"Master song, there is nothing in this stone, right! If this is the case, we will not lose! " The middle-aged man looked at master song, and his expression became a little dignified. He followed master song for many years, but he never saw master song lose. He didn't expect that this time he would fall into the hands of a hairy boy.

"No one knows until the last minute! I want to see who is better this time Master Song said frankly, but in his heart, he was extremely worried because he could sense that there was nothing in the stone, but master song still couldn't believe it.

At this time, all the people who were present also talked about it in succession. They were very curious. They didn't expect that master song would lose this time, and it was so ugly.

"If you lose, master song must lose! The stone is soon cut! There is nothing in it A burst of exclamation of the sound of continuous ring, the presence of the hearts of the people are also extremely surprised, did not expect that China's Taishan Beidou should be defeated by a hairy boy.

"No way! Master song can't lose! " There were several voices of conversation, because they did not believe that master song would lose.

"Nothing is impossible! The facts are in front of me! Wait! After the stone is cut, you will know who lost and who won

With the sound of a burst of conversation, the whole scene is also thoroughly into a hot state, and at this time ye Wuque is the performance of a calm face, looking at master song.

"Master song, it seems that you are going to lose!"

"Well, not necessarily! Maybe it's in this rock! No one can be sure until the last minute! " Master Song said frankly that he seemed extremely confident and did not seem to have any color of depression.

When people saw that master song was so confident, they were also curious. Could there be something in the stone? Otherwise, why was master song so confident.

In fact, there was bitterness in master song's heart at this time, because master song knew that there was nothing in the stone. Otherwise, it would not happen.

"Master song, what should we do now?" Seeing that the stone was about to be cut off, but still nothing appeared, the middle-aged man next to master Song said in a hurry, and his expression became somewhat solemn.

"Well How is that possible? How could that have happened? I've made a mistake

Master song's voice rang out and his face became a little ugly. He didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

When the stone was completely cut, ye Wuqian looked at the master song.

"Master song! The stone has been cut! But there is nothing in this stone! That is to say, you are doomed to lose this bet! how! Now I don't have to say anything more! " Ye Wuqi said with great significance and looked at master song.

Hearing ye Wuque's words, master song's face changed slightly. He didn't know what to do. He didn't expect that he would lose, and he lost so thoroughly.

"I lost! I did lose! " Master song's voice sounded, his body trembled and even his expression changed. He never thought that he would lose so miserably.

"Ten million wagers! Now it can be cashed in! " Ye Wuqi looks at master song again, but this time it becomes extremely strong.

Facing ye Wuque's words, master song was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at ye Wuque.

"I lost! But I'm not just talking about 10 million! It's the reputation of master song! In that case! You boy, you are going to deal with the affairs after that After master song finished speaking, he turned away and threatened ye Wuwu with cold words, which seemed to be extremely strong.

It can be said that master song has a wealth of wealth when he has been looking at stones in the north and south of the river these years. Otherwise, he would not have threatened Ye Wuqian so much.

At this time, the people present were very surprised when they heard master song's words. They didn't expect that master song would be so strong and threaten ye Wuque, and in front of so many people.

"Tut Is this the deterrent power of master song! It seems that I have learned it today! I didn't expect master song to be so powerful! I'm afraid of it Ye Wuqian uttered a sneer and did not put the song master in his eyes. In ye Wuque's opinion, if he loses, he will lose. If he can't afford to lose, he is not worthy of being called a master.

See Master song to turn to leave, ye Wuque is issued a sneer.

"Wait! I don't care what you do to me! Ten million and one cents can't be less. Give it to me now! Otherwise, you won't get out of this quarry! " In the eyes of master song, there is no lack of strength.

"Hum! kid! You have to forgive people! You've driven me to death, and I certainly won't let you live! " Master song looks at ye Wuque. If he gives ye Wuque ten million yuan here, it proves that he has lost. The famous master song will lose to a little guy? It was a disgrace to him."It's a matter of course that you're willing to gamble and admit defeat! Since you lose, you have to pay a price. Can't you, as a master of a generation, even do this? It's ridiculous! " Ye Wuqi's voice sounded again, but it was extremely strong, and did not give the song master a chance to approve and refute.

"Hum! Transfer ten million to his account The eyes of the master said, but it is full of meaning to kill the master.

Since the master song was not willing to do so, he was unwilling to do so.

After the transfer was completed, the middle-aged man left with master song. At this time, the audience were surprised to see the scene in front of him. After two experiments, they finally found that ye Wuqian's stone gambling skill might be superior to master song's, otherwise ye Wuque would not have such ability.

"This little brother! You have offended master song. I must be careful! In his early years, master song had a wealth of wealth and kept a group of idle people in his hand. He will not let you go easily. Today, you will lose his face! He hates you more than anything else One of the organizers of an old man to the leaves without missing said, seems to be in the leaves without lack of good.

It can be seen that there is no lack of potential.

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