoyu, I'm afraid this trip will hit you a lot! Why don't you go to my house and have a rest for a few days? " Yang Xiaodie's voice rang out and said to Zhang Xinyu!

Now Zhang Xinyu looks very low, so Yang Xiaodie will say so. After all, even if Zhang Xinyu comes back to the company, I'm afraid he can't do anything.

"Well! Good! I heard your family lives in the valley! Are we not going to take the mountain road Zhang Xinyu asked curiously.

"Of course! Only when you walk on the mountain road can you have a sense of experience! I used to walk when I was a child! Now think of it, actually, it's fun to take the mountain road! It's just that... " Yang Xiaodie stops talking.

"Just what?" Zhang Xinyu is a little curious.

"It's better not to say it! If I said so, I'm afraid you won't go! " Yang Xiaodie said with a smile.

As soon as Yang Xiaodie said this, Zhang Xinyu was a little curious. Obviously, she didn't know what she was hiding from her?

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