"Since ancient times, there is no death in life! I just died a few years earlier. What's the matter? " Li Qingtian said bluntly, but it seemed extremely casual.

"Iron! I like you Ye Wuqi's voice rings again, but in this speech, it is quite meaningful, and seems to appreciate Li Qingtian very much.

At this time, Li Qingtian heard ye Wuque's words, but he made a chuckle, and didn't care too much. However, Jiang Tianxing, who was on the side, was worried. After all, this matter is very important. If ye Wuque could really save Li Qingtian's life, he would kneel down and beg Ye Wuqian, and he must let Ye Wuqian do it.

"Ye Wuwei, didn't you say that! The doctor is benevolent! Although the little brother is indeed a bit arrogant! But I don't think it's a bad guy! You just have to take care of it! If you can't, you're not to blame! " Zhang Xinyu's voice rang out and said to ye Wuwu.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuqian nodded and said with a smile.

"I was just joking with him! Naturally I know he is not a bad man! I just want to see how hard he is Ye Wuque said with a smile that he would look at Jiang Tianxing.

"His condition is urgent! Get me a room! I'll help him! As for whether he can be saved, that is another matter! " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

With Ye Wuqian's words, Jiang Tianxing nodded his head in a hurry, and his expression became very solemn. A miracle doctor like ye Wuque would not easily take the hand. Now ye Wuque's hand is bound to cure Li Qingtian's illness. Jiang Tianxing is naturally pleased.

"Are you really willing to save me? I was disrespectful to you just now! Don't you blame me? " Li Qingtian looks at ye Wuque in his eyes, and his heart is full of curiosity, because in his opinion, is it too tall?

"The doctor is benevolent! As long as you understand this sentence, you will understand why I want to save you! You are not a good man, but you are not a bad man! I should have saved you! " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

Facing ye Wuque's words, Li Qingtian nodded again and again, and his expression became somewhat dignified. After all, this matter cannot be underestimated.

After coming to the room, ye Wuque makes you lie in bed today, and ye Wuque's eyes are constantly observing around Li Qingtian. What seems to be looking at?

"What's the matter? Is there a problem? " Li Qingtian asked.

"No problem! Don't talk for a while! Keep your eyes closed! I'll help you get rid of the shock in your body Ye Wuqian said a word, and then he took out the silver needle from his sleeve. The silver needle stayed in ye Wuque's hand for a moment, and then stabbed in Li Qingtian's abdomen.

At this time, Li Qingtian suddenly felt that there was a warm current in his body, which made Li Qingtian have a glimmer of joy in his heart.

"I feel a warm current surging

With Li Qingtian's words, Jiang Tianxing nodded his head again and again, and he also highly recognized Ye Wuqian's medical skills. Because ye Wuqian's technique is extremely pure, so young he has such a pure technique, which is enough to show that ye Wuqian is not an ordinary person.

After a while, ye Wuwu took back the silver needle, and there was a drop of sweat on his forehead.

"Well, little brother! My apprentice, he... "

Jiang Tianxing's voice rang out, and he looked at Ye Wuwei. His expression became extremely dignified. Obviously, he wanted to know whether Li Qingtian had any problems?

"Don't worry! The disease in his body has been cleared by me! There should be no big problem! " Ye Wuxiang said bluntly, it seems that it is somewhat casual.

As ye Wuque said this, Jiang Tianxing quickly touched the pulse of Li Qingtian with his hand. As expected, a moment later, Jiang Tianxing's look changed greatly.

"No way! The pulse is so steady! And there's nothing wrong with it! "

Seeing the scene in front of him, Jiang Tianxing uttered a cry of surprise. He turned around and looked at Ye Wuwei, because it was too sensational.

"I have cured the disease in him! However, he should remember one word. The reason why I saved him today is because of the benevolence of the doctors. Otherwise, I would not help him! " Ye Wuqian said bluntly.

"Don't worry, little brother! We will do more good deeds in the future! Thank you for saving your life

Jiang Tianxing said in a hurry. His expression became dignified. Obviously, he didn't expect that ye Wuwu's medical skills were so superb.

"By the way, little brother, this is my savings over the years! It is a great kindness to us that you have cured my disciple! Little brother, you must take this money! Otherwise, we will feel sorry for it

Jiang Tianxing said in a hurry, his expression became a little serious.

Seeing Jiang Tianxing take out a bank card, ye Wuqi shakes his head.

"I didn't need your stuff to save him! So you don't have to be! " However, ye Wuwu became extremely indifferent and seemed unwilling to accept this thing.Hearing ye Wuque's words, Jiang Tianxing was also a little curious. Apparently, he didn't expect that ye Wuque had such a mind.

"In that case, thank you very much." Jiang Tianxing apologizes to Ye Wuqian in a hurry. After all, it is a great good thing for them.

"Well! You help me catch some medicine! These are free of charge! Take it as the medicine money I gave him! " The leaf does not lack to pour is to become extremely indifferent, smile says.

With ye Wuque's words, Jiang Tianxing nodded again and again.

"You can take any medicine you want, little brother! As long as I have it! Then there is no problem! "

Jiang Tianxing became extremely generous. After all, these herbs were not worth much money for him. Ye Wuqian helped him a lot, so he could not let Ye Wuqian suffer.

Hearing Jiang Tianxing's words, ye Wuqian then gave out a light smile, which seemed to be extremely casual.

After grasping the medicine, ye Wuwei and Yang Xiaodie left the drugstore.

"Ye Wuxiang, you are in the Zhao group! I'm afraid the people of Zhao's group will not let you off easily! Maybe they are plotting how to deal with you now It seems to think of what, Zhang Xinyu this just toward the leaf without missing remind up.

With Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuhao shook his head.

"Don't worry! Even if they want to deal with me, it's not so easy! And they don't have that strength at all Leaf without lack is to become indifferent very, did not regard this as a thing at all, the heart has no waves.

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