"I'm not angry! But if you have not guessed wrong, the dragon master should not live today! " Ye Wuqian said bluntly.

"How do you know! Can you see it without even having a pulse? " Yang Xiaodie is a little curious, this just hastens toward leaf without lack to say.

"Of course! Sometimes you don't need to feel the pulse, just look at its face! " Ye Wuwu speaks frankly.

"In that case, wouldn't it be better! In this way, they will certainly beg you! You can't give them a good look at that time! What happened to Jinlong group! It won't get in our way Yang Xiaodie didn't have a good temper to say, the heart is naturally some angry.

"No, I'm a little hungry now. Let's find a place to eat! After dinner, I'll take a bath and have a rest. I'll go to the whole Huangdao scenic spot for a visit! " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

Hearing ye Wuque's words, Yang Xiaodie nodded again and again. The three quickly arrived at a hotel. After sitting down in the hotel, they ordered a few dishes, and they ate.

Although they had lunch when they got off the plane, it was about to evening and they just finished the dinner.

While they were eating, several men at the opposite table were looking at this side of the table. There was indecent meaning in those eyes, which made Yang Xiaodie and Zhang Xinyu frown slightly.

"These two girls are very nice! And they don't seem to be local! Shall we... " A middle-aged man said with a smile that he didn't look like a good man.

In the face of this middle-aged man's words, another man in a Chinese tunic is a burst of lascivious smile.

"Those men are disgusting! Smile at us all the time! After dinner, we should be more careful! " Zhang Xinyu said to Yang Xiaodie that there would be some worries in her heart.

"Don't worry, there are leaves here! If these people dare to mess around, let Ye Wuqian teach them a good lesson! " Yang Xiaodie is very casual, this just said.

In the face of Yang Xiaodie's words, Zhang Xinyu is quite helpless, which is not much to say, because Yang Xiaodie's words are indeed right, if ye Wuqian is here, there will be no problem.

After eating, their body shape this just stood up, but just at this time, the several middle-aged men also rushed to Yang Xiaodie.

"I think you are not from Huangdao." A middle-aged man said with a smile, and looked at Yang Xiaodie with a look that was extremely obscene.

"Whether we are local people in Huangdao or not has nothing to do with you." Yang Xiaodie didn't like to say a word, this just prepared to leave, but at this time, the men are Yang Xiaodie and Zhang Xinyu stopped.

"What do you want?" Zhang Xinyu made a chuckle, and then he asked.

"Some beautiful women are so beautiful, I just want to invite them to sing! I don't know how many beauties would like to! " The middle-aged man said with a smile that he had a lot of meat on his body, which seemed extremely disgusting.

"I advise you to go away! Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll regret it! " Ye Wuqi is still sitting on the seat, smiling to the men.

"I advise you to mind your own business! If you dare to do too much here, I will do you now One of the middle-aged men threatened to leave without missing.

At this time, many people in the restaurant were surprised to see the scene in front of them. They didn't expect that these people would be so bold and make such a thing in this broad day.

"How shameless these people are! If you look at someone beautiful, you want to go to someone else! "

"Who said it was not! People like them really ruin the reputation of Huangdao! "

"Don't talk nonsense! These people are not people we can afford to provoke. It is said that they are from the nine gates! "

With several voices of conversation. Many people's looks are also slightly changed, did not expect that these men turned out to be nine door people.

Jiumenmen is a very powerful force in Huangdao. Even in Huangdao, few people dare to offend Jiumen.

"No wonder they are so crazy! I didn't expect it was the person from nine doors! It seems that these people from other places are going to have bad luck! " A young girl said, the voice is a little low, is obviously very afraid of the people of the nine doors.

"I said, two beauties, do you want to go or not?" The fat man said again, but this time there was a threat in his words.

"What if we say we don't want to go!" Yang Xiaodie said with a smile.

"Not willing to go? That is not to give us face! Since the two beauties don't want to give me face, we will not give them face. At that time, we will take you away by force! It's not so much fun! " Said the fat man with a smile.

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the people present also changed slightly. Obviously, those who knew Zhang Xinyu were afraid that there was no small trouble."In ten seconds! If you are still in front of me, you will regret it At this time, ye Wuque's voice rings and looks at several middle-aged men. Ye Wuque doesn't care whether these middle-aged men are nine door people or not.

"The boy is really impatient to live! Let him not meddle in his business, but dare to make such a wild talk When the middle-aged men saw ye Wuque threatening them, they said coldly. As people of nine gates, they have always been extremely strong, and naturally they will not put ye Wuque in their eyes.

Many people in the restaurant were worried when they saw that these men were going to fight ye Wumian. They didn't expect that the people from the nine doors would be so arrogant that they started in public.

Stop it

However, at this time, a light drink sound sounded, only a few body shapes appeared in the dining room, eyebrows slightly wrinkled, eyes toward the nine doors of the middle-aged men looked.

"How brave you are! Dare to act wildly in Jinlong group! Do you need me to inform your headmaster? "

The voice of Longyan rang out, and his eyes looked at several men. His face became a little bad. There was a frivolous wind in this speech.

"Who are you! How dare you say such a big thing The men were stunned for a moment, and then they questioned Longyan. Obviously, they didn't know who Longyan was. However, these men could tell that Longyan seemed to be from Jinlong group.

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