"Don't you talk so much nonsense! Hand in 50 million quickly! Otherwise, we will not let go of your Zhao group easily! " Yang Xiaodie's voice rang out, and her eyes turned to the people on the spot, making a light laugh.

With Yang Xiaodie's words, the faces of the people present also changed. Obviously, they didn't expect that Yang Xiaodie would be so arrogant.

"You are too arrogant! My uncle is here! And now it's a legal society! What do you want? " Li Jianhua said that he seemed quite upset in his heart, and did not regard ye Wuque's ability as a matter for a time, because in his opinion, ye Wuque and others are just martial arts men.

"Tut A society ruled by law? In a society ruled by law, you have to pay back the money you owe! This is also a matter of course, I said should be right! Since you Li's group is not going to pay back the money, I will naturally show you what it means to be ignorant of heaven and earth! "

Ye Wuqi's voice rang out again, sending out a chuckle, but this time there was a strong wind in his speech.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, Li Jianhua's eyes are flashing with cold light, and then he looks at the round sky.

"Uncle! This man came to our Zhao's clique and threatened us! You can't sit back and watch! " Li Jianhua said.

In the face of Li Jianhua's words, yuankong shook his head and said.

"If I guess correctly! This little brother is not an ordinary person. Even if I make a move, I may not be able to stop this little brother! " There is no concealment in yuankong, but there is a meaning in the words.

With yuankong's words, Zhao Jianhua's look changed slightly. Obviously, he didn't expect that his uncle would say so. You should know that his uncle is not an ordinary person, but an eminent monk of Xuankong Temple. However, he is very fierce. I didn't expect that even he was so afraid of Ye Wuxiang.

"Well! Are you still not going to hand over 50 million? "

See people are also hesitating, the voice of Ye Wuque rings again, but this time it is becoming extremely strong.

"Well, my Zhao group will not be humiliated by your deterrence! So it's impossible for Zhao's group to give you 50 million yuan! I'll see what you want today Zhao Laozi and others said, it seems that it is very strong, and has not been scared by the leaves.

"Tut Good! very nice! If that's the case, then don't blame me for my ruthlessness Ye Wuqi didn't finish. He grabbed Zhao Jianhua in his hand with one hand, just like catching a chicken.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Mr. Zhao was also surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect that ye Wuque would be so strong that he didn't treat anyone present as a thing.

"This little brother! Jianhua, after all, is a descendant of my Zhao family! I hope this little brother will be merciful Yuan Kong's voice rang out and he quickly said to Ye Wuqian. Although he knew that he was not ye's opponent, Zhao Jianhua was his nephew. If something happened, he would not like to see him.

"I just need you to keep your promise! I don't care about anything else! " Leaves without lack of light said a sentence, it seems to be very insipid.

In the face of Ye Wuwu, Yuan Kong looks at Zhao Laozi.

"Since this little brother just came for money! You can give him 50 million! Zhao's group should not be short of 50 million! " Yuankong said bluntly.

"Hum! Fifty million things are small, but how can the face of Zhao's group be so easy to put aside! "

Zhao said coldly, looking a little excited.

In the face of Zhao Laozi's words, ye Wuque just gave out a laugh.

"How ridiculous! Since I can't give up, I'll let you Zhao's group die! " Ye Wuqi finished, a strong inner rush in his hands, which seemed to be extremely strong.

Stop it Seeing the scene in front of him, yuankong's look also changed, and his body immediately stepped toward Ye Wuqian. Although he knew that this matter was the fault of their Zhao family group, Zhao Jianhua was his nephew after all. If life and death were in front of him, how could he face the Zhao family's ancestors.


The sound of the scream rang out, and Zhao Jianhua's body suddenly retreated backward, blood gushed from his mouth, and his body was shaking for a while, which seemed extremely terrifying.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Mr. Zhao's face was also hard to see. Obviously, he didn't expect that ye Wuque would be so strong. Zhao Jianhua in front of him might have no way to live.

"You You killed the descendants of Zhao's group! It's a crime to die for! "

Mr. Zhao's son did not think that the whole group would be indifferent to the point that he didn't think that the whole group would not have a strong voice in his eyes.

"I didn't want to kill him! But you Zhao's group is too good, nobody in it! I can only do this! I'm so sorry! " Ye Wuwei said with a smile, but this speech is full of arrogance, and he did not put Zhao in his eyes.At this moment, seeing the scene in front of me, there is also a surge in the round and empty eyes. I didn't expect that ye Wuwu had no mercy and actually killed Zhao Jianhua?

"Heaven and earth reincarnation, my Buddha is merciful!"

Yuankong read a Taoist name, and his body instantly turned into a strong wind, rushing towards the leaves, which seemed to be extremely strong.

"Hum! With your strength, you are not my opponent! You must have known it before. Why do you have to fight me again? " See this round space attack to oneself, ye Wuqian sends out a sneer, single hand a clap, directly will this round space to fly, it seems to be very strong.

Seeing the scene in front of him, master Zhao's face was also hard to see. The round sky practiced in Xuankong Temple, and his cultivation was extremely high. Unexpectedly, he was so vulnerable to attack in front of Ye Wuqian, and he was not ye Wuqian's opponent at all.

"You can't have hit me! So you don't have to waste your time. You must know this better than me Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"I am not your match! But there are many masters in Xuangong temple! Certainly will not let you go easily Yuan Kong's cold voice sounded. Although he was a monk, Zhao Jianhua was his nephew after all. If he didn't get revenge, how could he be reconciled?

"Tut In that case, I'll have to wait! I hope you will not let me down After ye Wuqian finished, he turned to leave.

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