"There was a boy who didn't open his eyes just now! You have to gamble with me! After losing the bet, you lose 10 million! " The leaf does not lack but is to change extremely indifferent, says frankly.

In the face of Ye Wuqian's words, Zhang Xinyu is also white eyed. However, Zhang Xinyu knows that ye Wuqian has this ability, which is also a matter of no doubt.

"I don't know which one is not open-minded! You can gamble! Isn't that a search for death? " Yang Xiaodie's voice sounded at this time, which is also quite meaningful.

In the face of Yang Xiaodie's words, fan Tao in one side is also a little curious. I don't know who ye Wuque is, and why do these two people say so?

"Who is he?" At this time, Zhang Xinyu's eyes suddenly looked towards fan Tao, with a color of doubt in her heart.

"I met a friend at this gambling stone meeting!" Ye Wuqian introduced some, it seems to be extremely casual.

In the face of the word without lack of leaves, Zhang Xinyu just nodded.

"I saw a stone in front of me just now! There should be something in it! Why don't you go and identify it for me! " Zhang Xinyu said to the leaves.

"Good! I'm afraid the stone you like is not ordinary stone Ye Wuwei said with a smile.

"You will laugh! Although I love gambling stone, but my eyesight is not so high! Otherwise, how can you help me identify it? " Zhang Xinyu said without good breath.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuque is to send out a chuckle, which and Zhang Xinyu toward the front.

After coming to a region, Zhang Xinyu pointed to a stone and looked at Ye Wuqian. It was obvious that this stone was his favorite.

"Well, is there anything in this stone? I always feel that this stone is very unusual! " Zhang Xinyu said in a hurry. It seemed that she was serious.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuque also looks at the stone. After a while, ye Wuque shakes his head.

"If I guess correctly! There seems to be nothing in this stone! Xiaoyu, you've lost sight this time! " Ye Wuqian said bluntly.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, Zhang Xinyu also has a color of loss in her heart. Originally, Zhang Xinyu thought that she would be lucky today, but she didn't expect that this stone was just an ordinary stone.

"Sister Yu, it seems that your eyesight is not so good." Yang Xiaodie sends out a chuckle, this just says to Zhang Xinyu.

In the face of Yang Xiaodie's words, Zhang Xinyu is a little helpless. She has some anger in her heart. Obviously, she didn't expect that she would look away.

Just as they were about to go to other places to watch, several figures came towards them.

"Boy, my master let you go! He will meet you

Guo Xiao's voice rang out and looked at Ye Wuqian. When Guo Xiao lost, he would not easily let Ye Wuqian go. Just now he went to explain everything to his master, so master Huang wanted to see ye Wuqian's methods.

"Your master asked me to pass? Do I have to go there! Then I am not too shameless Ye Wuqi sends out a chuckle, which is quite meaningful to say.

With ye Wuque's words, Guo Xiao's face is also a little difficult, and then he said in a cold voice.

"Don't be shameless! My senior brother is master Huang! In the whole Huangdao, no one dares to offend my master! Especially in this kind of world! You better think about it Guo Xiao said coldly.

In the face of Guo Xiao's words, ye Wuque doesn't think so.

"If master Huang really wants to see me, let him come in person! If not, don't expect me to see him After ye Wuqian finished speaking, he looked at other stones casually and seemed indifferent as usual.

At this moment, Guo Xiao's expression is also gloomy to the extreme. He never thought that ye Wuque would be so ungrateful. He didn't put him in his eyes. Even his master didn't seem to play any role in front of Ye Wuque.

"You are brave enough Guo Xiao said in a cold voice, and then turned to leave. He seemed very angry. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Wuqi to be so ungrateful.

At this time, in the whole gambling stone meeting, many people's eyes were also looking at Ye Wuqian. They didn't expect ye Wuque to be so arrogant that even master Huang didn't pay attention to it. This surprised them a little.

"Ye Wuxiang, who is master Huang! It seems like a lot of people Zhang Xinyu eyebrows a wrinkle, this just hastily toward the leaf does not lack inquiry to ask, in the heart has the color of curiosity.

"It's just that the gambling stone is famous. It's not a character!" Leaves without lack of light said a sentence.

In the face of what ye Wuque said, fan Tao's face was embarrassed. You know, master Huang's reputation is very loud in the whole Huangdao. Few people dare to offend master Huang easily. Unexpectedly, ye Wuque would say so.

"Little brother, I'm afraid master Huang is not as simple as you think! If you can not offend, it's better not to offend! " Fan Tao said to Ye Wuqian in a hurry. He seemed to care about ye Wuque. Although he and ye Wuque met by chance, they were also confidants.Master Huang is not only accomplished in the gambling market, but also very influential in the society. If ye Wuqian offends master Huang, I'm afraid there will be no good fruit to eat in the future.

"Don't worry! I do things with discretion! If master Huang wants to trouble me! I will make him regret it The leaf does not lack faint return a sentence, but this language is full of strength.

With Ye Wuqian's words, fan Tao didn't say much, but he was worried. Although he and ye Wuque met by chance, he was also a confidant. Naturally, he didn't want Ye Wuqian to have any danger or lose anything.

Before long, several figures appeared in front of Ye Wuqian. The leader was master Huang.

"Master, that's him!" After seeing ye Wuwu, Guo Xiao said in a hurry that he seemed to be a bit domineering.

At this time, ye Wuqian also looked at the old man, because the old man was master Huang, wearing a pair of sunglasses, and looked majestic.

"You and my apprentice just now? And won him? " Master Huang's voice rang out and his eyes looked toward Ye Wuwei.

"Yes, it's me!" Ye Wuque did not hide, nor the slightest taboo, said frankly, it seems to be very indifferent.

"You are kind-hearted! Did not expect to see me so indifferent, is not too put me in the eye Master Huang's voice rang out, and he said to Ye Wuwei in a meaningful way.

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