"There's nothing in this stone, it's just a common stone!" With the continuous cutting, the organizer announced this matter to everyone, but he was a little bit pleased. After all, this stone is waste rock, and their sponsor got a million yuan for free this time.

"Tut Master song has long said that this stone is waste, but that boy doesn't believe it! Now I have some to play with at last

A burst of conversation continued to ring, the audience is a little happy, so that the most shameful is Ye Wuxiang, who gave a million to the organizer in vain.

At this time, Li Yanqing, standing on the side of Ye Wuqian, is also quite helpless, and she hastens to persuade Ye Wuqian.

"It's OK! It's just a million dollars. It's nothing! "

In the face of these people's words, ye Wuque is to send out a chuckle, this just said.

"That stone is not really cut! The real treasure is hidden in that stone! If you don't believe it, I'll go and take it down myself! " After ye Wuqi finished speaking, he walked toward the challenge arena, looking light and light.

At this time, the people present were not optimistic about ye Wuqian's practice, because in their opinion, ye Wuqian was afraid that he lost a million yuan, so he felt that he could not hold his face, so he said this kind of nonsense.

"I'm afraid the boy spent a million yuan, so I'm not willing to. That's nonsense. Master song has already said that there can't be anything in this stone. This boy is still so stubborn!"

A burst of conversation sound constantly sounded, the people present for ye Wuque is also extremely pessimistic.

At this time, Li Yanqing, who was on the side, saw Ye Wuqian and directly stepped onto the challenge arena. She was also curious. She obviously didn't know what ye wanted.

I saw the stone in Ye wubu's hand, and then he smashed it to the ground. The stone exploded in an instant. But beside the stone, there was something falling out. It was not dazzling, but it seemed that it was not ordinary.

"What is this?"

When the crowd saw that there was something coming out of the stone, they said in a hurry that there was a color of curiosity in their hearts. The things that can jump out of the stone are not ordinary things.

"A thousand years of Ganoderma lucidum!" Seeing the scene in front of me and the people present for a moment, a cry of surprise came out, and the voice was full of uncertainty.

It is said that there are two kinds of Millennium Ganoderma lucidum. One kind of Millennium Ganoderma lucidum grows on the cliff and has great efficacy. However, this kind of Millennium Ganoderma lucidum is easy to be picked up. It can be said that there are not many thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum in the world, while the other is the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum in the stone.

This kind of Millennium Ganoderma lucidum has been hidden in the stone for thousands of years. As long as the stone is not cracked, no one can take it as his own.

"A thousand years of Ganoderma lucidum!"

At this time, master song was also surprised to see the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum in ye Wuque's hand. He didn't expect that there would be a millennium Ganoderma lucidum in the stone. It is very difficult to find the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum. Moreover, there are very few such valuable Millennium Ganoderma lucidum. It can be said that the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum in ye Wuque's hand has reached the standard of 10 million.

Ten million, that is to say, ye Wuwu may have made ten times as much.

When the organizers saw the scene in front of them, their eyes were also hot. They didn't expect that there was a thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum in the stone. If they knew that there was a thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum in the stone, they would not auction the stone.

"A thousand years of Ganoderma lucidum! It seems that I did not guess wrong! What's in the stone didn't disappoint me Ye Wuqi got a thousand years of Ganoderma lucidum, this just issued a chuckle, it seems to be some solemn.

This thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum, like a thousand year old panacea, has a great effect. Ye Wuqian is very concerned about this kind of thing. I didn't expect to see it in this gambling arena today.

"This little brother! Your Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, I am willing to pay 5 million yuan to buy it! Let you do it At this time, a middle-aged man will look at the leaf without lack of hope, some solemn toward the leaf without lack said.

In the face of this middle-aged man's words, ye Wuque is to send out a light smile, this just said.

"Five million? I'm afraid the price you gave is too low! The price of Ganoderma lucidum is more than 1000 years old! And my Millennium Ganoderma lucidum is out of the stone! You want to buy the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum for 5 million yuan. Do you think I'm stupid? " The leaves are not missing, but become very simple.

With ye Wuque's words, the middle-aged man's look was also slightly changed. He didn't expect ye Wuque to know these things so well, which made him a little disappointed.

"It seems that this little brother is also an expert! It's impossible to cheat this little brother! In this case, I am willing to pay 10 million yuan to buy this millennium Ganoderma lucidum! I don't know if my little brother would like to! " At this time, master song's voice rang out and looked at Ye Wuwei. He directly sold out 10 million yuan. You know, the price is very high.Seeing the scene in front of her, Li Yanqing was stunned to the extreme. She didn't expect that things would turn out to be like this. Ye Wuqian's Ganoderma lucidum in his hand could actually buy such a price?

"Master song, you must know this best! Although the standard price of Ganoderma lucidum is around 10 million! But I'm out of the stone. I'm afraid the price is a little low if you want to buy this thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum from me for 10 million yuan! " The leaves are not missing, but become very simple.

"My little brother is right! If I use 10 million yuan to buy this millennium Ganoderma lucidum, it is really a big bargain! But the little brother should also know that the price of 10 million is good! What's more, I have more than ten million faces in song! " Master song's voice rang out, and he said to ye Wuque with great significance.

As soon as master Song said this, the people present were also slightly surprised. Since master Song said this, he intended to get the thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum, and master song even said the word face, which is enough to show that master song is very concerned about this Ganoderma.

If ye Wuqian sells the Ganoderma lucidum to master song, he can get 10 million yuan and get master song's face. Ordinary people will give him this face. After all, this face is not only given to master song, but also to himself.

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