"I think you should see it! I have something in my hand! The legend of this bottle of perfume is left over from ancient times. Contains the essence of heaven and earth. Whoever wears this perfume will feel wonderful. Women, in particular, can even make their faces more beautiful The old man who presided over the auction said awkwardly.

actually didn't know what it was about this bottle of perfume, but he arranged it for him, and he just recite his lines.

"perfume left from ancient times? What an international joke! Why doesn't he say that the whole auction house is a legacy of ancient times! " Yang Xiaodie let out a laugh, suddenly feel a little funny.

at this time, the whole auction house was also laughing loudly, because no one believed this, but there was no perfume in ancient times.

"this is not perfume. If it's perfume, it's not ancient! " One man said bluntly, looking very direct.

In the face of this man's words, the old man said embarrassed.

"I don't know what's in it! But it was dug out of an ancient tomb! And this ancient animal husbandry is from the Tang Dynasty! As for what's in the bottle! I don't know! " The old man answered truthfully.

"Since you don't even know what it is, put it up for auction! Isn't it immoral! What if it's poison in here! Is it not bad luck for those who are auctioned off! " A man said coldly.


As soon as the man spoke, the old man's heart was quite helpless. However, there was a flash of light in Ye Wuqian's eyes. He found that there was a huge life energy in the bottle in the old man's hand, which represented that the inside of the bottle was not ordinary.

, old man, whether it's poison or perfume in this bottle. Please quote the price first The leaves are not absent but become very direct.

"This Fifty thousand After all, it's from the ancient tomb of Tang Dynasty! It should be of some use! " The old man hesitated for a moment, then he said to the leaf.

"50000? A bottle of such a small thing, and even do not know what things, it will cost 50000 yuan! What a smart auction house you are

In the auction house, there are several voices of conversation. There seems to be something unpleasant in this speech. After all, the price given by the auction house is indeed somewhat unreasonable.

"Well! I'll buy it! I don't know what it is! But I'm very interested in Guo! " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

The old man nodded again and again when he saw someone buying the auction. After all, even he didn't know what it was. If it could be sold for 50000 yuan, it would be regarded as a sky high price.

"Ye Wuwei, are you crazy! If you buy that incomplete jade pendant with 10 million yuan, it has collection value at least! And it can be sold again! But you don't know what's in this bottle. What's the use of buying it for 50000 yuan! " Yang Xiaodie said to the leaf without lack of good spirit.

"Of course I have my use! You don't have to worry! Besides, 50000 yuan is a dispensable thing for me Leaves without lack is to become extremely indifferent, with a sense of money as dung.

In the face of Ye Wuqian's words, Yang Xiaodie is quite helpless in her heart, so she doesn't say much. After all, all the money is Ye Wuqian, and Yang Xiaodie will not interfere easily.

"Sister Yu, you don't care! She is about to become a black sheep! If you lose your assets then! Then you two are called street people Yang Xiaodie said with a smile.

"Nothing! I know something better than you! I believe him Zhang Xinyu turned out to be very direct and said frankly.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, Yang Xiaodie's heart is quite helpless. She doesn't know what to say.

"It seems that there is a rich second generation in this auction! His family must be rich! Otherwise, how could you smash it so hard! "

"Who said it was not! A broken jade pendant is worth millions! It cost ten million! Now a bottle of unknown perfume appears, he is spending money! What a rich man

Several voices of conversation rang out, which seemed to have a sarcastic color, but at this time ye Wuqian did not regard their conversation as a matter. After

got this bottle of perfume, he found that there was indeed a tremendous amount of life in the perfume. If it was not wrong, it was not a bottle of perfume at all. It was not a kind of medicine made by ancient doctors.

"There are good things in it! I'm going to give you a little bit of it to refresh you! " Ye Wuqian finished saying this just dropped out a drop, sprinkled on Yang Xiaodie can Zhang Xinyu's body.

After a moment, Yang Xiaodie and Zhang Xinyu suddenly feel relaxed and comfortable all over.

"What is this? How can it be so powerful! " Zhang Xinyu's heart a joy, rushed to look at ye Wuque, obviously did not expect that ye Wuque's hand of this thing should have this magical effect?"Of course this is a good thing! Otherwise, how could I have bought it? " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"Be quiet, everyone! The next thing is the finale of our auction! I think we should also know what it is! This news is also spreading all over Huangdao The old man who presided over the auction said.

In the face of the old man's words, the people present also became more serious, because they naturally knew what the old man said.

"Song Yuanqing's paintings, I will show you now!" The old man who presided over the auction unfolded the painting, and the painting was lifelike, which seemed to be superb.

"You should know! This painting is song Yuanqing's! Great value! The starting price is 50 million! " The old man who presided over the auction said.

With the old man's words, the audience was also a burst of sensation, for this song Yuanqing painting seems to be in the inevitable.

"Song Yuanqing's words are probably few in the world now! I didn't expect that there was still this one, wandering outside! If it can be collected, it will certainly rise even more fiercely in the future! " Several voices of conversation began.

In the face of these conversations, ye Wuque stands in his place without saying much. He looks at the scene in front of him, and wants to see what level song Yuanqing's calligraphy and paintings can be auctioned to.

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