As Guo Xiao said this, master Huang's face became more and more ugly.

When ye Wuqian is about to leave, master Huang's voice rings at this time.

"Since my little brother has to bet on my arm! Then I won't go out today! Please give me your advice Master Huang's voice rang out and his eyes looked toward Ye Wuwei.

"Tut I'll tell you! As master Huang of Huangdao, how can he be afraid of me as a boy? " Ye wuflawless's figure also stopped in an instant. His eyes looked at master Huang and made a light laugh.

At this time, many of the people who watched the excitement were also in a hurry.

"There seems to be a good play to see! This is a big bet! It's an arm! If master Huang loses, then master Huang will become disabled! "

In the whole gambling stone meeting, the voice of conversation, people's hearts also become extremely expectant.

"How are you going to gamble?" Master Huang looked at Ye Wuwei in his eyes, and his expression became somewhat solemn.

"Well! The two of us choose a stone directly above the gambling stone convention! Whose stone is more valuable will win! The premise is that whoever loses! That's an arm Ye Wuwu speaks frankly.

"Well, since the little brother has to play, Huang will accompany him to the end!" Master Huang said coldly.

Because master Huang knows that ye Wuqian is deliberately picking fault. If he does not compete with Ye Wuqian today, master Huang's name will disappear in the whole Huangdao, and his whole life's efforts will be wasted.

"There is no lack of leaves. Do you really want to compare them?" Zhang Xinyu said that, in the heart some worries.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu, ye Wuque is smiling.

"Don't worry! I'm sure to win! " The leaves are not missing, but become very simple.

You know, ye Wuqian can sense the breath in the stone, that is to say, if there is any treasure in the stone, he can see it at a glance, and he doesn't need to worry about anything at all.

"Little brother, you must be careful in choosing stones! Master Huang's timing technique is very powerful! I don't know how many losers are in the hands of master Huang! " Fan Tao said in a hurry.

Although fan Tao knows that he can't stop ye Wumian, he must remind him that this is also the concern of a friend.

"Thank you for your concern! I will not let you down! " Ye Wumian said with a smile, this will look at the people around him disappointed, eyes in an instant, all the original stones have looked at a time.

At this time, master Huang also kept looking at the stones, and his expression became extremely dignified.

Although he knows these stones like the palm of his hand, what is the disposition of these stones? Naturally, he was also clear. However, there was something in the stone, and he also missed it, so he became very nervous.

After looking at the stones for a moment, ye Wuqian found that there was a huge stone placed among the stones, which seemed to be quite big. Moreover, there was no bigger stone than this stone in the whole gambling stone meeting.

However, this stone is already a waste stone that can be pasted. Many people present know that the bigger the stone is, the less likely something will appear. Moreover, this stone looks very ordinary. Therefore, even the staff of the stone gambling conference think that this stone can not produce anything.

"I will choose this stone! I'd like to ask your staff to help me move there! "

Ye Wuqi said, and looked at the staff here. At this moment, the staff on the scene also looked at the stone, and was slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, ye Wuque would choose such a big stone.

"Is this boy crazy! This stone! Isn't this stone waste? " The voice of conversation sounded, many people will look at this side and watch, obviously did not expect, ye Wuque should be so careless.

"Little brother, this stone is so big, and it looks no different from ordinary stone! I'm afraid there is something wrong with your choice of this stone! " Fan Tao hastened to stop, you know, this is an arm of the bet, if you lose, it can be miserable.

"Nothing! Take this one! " However, ye Wuque became extremely simple, because ye Wuque had already sensed an unusual smell from the stone, that is to say, there must be something hidden in the huge stone, and there are still many hidden things.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, fan Tao's heart is also quite helpless. After all, he and ye Wuque are just duckweed water intersection. Since ye Wuqian doesn't want him to stop him too much, he naturally has nothing to say, but in his heart it's a pity.

"There is no lack of leaves. Is there anything in this stone?" Zhang Xinyu frown, this just will look toward ye Wuwu to look, the expression becomes some dignified.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuque said with a smile.

"Don't worry! The stones I've seen will never be wrong! I'm afraid the contents of this stone are not bad! " Ye Wuque said with a smile, because ye Wuque sensed a huge breath on the stone. There was no breath bigger than this stone on the gambling stone meeting.After getting the affirmation of Ye Wuqian, Zhang Xinyu became a little relieved. After all, this bet is not money. If it is money, if you lose, you lose. After all, money is just a number for them, but if you don't have your arm, you will become disabled.

"This boy is really ignorant! I thought he was going to pick out some tough stones! I didn't expect to turn up a piece of waste rock! Did he really think that the bigger the stone, the bigger the contents? How ridiculous Guo Xiao's voice sounded at this time, and seemed to be a little proud.

At this time, master Huang also had a breath in his heart. He had been worried that ye Wuqian had chosen a powerful stone. Unexpectedly, what ye Wuqian chose was a piece of waste rock, which gave him a lot of confidence.

"It seems that the boy is just acting! At the beginning, I was really fooled by him Master Huang said in a cold voice, and then he kept looking at the stones around him.

Not long after that, master Huang took out a stone from the pile of stones. The stone was very small in size and looked extremely exquisite. Most importantly, master Huang SAW spiral patterns on this stone. The sign of the spiral pattern was imperial jade.

"Spiral pattern, imperial jade! There must be imperial jade in this stone

Master Huang let out a cry of surprise. You know, Emperor jade is very rare. Even if you cut all the stones in the whole gambling ground, you may not have imperial jade.

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