At this moment, in the Li group's conference room, Hua monk is standing on one side, while Li Tianwei is sitting on the sofa.

"Don't worry, boss! This is done! The bald man has been solved by me! It's just that one of them seems to suspect me! And I've been followed by someone! " Flower monk said.

"What? Someone's following you! What happened in the end? " Li Tianwei's heart was startled, and then he said hastily. His expression became a little dignified. If you want to know about this matter, you can't let Zhang Xinyu know. Otherwise, Zhang Xinyu will certainly use the commercial power of Zhang's group to suppress Li's group, and then it will be in trouble.

"Don't worry! I've got rid of those two glasses Flower monk sends out a chuckle, this just says.

"Isn't that boy a student! How can he always follow Zhang Xinyu! Is there any relationship between them? " Li Tianwei's voice rang out and said with some doubts.

This is what monk Li Tianwei said.

"If there is no wrong guess, the relationship between them is not ordinary! And the man's name is ye Wuque! Seems to have some strength! If there is no wrong guess, he should be our holy doctor in Yanjing! " Flower monk said with a smile.

The reason why he knew ye Wuque so well was that he had investigated ye Wuque's identity. Ye Wuque became a holy doctor in Yanjing during the medical exchange meeting. Monk Hua knew all these things.

"The holy doctor of Yanjing? If he can be a saint doctor at such a young age, if he can be brought to our Li's group, I will certainly put him in his place! " Li Tianwei said with a smile, but in words, it has a sense.

In the face of Li Tianwei's words, the flower monk on one side made a sneer.

"I'm afraid it's impossible for him to join the Li group, but I've heard that he has an affair with Zhang Xinyu of Zhang's group! So he can't be a member of Li's group! " The flower monk said coldly.

"Hum! Since he can't be a member of Li's group, there is no need to exist! If you have a chance, you can just kill him! "

As soon as the flower monk said this, Li Tianwei of Li's group made a cold hum, but there was a sharp edge in this speech.

As soon as this saying goes out, the flower monk also sends out a chuckle, which is not much to say.

"Boss, it's not so easy to kill it! Today, when I pass by him, he can feel that there is a strong energy in me, which is enough to show that he is not an ordinary person

"Not an ordinary man. Do you mean he is a warrior?"

Li Tianwei asked, but in his eyes, there was a flash of cold light.

In the face of Li Tianwei's words, monk Hua also nodded.

"Yes! If I guess right, he should be a warrior! And the strength is not weak! Even I am not necessarily his opponent! " The flower monk said frankly.

Li Tianwei was also surprised when he said this. However, he knew how strong monk Hua was. He didn't expect Ye Wuqian to be so powerful, which made him a little surprised.

"If such figures can not be used by Li's group, it is better to eradicate them directly!"

Li Tianwei's voice sounded again, but this time it became extremely fierce.

In the face of Li Tianwei's words, the flower monk just issued a light smile.

"Don't worry, boss! I'll take care of it tonight The flower monk hesitated for a moment, and then he said in a hurry. But in his eyes, there was a flash of cold light.

"Are you confident?" Li Tianwei looks at the flower monk with some worries. After all, the flower monk said that ye Wuqian's strength is not ordinary.

"Sure! If I don't have confidence, how can I promise at will! Besides, no matter how fierce the boy is, he is not very old, and his strength must not reach a high level! I still have the strength to kill it in the cradle Flower monk said with a smile.

"In that case, it would be better! I'll give you another sum of money after you've done it! It's a reward for you

Li Tianwei said frankly that he was never stingy with his subordinates, and he would not treat anyone who did something for him.

The night is dark and the wind is high. In the street, a figure flickers rapidly. The speed seems to be several times faster than that of ordinary people, and it turns into several shadows. If ordinary people see it, they will be extremely surprised.

At this time, ye Wuque has entered a state of sleep, but when the flower monk came to the villa, ye Wuque's eyes suddenly opened.

"Someone! And my murderous spirit! Is it for me Ye Wuxiang murmured in his heart, and then he looked out of the window. As expected, he found that the flower monk was hidden in the dark and looked at the villa side.

"It's him! Did you come to kill me! What a fool! I was still looking for his trace, but I didn't expect that he would come to the door so soonSeeing the scene in front of him, ye Wuwu sent out a sneer, and the cold light flashed in his eyes.

You should know that ye Wuqian's strength is very strong. If you want to deal with the flower monk, it is more than enough. However, the flower monk doesn't know ye Wuqian's strength, but he falls into a trap here.

Just when the flower monk was ready to go to the villa, ye Wuqian's figure was one step out. He appeared in front of the flower monk. The reason why Ye Wuqian appeared directly was that ye Wuqian didn't want the flower monk to enter the villa. After all, Zhang Xinyu could be sleeping at this time, and ye Wuqian naturally didn't want the flower monk to disturb him.

"Why, you should have come to me!"

Ye Wuqi's voice sounded, and he stepped out directly and came to the flower monk.

Seeing ye Wuqian's body appearance, the flower monk's heart was also slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, ye Wuque could find himself.

"It seems that I underestimated you!"

Flower monk's voice sounded, some of his eyes flashed with cold light and looked at the leaves on his eyes.

In the face of the flower monk's words, ye Wuque is a chuckle.

"If you're right, he killed me! And your boss should be Li Tianwei! " Ye Wuwu speaks frankly.

"Tut You know it doesn't seem to work any more! Because you are a dead man already The flower monk sent out a sneer and stepped directly towards the leaf.

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