"Ye Wuxiang, it seems that you have a good friendship! I didn't expect the Jiulong hall to support you so much! However, the influence of Jiulong hall does not fall on the whole Yanjing, which is the underground boss! How do you know each other! And why are they so dedicated to you? "

Yang Xiaodie's voice rings out and looks at Ye Wuwei with a chuckle.

"It's better if you don't know these things! And I don't know where to start! " Ye Wuque Leng for a moment, this just said, it seems that there will be some helplessness.

"Well, if you don't want to say it! I don't want to hear it yet Yang Xiaodie said a word to the leaf without lack of good spirit.

At this time, the three of them are in a restaurant. In this restaurant, there are people coming and going. It seems that they are very angry.

When they came into the restaurant wearing a black hat, they even walked into the restaurant wearing black glasses.

Many girls in the restaurant saw the man's appearance, and rushed to the man one after another, marveling at the coldness of the man and his handsome appearance.

"How can there be martial spirit in the restaurant?" At that moment, ye Wuqian frowned slightly and looked around, because just now, ye Wuqian sensed a force of Qi that only a warrior possessed

but just as ye Wuqian kept watching, the momentum of the warrior disappeared, just as if he had come here on purpose.

Seeing the scene in front of him, ye Wuwei's heart is also a surprise.

"What's the matter! What's wrong with Ye Wuqian! You look so ugly Zhang Xinyu in the heart some curiosity, this just hastens to the leaf without lack to say.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuque shook his head and didn't say anything more.

"Look! How cool this man is! It's black all over the body, even on the body Yang Xiaodie looks at the man who just came in. She is surprised.

At this time, ye Wuqian also looked at the man, but at this time, the man also turned his eyes to ye Wuque, and there was a killing opportunity in his eyes.

"Murderous! Is it for me After seeing the man in black, ye Wuqian said, frowning slightly.

If it is normal time, ye Wuque will not treat the man in black as a thing. But now Yang Xiaodie and Zhang Xinyu are by their side. If the man in black blackguards one of them, it will be no fun.

"You eat here! I'll go out for a minute At this time, ye Wuqian looks at Zhang Xinyu and Yang Xiaodie, obviously trying to lead the man in black alone.

However, when ye Wuwei was ready to leave, he walked into the restaurant and saw a woman and a monk beside the man.

"Li Tianwei!"

Seeing Li Tianwei's figure, Yang Xiaodie also made a cry of surprise. Unexpectedly, Li Tianwei would appear here, and Li Yanqing also appeared.

"What a coincidence! I didn't expect that we would meet here today! "

After seeing ye Wuqian's deep love, Li Yanqing said hello to ye Wuque with a smile. At this time, Li Tianwei also turned his eyes to ye Wuque and Zhang Xinyu. He was obviously surprised.

"Boss, have we ever changed one?" After seeing ye Wuxiang's figure, monk Hua's eyebrows were also slightly wrinkled. Then he hurriedly told his son Li Tianwei that he had suffered a dark loss in Ye Wuqian's hands last time, so the flower monk was extremely afraid of Ye Wuqian.

"No! It's just a meal: not so much about it Li Tianwei became extremely casual and said frankly.

In the face of Li Tianwei's words, monk Nahua nodded again and again, and his expression became somewhat solemn. Although he said that he was extremely afraid of Ye Wuwu, he would not say much since his boss was not afraid.

"What a coincidence! I didn't expect to meet you here today! President Zhang is safe and sound! " Li Tianwei looked at Zhang Xinyu and said with a smile.

"Hum! Li Tianwei! Don't be complacent! Don't think I don't know what you've done! I remember everything you did! When I have time, I will deal with you well! " Zhang Xinyu snorted to Li Tianwei, but he was very dissatisfied.

In the past, Zhang Xinyu did not know that Li Tianwei had been secretly engaged in the Huazhang group, until later, Zhang Xinyu learned through Yang Xiaodie.

"Tut President Zhang seems to have misunderstood me deeply! In that case, I have nothing to say

Li Tianwei became very conscious. He said something, and then he turned and sat down at one side of the table. At this time, the man with sunglasses not far away was staring at Ye Wuxiang, obviously trying to fight ye Wumian.

Ye Wuqian wanted to go out and lead the man in black away, but he didn't expect that Li Tianwei would appear here. If he left, Li Tianwei would do harm to Zhang Xinyu and Zhang Xinyu. I'm afraid Ye Wuqian can't stop him.Thinking of this, ye Wuque's heart even got tangled up.

However, when ye Wuqian is meditating in his heart, ye Wuqian feels that there is a cold wind surging behind him, which makes Ye Wuqian's expression move, because ye Wuque can feel this cold wind with a fierce and incomparable killing intention.

"Hum! I don't know what to do Ye Wuque snorted coldly, and suddenly turned around, and in that moment, a sharp dagger was stabbed towards ye Wuque. The speed was extremely fast, and the dagger had an inner force.

At that critical moment, ye Wuqian held the dagger with one hand, and at the same time, his whole body was full of strength. He immediately shook the dagger open, and his expression became extremely cold. He looked at the man with sunglasses.

Inside the restaurant, the people present fled to the outside one after another after seeing the scene in front of them. They were extremely surprised. They didn't expect that such a thing would happen in such a high-class restaurant.

However, the waiters and the manager also ran away and quickly picked up the mobile phone to call the police. Only Li Tianwei and others were still sitting in the same place, silently looking at the scene in front of them. They were puzzled. Unexpectedly, someone wanted to clean up Ye Wuwei for him.

"Boss?" Seeing the scene in front of him, monk Hua looks at Li Tianwei, obviously wondering what Li Tianwei has to say?

However, Li Tianwei waved his hand and looked at the scene in front of him in a meaningful way. This matter has nothing to do with him, so Li Tianwei naturally wants to look on coldly.

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