Yang Xiaodie on one side saw the scene in front of her, and then she said that she looked down on her eyes. After all, what she did in Longtian made people feel uncomfortable.

"Maybe he has something to do! Don't you see that? He seems to be frowning all the time Zhang Xinyu said.

"Even if there is something wrong, it should not be played on the mobile phone! Sister Yu, how can you speak for him? Are you watching him look handsome, so you have something wrong in your heart! " Yang Xiaodie said with a smile.

After Yang Xiaodie finished, Zhang Xinyu was angry and white. Yang Xiaodie took a look and nestled in Ye Wuqian's arms. However, with Ye Wuqian, she would not like to see anyone else. However, Zhang Xinyi can see that there seems to be something in the heart of long Tianxin?

Just as they were talking, behind the airliner, there was a burst of noise, accompanied by several shouts. After the stewardess heard the noise, they rushed over, as if something had happened.

"What's the matter! What's going on? " Yang Xiaodie's heart is tight, and then he hastens to say that his face is a little ugly. Although he has not done the plane several times, he still knows the plane very well. Moreover, he has seen a lot of things about plane destruction, which makes him worried.

"Don't worry! It should not be that the plane is out of order! " Seeing Yang Xiaodie so nervous, ye Wuqian said. Then he looked back and found that an old man had fallen on his seat. It seemed that something was wrong with him?

"What's going on?" After the stewardess came to the old man, he said to a young man next to the old man. His face was a little ugly. I didn't expect that such a thing would happen on the plane.

"I'm afraid he has a heart attack. He's taken medicine, but it's no use!" The young man was anxious and didn't know what to do.

His father's heart disease has been an old problem, usually as long as taking medicine will be OK, did not expect this time on the plane will appear such symptoms.

"Can you make the plane change course, or my father will be in danger!" The young man hesitated for a moment, then he said to the stewardess in a hurry, his face full of anxiety.

"No, the plane is now in navigation mode! If we make a hasty diversion, it will affect the safety of all people's lives. We certainly will not do so! " The stewardess look became a little firm, but now he is in a dilemma. After all, this is a human life. If you want to arrive at the destination, it will take at least half an hour. In this half hour, I'm afraid the old man will not be able to hold on.

"Ye Wuxiang, don't you know how to cure! Would you like to have a look at it? " Zhang Xinyu some worry to get up, this just hastily toward the leaf does not lack to ask a way.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuqian shook his head helplessly, got up slowly and walked towards the old man.

However, when ye Wuqian is ready to make a move, a girl is in front of Ye Wuque and appears beside the old man.

"I'm an intern! Let me have a try The girl in front of her, named Liu Haiqing, was originally a student in the medical department of Huangdao University. When she saw her uncle, her life was at stake, she stood up.

"Little girl, can you do it?" The man next to the old man was so short that he asked Liu Haiqing in a hurry. He was worried. Naturally, he didn't believe Liu Haiqing.

"Don't worry! There should be no big problem! That's what I learned at school! " The bangs smile slightly, this just hastens to move.

Liu Haiqing kept sitting and exhaling in front of the old man's chest with his hands. It seemed that he was a little skilled, but the old man in front of him did not show any signs of improvement, which made Liu Haiqing's eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

"How could that happen! It seems that the condition is getting worse and worse! " Seeing the old man's face more and more pale, the man said in a hurry, and his expression became somewhat dignified.

And at this time, Liu Haiqing also stopped the action on his hand, which made a hasty speech.

"It seems that the old man didn't just have a heart attack! Even the blood in the body is not unobstructed! There's nothing I can do! If you're right, I'm afraid the old man won't last ten minutes at all. When the plane lands, I'm afraid that... "

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Haiqing said, with a helpless look in his expression.

In the face of Liu Haiqing's words, the man's heart is also quite helpless, did not expect to encounter such a thing, which let him do not know what to do.

Sitting in front of the passenger plane, long Tian also looks at this side and looks around. He seems to be thinking about something in his heart.

But at this time, ye Wuque is smiling at that Liu Haiqing said.

"If you can't save him, let me! It's true that you said that, but he has blood blockage besides heart disease! It's impossible to make the blood flow smoothly through external force

With Ye Wuqian's words, Liu Haiqing also looked at ye Wuque, with a curious look in his heart. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Wuqian to know so much now, and could see it at a glance, which made him a little surprised."Are you a doctor, too?" Liu Haiqing Leng for a moment, this just hastily toward the leaf does not lack to ask a way.

"Yes or no! But if I can save him, that's right! " Ye Wuwei said with a smile, but he seemed indifferent as usual.

Facing this, Liu Haiqing nodded solemnly.

"In that case, let you come! I can't cure this old man with this method! " Liu Haiqing quickly got up to give way.

At this moment, many people on the plane will also look at this side, in their view, the old man is afraid to have entered the palace of hell.

"Please untie his seat belt and lay him flat on the chair! I'm going to live for it The voice of Ye Wuqi rings out and looks at the man next to him.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, the man didn't hesitate at all and did what ye Wuque said. It seemed to be extremely fast.

Seeing that the old man's figure was lying on his back, ye Wuqian began to use his silver needle to insert it into the old man's body. Seeing the scene in front of him, the man on the other side also frowned slightly. Obviously, he was worried. If ye Wuque knew how to cure, it would be better. If ye Wuqian was just a water disaster, it would be troublesome, Then his father will be dead or disabled.

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