"Little brother, if you can take Yan Ruyu back to Tianzhou Museum safely! Tianzhou museum will not treat you badly. You can tell me what you need

Zhao Tianhai said, some seriously look at Ye Wuqian. After all, his only hope now is that ye Wuque can escort him to Tianzhou, so that he can safely send Yan Ruyu back to Tianzhou Museum.

"Tut I'm afraid it won't work! I don't want to go all the way to escort anything! No matter how much money you give me, it's no use! " Ye Wuwei was extremely straightforward and refused directly.

Hearing ye Wuque's words, Zhao Tianhai's face changed slightly. He didn't know what to do. After all, this matter was too important.

"There are many things in the world besides money! Maybe you have something that can move

him See Zhao Tianhai some depressed, Zhang Xinyu's voice rang out, said to Zhao Tianhai with a smile.

"I don't know what can let this little brother escort Yan Ruyu for me?" After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Tianhai said, his expression became more serious.


In the face of Zhao Tianhai's words, ye Wuhai hesitated for a moment, and then he said.

"If you have some kind of elixir or something! I may be able to help you with this! "

The reason why ye Wuque says this is because ye Wuque is really short of these things. If Zhao Tianhai can really help him find a miraculous medicine, he can help him escort him.

"Panacea? Little brother is talking about medicinal herbs with a long age? I really don't have that! " Zhao Tianhai was helpless.

Hearing this, ye Wuque also issued a chuckle. In fact, no matter whether he has it or not, ye Wuque should not be willing to go to Tianzhou.

"Although I don't have any miraculous medicine! But I have a family treasure! This baby has been with me for years! Listen to the family said that this baby can turn the bad luck into good! I don't know if it's true or not! "

After that, Zhao Tianhai took out a jade pendant from his body. The jade pendant looked very simple, but there was nothing else.

Seeing the scene in front of him, ye Wuqian is somewhat curious, because there is an energy in the jade pendant that makes him confused.

"The jade pendant can emit energy! Is there something strange about this jade pendant At this time, ye Wuque sends out a cry of surprise, and looks at the jade pendant on his eyes, and his heart is surprised to the extreme.

At this time, Zhao Tianhai saw Ye Wuqian, who was interested in this jade pendant, and was also somewhat happy in his heart.

"How about it? Little brother, as long as you safely send me to Tianzhou, this jade pendant will be you. I will never break my promise! "

Zhao Tianhai said solemnly to ye Wuwu.

After taking over the jade pendant, ye Wuqian found that there was a warm current surging on the jade pendant. If ye Wuqian had not guessed wrong, what kind of spiritual weapon should this jade pendant be?

"In that case, I can think about it!"

Ye Wuqian's voice sounded, and his expression became somewhat solemn. The reason why ye Wuque said this was because the jade pendant was extremely unusual.

"Good! I'll be waiting for good news from my little brother tomorrow morning Zhao Tianhai said hastily, and his expression became a little solemn.

In the face of Zhao Tianhai's words, ye Wuhai is also a burst of nodding.

Waiting for Zhao Tianhai to return to the room, Zhang Xinyu this will look at the leaves without lack of hope.

"What's the matter? Is there any difference in this jade pendant! Why do you care so much! "

Zhang Xinyu hastily spoke out to ask a way, in the heart has the color of curiosity.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuque's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and then he said.

"If you don't guess wrong! That jade pendant should be a spirit weapon, and its breath is not weak. It must be considered as a powerful existence in the Aura! "

Ye Wuqi said, his expression became a little serious.

"What's the use of spiritual instruments?"

Zhang Xinyu is a little curious and looks at ye Wuwu in his eyes. After all, he doesn't know anything about Yu Lingqi.

"Of course, the spirit is useful! If it's really a spiritual weapon, ordinary people will be able to warm up their bodies if they get it, and you will not be attacked by all kinds of diseases, but also can prolong your life Ye Wuqi said.

"Is there any other use for spiritual objects? You can live longer Zhang Xinyu uttered a exclamation, and her expression became a little serious.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuqian nodded again and again, because ye Wuqian didn't say anything wrong. This spirit tool has such effect.

"If so! Then you can promise him! After all, with your escort, there will be no danger, and you are just going to Tianzhou for a trip Zhang Xinyu said with a smile.

"Well, I mean it!" Ye no fault nods.

In fact, it is of no use to ye Wuque, but ye Wuqian wants to get the spirit tool and give it to Zhang Xinyu. The jade pendant may not be of any use to Ye Wuxiang, but it has a great use for Zhang Xinyu, which is also a matter of no doubt.When Zhao woke up early in the morning, he was waiting for the morning.

"What, little brother! How are you thinking? " Zhao Tianhai hurriedly asked ye Wuque, and his expression became somewhat solemn.

"I can promise you! Guarantee you to return to Tianzhou Ye Wuqian said bluntly.

As soon as the words came out, Zhao Tianhai was also happy. He nodded quickly. After all, ye Wuwu escorted him. In this way, he could rest assured.

"Little brother, since you have promised, this jade pendant is yours!" Without any hesitation, Zhao Tianhai took out the jade pendant directly, which seemed to be very serious.

Seeing the scene in front of him, ye Wuqian didn't hesitate to ask him to take over the jade pendant directly.

After taking the jade pendant to his hand, ye Wuqian weighed it out and handed it to Zhang Xinyu.

"My jade pendant will be yours after that!"

Zhang Xinyu was surprised to take the jade pendant from ye Wuque's hand. Unexpectedly, ye Wuque would take the jade pendant to herself, which moved Zhang Xinyu.

"You give me that beautiful brocade box! I'll keep it for you! In the course of the journey, if someone snatches it, I can also protect her face like a jade! " Ye Wuhai looks at Zhao Tianhai.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, Zhao Tianhai has not hesitated at all, but directly gives the brocade box to ye Wuque's hand, because he has been extremely distressed for ye Wuque. Otherwise, he would not have given the jade pendant to ye Wuque at will.

After getting the brocade box, ye Wuqian is the bus of zhaotian sea.

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