"Money is not everything! And money is of no use to me at all

At this time when Longtian thought ye Wuque would agree with him, ye Wuque said these words faintly.

"If you can, you can help me! After all, the financial resources of the golden dragon group are not falling! "

One side of Zhang Xinyu whispered to the leaf without missing, for this golden dragon group is obviously some fear.

"Don't worry! Some things I have my own discretion! But this time we come to Huangdao, the purpose is to travel! It's better to postpone some things! " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"Ten million! As long as you can cure my father's disease, I can give you 10 million for free! What do you think, brother ye? " After hesitating for a moment, long Tian said to Ye Wuqian in a hurry. However, this time, his expression became extremely solemn. Money was nothing to them and Jinlong group.

"I have made it clear that money is not everything! No amount of money is of any use! "

Ye Wuxiang became extremely greedy and refused again. At this time, the people on the plane heard this, and their hearts were also shaking. They didn't expect Ye Wuqian to be so proud and not moved in the face of a huge amount of 10 million yuan.

"Ten million is quite a lot." Yang Xiaodie murmured, but there was something hanging in her heart.

"Isn't brother Ye really interested in money?" Long Tian has some helplessness in his heart. He doesn't know what to do. After all, his father's illness is imminent. If he doesn't go to cure him, he will return to the West.

"Forget it! Read in your filial piety! I'll do it once! "

See this long Tian's brow tight frown, leaf is not short of this just say, seem to pour is extremely casual.

The people on the plane heard Ye Wuxiang's words, and their hearts were also filled with admiration. Unexpectedly, ye Wuqian didn't even want 10 million yuan, so they directly said that they wanted to help them go to the hospital.

"What a fool! I didn't expect to ask for 10 million yuan. If I did, I would never miss this opportunity! " Several voices of conversation began.

In the face of a lot of money, it seems that there is no place for them to look down on the medical ethics.

Thank you, brother Ye

Long Tian repeatedly thanks him. Although long Tian doesn't know whether ye Wuqian can cure him, long Tian can be sure that ye Wuqian's medical skills are not weak. Otherwise, he could not have done that just now.

"Don't worry about thanking me. Can I ask you to cure the disease or just do it all at once? If I can't cure my illness in you, I will not break my promise Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"I believe in Mr. Ye's strength! Mr. Ye must be able to cure me! " This time, long Tian became very solemn and said to ye Wuwu.

"I hope so." Leaf without lack smile, this just don't say much, don't seem to this when a thing.

With the passage of time, the plane arrived at Huangdao airport, at this time ye Wuque also followed the Dragon world plane.

In a hotel, long Tian treats himself. After having a meal, long Tian sends a special car to take ye Wuqian and others to his home.

After entering the villa, ye Wuqian got off the bus. However, seeing the luxurious villa, ye Wuque was also slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, the villa was surrounded by gardens, and it was extremely expanded. In the middle of the garden, there was a swimming pool, and there were many bodyguards around. It was really like a big family.

"It's really the golden dragon group! I didn't expect it was just a place to live, and it was luxurious to this level! " Seeing the scene in front of her, Yang Xiaodie also sent out a cry of surprise, but she was extremely surprised.

In the face of Yang Xiaodie's words, Zhang Xinyu looked at him with disdain, and then walked towards ye Wuwu.

"Mr. Ye, this way, please."

Long Tian quickly leads the way and walks towards the villa. He also becomes a little respectful to Ye Wuqian. As the young master of Jinlong group, he has a high status. However, ye Wuque is not a figure he can put on airs. Therefore, he is also respectful to ye Wuque.

After arriving at the room, ye Wuqian saw several figures in the room. Among them, an old man was taking pulse for the old man of Jinlong group.

"Mr. Zhao, how is my father's illness?" The man slightly older than Longtian said to the old man, and this man is Longyan, the elder brother of Longtian.

"The situation is very bad! What's more, I'm afraid the old man suffered internal injuries in his early years! It's even more dangerous now! If I guess right, in an hour, the old man may be dead in the West! " Mr. Zhao shook his head again and again, looking helpless in his heart.

"Mr. Zhao, you are a famous doctor in Huangdao! Is there really no way! I'm willing to pay no matter how much it is! " Longyan said in a hurry.

"Master long, as the saying goes, everyone has his own destiny! Sometimes, money is not everything. Even if you give more money, you may not be able to cure the old man's illness! " Zhao said quickly."What should I do now?" Longyan's face is a little ugly.

"Well Now I'm afraid I can only see the second young master! The second young master went to Yanjing this time. If you can get the doctor out of Yanjing, maybe the old man still has a chance to live! If not, I'm afraid there will be no chance! "

Zhao said quickly.

Just into the room, long Tian heard this, but his brow was slightly wrinkled, and then he said.

"This time I went to Yanjing, I really went to ask the doctor of Yanjing! It's a pity that I didn't see the doctor himself! It's said that the holy doctor is not in Yanjing! That's why I'm coming back! " Long Tian said helplessly.

Hearing long Tian's words, Longyan's face on one side is even more ugly. This is the last hope of Longtian, but it is also disillusioned.

"Is it really the will of God?" Longyan heart some helpless, issued a voice of exclamation.

"You are the holy doctor of Yanjing they are talking about!" Zhang Xinyu so a moment, this is called the eyes toward ye Wuwu look, eyes have a strange color.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, Yunhao shrugged his shoulders helplessly. He nodded and did not deny it.

"Although I am the holy doctor of Yanjing! But he didn't know it! But now that I have come, I can be treated as a man, safe and sound! " Ye Wuwei said with a smile, but in this speech, there is a frivolous wind.

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